Italien: Upgrade für Kampfpanzer "Ariete" und Beschaffung des "Leopard" 2A8

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
Beiträge: 20791
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Italien: Upgrade für Kampfpanzer "Ariete" und Beschaffung des "Leopard" 2A8

Beitrag von theoderich »

Schema di decreto ministeriale di approvazione del programma pluriennale di A/R n. SMD 13/2023, denominato "Rinnovamento della componente corazzata (Main Battle Tank Leopard 2 e piattaforme derivate) dello Strumento militare terrestre" ... /48388.htm
Beiträge: 20791
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Italien: Upgrade für Kampfpanzer "Ariete" und Beschaffung des "Leopard" 2A8

Beitrag von theoderich »

Italian parliament OKs frigate, Leopard tank deals
Italy’s parliament has approved the planned acquisition of two new FREMM frigates with updated electronics and 132 combat-version Leopard tanks as well as 140 other tank versions.

The new buys, approved Feb. 21 by the parliament’s defense commission, are part of a uptick in Italian military spending partly spurred by the Ukraine conflict.
The 14-year program will start with a two-year development effort to achieve what has been called an ‘Italianized’ Leopard, bringing in local firms to add systems to the German tank.

Lorenzo Mariani, the co-director general of Italian defense firm Leonardo, told Defense News this month Italy will add its own, domestically-manufactured components, including a Leonardo-supplied electro-optical sensor, software-defined radio, command-and-control system and possibly a gun barrel.

Between 2027 and 2037, assembly in Italy will occur with 132 main battle tanks produced to equip two tank regiments and 140 versions for other roles, including engineering. ... ank-deals/
Beiträge: 646
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 19:40

Re: Italien: Upgrade für Kampfpanzer "Ariete" und Beschaffung des "Leopard" 2A8

Beitrag von Berni88 »

Scheinbar will Italien alle seine auf Leo 1 basierenden Unterstützungsfahrzeuge ersetzen.
Hoffe wir beschaffen da auch mal was! ... bestellen/