EU startet "European Defence Industrial Development Programme"

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: EU startet "European Defence Industrial Development Programme"

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EU-Parlament billigt milliardenschweren Verteidigungsfonds
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: EU startet "European Defence Industrial Development Programme"

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Aber PESCO und EDF mit Sanktionen drohen ...
  • Inside America’s multimillion-dollar plan to get allies off Russian equipment
    To address the issue, the U.S. State Department has, in the last year, quietly launched a new program known as the European Recapitalization Incentive Program (ERIP), a new tool developed with U.S. European Command to try and speed the process of getting allied nations off Russian gear. As envisioned, it targets Albania, Bosnia, Croatia, Greece, North Macedonia and Slovakia.

    While still in its early stages, officials at State are feeling confident enough about the potential in ERIP that they expect to make a decision on expanding the program within the next few weeks, potentially opening up a new dollar stream for allied nations — one which could result in those nations buying high-end American defense goods. ... equipment/
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Fr 31. Mai 2019, 15:36, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: EU startet "European Defence Industrial Development Programme"

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European defense industry could come to regret new US weapons fund
“From a European manufacturer perspective, you look at this and think how much of this is altruistic and how much of this is about trying to ensure U.S. market access and lock some countries into an American approach?” questioned Douglas Barrie of the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies.

“This is a big deal, if they are successful in making this program go,” said Jim Townsend, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Europe now with the Center for New American Security. “If you’re a European defense company, you’re going, ‘I hope the Americans don’t make this financial assistance into a big program,’ because it’s going to undercut them.”

And, “if you’re an American arms dealer you want to get in on that. That’s manna from heaven for them.”
Fundamentally, both analysts agreed that if these countries with limited defense budgets get American subsidies to start buying U.S. gear, they are likely to stay with that equipment in the long term, including the lucrative maintenance tails. That means bad news for European manufacturers, and may lead to some sort of response.

“If I was an industry in Europe” and saw this program growing, Barries mused, “then I would be tempted to be whispering in my government’s ear to do something similar.”

And the program could expand, making it more of a challenger for European firms. Sometime in late June or early July, the U.S. State Department is expected to make a decision on whether to launch a second ERIP round, based on reprogrammed fiscal 2019 dollars.

If approved, officials will start identifying new projects at the end of the fiscal year, which could include new countries, such as Poland, Hungry or the Baltic nations, where European firms have been hoping to compete. ... pons-fund/

Im Grunde ist es genau das, was die US-Regierung so gerne an anderen Staaten kritisiert: Massive staatliche Subvention der eigenen Industrie, um Wettbewerbsverzerrungen hervorzurufen.
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: EU startet "European Defence Industrial Development Programme"

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Europe Vows to Spend More on Defense, but U.S. Still Isn’t Happy
European diplomats say the issue recently boiled over at a private meeting in Washington. A senior American diplomat, Michael J. Murphy, a top official at the Bureau of Europe and Eurasian Affairs, lectured European Union ambassadors about the United States’ unhappiness with proposed restrictions on third-country participation in European Union defense projects.

Mr. Murphy warned that the European initiatives “could undermine trans-Atlantic security by duplicating NATO efforts and diverting valuable resources” and “make all of us less safe, Americans included.”

Some countries, he said in remarks obtained by The Times, “are pursuing an industrial policy under the veneer of a security policy,” with a priority on supporting national defense industries and trying to cut out participation and competition by nonbloc countries like Canada, Norway, the United States — and importantly, after Brexit, Britain.

European ambassadors who were there, members of the Political and Security Committee of the European Union, which deals with the bloc’s foreign and defense policy, said that the atmosphere was tense and that Mr. Murphy’s remarks did not leave time for discussion afterward. The envoys requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about closed-doors meetings.

“It was quite a tough presentation, which took some of the colleagues by surprise,” said one European ambassador who was there. “The substance was not especially new to us, but we were surprised by the tone and toughness.”

There was a similar but less aggressive meeting at the Pentagon, the diplomats said, and there was more time there for conversation and discussion. ... -nato.html
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: EU startet "European Defence Industrial Development Programme"

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US officials threaten retribution for European Union’s restrictions on defense fund
The top Pentagon official attending the Paris Air Show this week made clear she would use the venue to make a declarative statement about a subset of European arms funding: Either give the United States the ability to compete for work, or risk retaliation.

