EU: EDIRPA und gemeinsame Beschaffungsprojekte ("Collaborative Procurement")

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
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EU: EDIRPA und gemeinsame Beschaffungsprojekte ("Collaborative Procurement")

Beitrag von theoderich »

EU countries sign up to EDA’s joint procurement for CBRN and soldier equipment ... -equipment

Welche Staaten an diesen zwei Projekten teilnehmen, ist unklar. Definitiv an beiden Vorhaben beteiligt ist Irland:
  • Dáil Éireann debate -
    Thursday, 6 Jul 2023

    Vol. 1041 No. 5

    I move:

    That Dáil Éireann approves Ireland's participation in four European Defence Agency Projects:

    i) Category B Collaborative Procurement of Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Equipment,

    ii) Category B Collaborative Procurement of Soldier Equipment,

    iii) Category B Collaborative Procurement of Ammunition, and

    iv) Category A Military Computer Emergency Response Team Operational Network (MICNET), pursuant to section 2 of the Defence (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009. ... -07-06/39/

EU defence: deal on joint procurement of defence products (28. 6. 2023)
On Tuesday evening, Parliament and Council reached a deal on new rules to incentivise EU countries to jointly procure defence products and support the EU’s defence industry.

The new regulation, informally agreed by the two EU legislators, will establish a short-term instrument to boost the European defence industry through common procurement (EDIRPA), until 31 December 2025. The tool should help member states fill their most urgent and critical defence needs, especially exacerbated by their transfers of defence products to Ukraine, in a voluntary and collaborative way.

It should also help to foster the competitiveness and efficiency of the European Defence Technological and industrial base (EDTIB), including SMEs and mid-capitalisation companies, by ramping up manufacturing and opening supply chains to cross-border cooperation. At least three member states are needed to activate common procurement, which will cover defence products as defined in Article 2 of Directive 2009/81/EC. ... e-products

March 29, 2023
INFO DAY: European Defence Agency - Research, Technology & Innovation @NCSR Demokritos Campus ... emokritos/
EDA brings together 25 countries for Common Procurement of Ammunition (20. März 2023)
25 states have signed the European Defence Agency (EDA) project arrangement for the collaborative procurement of ammunition. The project opens the way for EU Member States and Norway to proceed along two paths: a two-year, fast-track procedure for 155mm artillery rounds and a seven-year project to acquire multiple ammunition types. Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, Spain, France, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and Norway have signed. More Member States have already expressed their intent to join the initiative soon following national procedures.
The ‘Collaborative Procurement of Ammunition’ project provides a seven-year framework for Member States to commonly procure multiple types and calibres of ammunition (5.56 mm to 155 mm) to replenish national stocks. ... ammunition

Joint procurement: EU Task Force presents conclusions of first phase (14. Oktober 2022)
Today, the Defence Joint Procurement Task Force presented its work and interim achievements, and the way forward at a meeting with EU Member States.

Based on the response from Member States, the Task Force presented areas of common interest for possible joint procurement in different equipment categories (i.e., 1. Medical equipment and supply, 2. CBRN individual protection equipment, 3. Anti-tank systems & missiles, 4. Soldier equipment and radios, 5. Ammunition, explosives, mortars and MLRS, 6. Missiles, air defence, MANPADS, bombs, and 7. Small arms).

The Task Force will now engage with the European industry. The Task Force outlined the approach to map and assess the potential supply capacity of the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base to address Member States’ needs. This will allow identifying mismatches between demand and supply, and areas where a ramp-up in production may be required. ... irst-phase