The U.S. Defense Department is concerned about restrictions that would limit its ability to participate in the Permanent Structured Cooperation initiative, otherwise known as PESCO — a group of projects spearheaded by the European Union, as well a €13 billion (U.S. $15 billion) pool of money for military programs known as the European Defence Fund.

“As we read the language right now, even European-based subsidiaries of U.S. corporations, with European facilities and European employees, would not be allowed to participate with intellectual property exchange and a number of other issues of programs that grow out of EDF and more importantly PESCO,” Ellen Lord, the Pentagon’s undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment, said Monday during a roundtable with reporters at the air show.

“Working together is of critical importance. Right now European companies enjoy an enormous amount of business in the U.S. and we want to make sure that U.S. companies have the same opportunity,” she said. “The interagency right now is discussing where this might go, and a whole range of actions are being discussed.”

Those options could include the possibility of shutting European companies out of future U.S. weapons competitions, Lord said, but she added that the United States is in no rush to make a decision and still sees ample time to negotiate with the EU. ... ense-fund/

European Recapitalization Incentive Program (ERIP) ... gram-erip/

The poison pill: EU defence on US terms? ... e-us-terms
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Sa 21. Dez 2019, 18:48, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: EU startet "European Defence Industrial Development Programme"

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US funds North Macedonian replacement of Soviet-era armour
The Army of the Republic of North Macedonia (ARNM) will retire most of its Soviet-era armoured vehicles under the US European Recapitalization Incentive Program (ERIP), the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in Skopje told Jane's on 21 August. The vehicles to be retired are BTR-70/80 wheeled armoured personnel carriers, BMP-2 tracked infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), and MT-LB tracked carriers. ... era-armour


Skopje, May, 2019
The mobility and capability to deploy AF capacities will be greatly enhanced by planned and continuous implementation of the Modernization and Equipping Plan of the AF, with the priority of procurement of modern interoperable LPMVs (light protected mobility vehicles), non-combat motor vehicles, special equipment and vehicles for special forces and military police, modular communication and information systems, combat assets (infantry fighting vehicles equipped with anti-armour systems, artillery weapons etc.) air transport capacities (medium utility transport helicopters), and integrated AD system. ... erzija.pdf
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Sa 21. Dez 2019, 19:02, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: EU startet "European Defence Industrial Development Programme"

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Aus Österreich ist nur die Universität Wien beteiligt.
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: EU startet "European Defence Industrial Development Programme"

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European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) ... mmes/edidp
Etwas übersichtlicher hier: ... sals_open/

Apr 4, 2019
Multipurpose unmanned ground system
ID: EDIDP-MUGS-2019 ... -mugs-2019
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: EU startet "European Defence Industrial Development Programme"

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Deep cut to European Defence Fund would undermine EU’s ambitions, sources say
“You cannot say we need European defence if there is no money,” Kris Peeters, Belgian member of the European Parliament (MEP) told a European defence industry conference on 10 December in Brussels. “If you are going to cut the budget so much, then you should stop this whole discussion about defence and strategic autonomy.” ... ources-say

EU capitals missing targets on collaborative defense spending
EU countries are failing to meet their own targets for coordinated military spending on everything from procurement to research, the European Defence Agency said in a report out Monday.

Jorge Domecq, the EDA’s chief executive, said there had been a “worrying fall” in joint equipment procurement and research spending, while noting that collaborative research and technology project investment between EU countries was “significantly below 2008 levels.”

That's despite overall defense spending returning to near pre-financial crisis levels in 2018, although some big countries such as Germany remain under pressure for not meeting NATO's target of 2 percent of GDP.

The EDA said total aggregated spending for 27 EU countries — minus Denmark which opts out of the EU agency — stood at €223 billion in 2018, some 3 percent up on the previous year and the fifth consecutive overall annual increase.

But capitals fell short of their own self-imposed 2007 targets for so-called spending calibration benchmarks. For example, while countries had agreed to invest 35 percent of their total equipment procurement in cooperation with other EU countries, in reality the figure was 17.8 percent in 2018 — way beneath the 2011 peak of 24 percent.

Meanwhile, the €153 million member countries spent on research and technology projects in 2018 is just a third of the total spent in 2008, according to the figures which are compiled from national defense ministry submissions.

The European Commission is setting up a European Defence Fund, meant to foster collaboration between EU countries in defense research and development. The size of the fund will depend on broader negotiations over the bloc's next long-term budget, the Multiannual Financial Framework. ... -spending/
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: EU startet "European Defence Industrial Development Programme"

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Special US fund to replace Russian equipment in Europe is shifting its strategy
ERIP funds, reprogrammed from unused dollars such as regional Foreign Military Financing, come in one-time bursts to help a country buy American-made alternatives to Russian kit. To get the money, the European nation must pledge to not buy Russian equipment in the future, while also at least matching the dollar value of the ERIP grant with domestic funding.

The initial funding round consisted of six countries, totaling $190 million in reprogrammed fiscal 2017 dollars. As of last May, the State Department was considering a second round of ERIP grants and was at least in early discussions with Latvia about the funding.

But in the time since, the department decided there won’t be a second round, but rather ERIP will become a tool best used on a rolling basis. (Discussions with Latvia turned to different pots of money other than ERIP, according to a source.)

“There was a lot of discussions about a second round, but the way it’s kind of evolving is, rather than look at it as rounds is, look at it as opportunities,” a senior State Department official told Defense News on condition of anonymity. “It’s a tool that we can use when opportunities arise for us to work with a partner to make a difference.”

All told, the department has given out roughly $277 million in ERIP grants in the last two years — but, the official said, those relatively small dollars helped lock in roughly $2.5 billion in U.S. weapons sales. That’s a win in “pure economic terms,” the official said, even before getting into the hard-to-quantify policy and political benefits.
Going forward, there may be tie-in money from EUCOM, which could kick in $1-3 million in small grants to nations that received ERIP dollars in order to help nations with maintenance costs on the newly bought American equipment. That money would likely come from DoD’s Section 333 authority.
Bulgaria presents a notable example for how the thinking on ERIP is evolving. The country spent several years debating what fighter jet to purchase, with the finalists coming down to new F-16s from Lockheed Martin, secondhand F-16s from Portugal, Eurofighter Typhoons from Italy and Saab Gripens from Sweden.

As ERIP was envisioned, it would be used only for rotorcraft or ground vehicles. But with the government in Sofia teetering on the edge of rejecting the Lockheed deal, the U.S. State Department stepped in and used $56 million in ERIP dollars to push the F-16s over the edge and finalize a deal that could exceed $1.6 billion in costs.

“For countries where it’s a politically contentious issue, whether for economic or political reasons” the fund can help make a deal happen, the official said. “We were able to close that gap with an ERIP grant that enabled them to make the purchase and acquire the capability.”

The second nation to get a targeted ERIP grant has been Lithuania, which in October announced plans to buy six UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters to replace its Soviet-made Mi-8 fleet. The State Department kicked in $30 million of ERIP funding to help complete that deal.

In fact, no one piece of equipment has benefited from ERIP as much as the UH-60, of which three of the eight ERIP grants has helped procure. The eight projects to date are:
  • Albania: $30 million for UH-60 procurement. The UH-60 is produced by Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin subsidiary.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: $30.7 million for the Bell Huey II.
  • Croatia: $25 million for Bradley fighting vehicles, manufactured by BAE Systems. Croatia is also working to stand up local maintenance for the equipment.
  • North Macedonia: $30 million for Stryker vehicles, produced by General Dynamics.
  • Slovakia: $50 million for UH-60 procurement.
  • Greece: $25 million earmarked, but the government is still debating what to buy. Likely to either be Bradley vehicles or the M1117 Armored Security Vehicle from Textron. Greece stands out because, as a higher-income nation, they are technically ineligible for Foreign Military Financing dollars, but a political decision was made to support them with ERIP anyway, the official said.
  • Lithuania: $30 million for UH-60 procurement.
  • Bulgaria: $56 million for eight Lockheed-produced F-16s.
All of those deals except Greece and Lithuania are under contract, with a letter of request from Lithuania expected in the next few weeks. ... -strategy/