Krieg in der Ukraine

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
Beiträge: 20815
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von theoderich »

First T-72AMTs delivered to Ukrainian Armed Forces
The Ukrainian Armed Forces has received the first 15 upgraded T-72AMT main battle tanks (MBTs), the Ukrainian Logistics Command announced on its Facebook page on 24 January.

The command said 10 additional T-72AMTs will be delivered by the end of January, with an additional six to follow in February, sufficient to equip a tank battalion.

The T-72AMT is based on a standard T-72, refurbished and upgraded by the Kyiv Armoured Plant, after which they are transferred by rail to the relevant military unit, the command added.

This is a continuation of the upgrade of T-64s and T-80s that began in 2017 by installing thermal sights and secure communications and returning them as part of the routine maintenance cycle. ... med-forces


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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von theoderich »

Ukraine: Antischiffsrakete getestet

Die ukrainische Antischiffsrakete R-360 „Neptun“ wird aktuell in der Oblast Odessa getestet.

Der Fokus der Testung liegt auf dem Sprengkopf. Dieses soll in der Lage sein, verschiedene Schiffsarten in einfachen und komplexen Wetterlagen zu allen Tages- und Nachtzeiten durch aktives Feuer oder elektronische Kampfführung außer Gefecht zu setzen. Die Rakete wurde der Öffentlichkeit erstmals im Jahr 2015 präsentiert, erste Tests der wurden 2016 abgehalten. Die Rakete soll eine Länge von fünf Metern aufweisen und basiert auf dem Design der sowjetischen Antischiffsrakete Kh-35. Die neue ukrainische Version soll jedoch deutliche Verbesserungen hinsichtlich der Reichweite (bis zu 300 km) und Elektronik aufweisen.

red ... ssage-1336


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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von theoderich »

theoderich hat geschrieben: Mo 27. Jan 2020, 19:20First T-72AMTs delivered to Ukrainian Armed Forces

Beiträge: 20815
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von theoderich »

Congratulations to the Ukrainian Navy sailors who just completed their training with the U.S. Coast Guard on manning (and operating) Island-class patrol boats that are part of U.S. security assistance to Ukraine. ... S0KDOR-GwR
Beiträge: 20815
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von theoderich »

Ukraine droht NATO mit atomarer Aufrüstung
Beiträge: 20815
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von theoderich »

Brüssel erwägt eigene militärische Ausbildungsmission
Die Europäische Union erwägt eine eigenständige militärische Ausbildungsmission, die den Namen „EU Military Advisory and Training Mission Ukraine“ (EUATM) tragen soll. „Eine militärische Mission würde die Sichtbarkeit und das Engagement gegenüber den Ländern der Partnerschaft unterstreichen“, heißt es in einem internen Arbeitspapier des Europäischen Auswärtigen Dienstes (EAD), das der „Welt am Sonntag“ vorliegt.

Der EAD stellt in dem Dokument eine Ausbildungsmission für ukrainische Offiziere in Aussicht. „Ein solcher Einsatz würde ein Ausdruck der Solidarität mit der Ukraine sein angesichts der fortlaufenden militärischen Aktivitäten der Russischen Föderation an den Grenzen zur Ukraine und in der illegal annektierten Krim“, heißt es in dem von der Zeitung zitiertem Arbeitspapier.

Demnach erwähnt die Behörde unter Führung von EU-Chefdiplomat Josep Borrell noch drei weitere Möglichkeiten, wie die EU dazu beitragen könnte, die militärischen Fähigkeiten der ukrainischen Armee zu verbessern. Dazu gehöre auch, die bereits seit 2014 bestehende Beratermission zur Reform des zivilen Sicherheitssektors (EUAT Ukraine) zu erweitern.

Die zuständigen EU-Botschafter hätten erst kürzlich im „Politischen und Sicherheitspolitischen Komitee“ (PSK) erstmals über das EAD-Dokument beraten, berichtet die Zeitung. Insbesondere die drei baltischen EU-Länder sowie Polen, Rumänien und die Slowakei drängten auf eine eigenständige militärische Ausbildungsmission. Sie würden dabei von Schweden und Finnland unterstützt.

EU erwägt militärische Mission in der Ukraine ... raine.html

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Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Fr 28. Jan 2022, 23:19, insgesamt 5-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20815
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von theoderich »

A week before the Thanksgiving holiday last month, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov came to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin’s third-floor Pentagon office with an unusually large request: He needed weapons systems, including many that the United States had never before provided to Ukraine, and he needed them fast.

Ukraine was, and still is, asking the Biden administration for a wide range of capabilities that officials hope could change Russia’s calculus about launching another invasion of the country. The list, which was first detailed by Reznikov to Austin in mid-November and has not been previously reported in detail, includes support for air and naval defense and electronic warfare—a potential shield against devastating bombings and electromagnetic attacks that would likely accompany any forward march across Ukraine by Russian mechanized forces.

Kyiv is also seeking some of the U.S. military equipment earmarked for Afghanistan before the fall of Kabul, including U.S.-owned Soviet-era Mi-17 helicopters undergoing maintenance in Ukraine and munitions that were initially intended to be sent to the Afghan army, according to a Ukrainian defense official speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive bilateral talks.

There’s more reason for alarm this time around. According to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Russia has stacked approximately 115,000 troops at Ukraine’s borders, in the occupied Crimean peninsula, and in two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine where Moscow-backed separatists have waged war since 2014. U.S. intelligence has warned that Russia could be planning a multifront offensive into Ukraine in early 2022 with up to 175,000 troops, as the Washington Post reported on Friday.
While Putin’s intentions remain unclear, Washington is mulling Kyiv’s request for greater military support and a bevy of other policy options including punitive economic sanctions. U.S. State Department and Treasury officials were dispatched in recent weeks to European capitals to lay the groundwork for coordinated sanctions, according to American officials familiar with the matter. Meanwhile, U.S. defense officials have been dispatched to Kyiv in the wake of Reznikov’s visit to assess the country’s air defense needs, the Ukrainian defense official said.

The Pentagon declined to provide details on Ukraine’s request for more military assistance or U.S. deliberations. “We continue to work closely with Ukraine to evaluate the specific capability requirements of Ukraine’s forces,” Lt. Col. Anton Semelroth, a Pentagon spokesman, told Foreign Policy in a statement. Neither the State Department nor the National Security Council provided comment for this article.

This story is based on interviews with nearly two dozen U.S., Ukrainian, and European officials, as well as congressional aides and regional experts.
On Capitol Hill, meanwhile, Ukraine has become the focal point of pitched political battles over President Joe Biden’s policy on a controversial Russian gas pipeline project and his response so far to the Russian military buildup. Top Republicans on the House and Senate armed services committees sent a private letter to Biden obtained by Foreign Policy voicing concern. “Respectfully, we do not have the confidence that enough is being done and that the White House would rather make concessions to Putin than support U.S. partners and allies,” they wrote.
Behind the scenes, U.S. officials began sharing intelligence with European allies, warning that a renewed Russian invasion of Ukraine could be imminent. American and British officials have, unusually, shared intelligence about the threat with European partners outside the Five Eyes intelligence network, whose only European member is the United Kingdom.
The White House announced on Saturday that Biden and Putin will hold a video call on Tuesday. Biden will make clear a range of U.S. responses to a Russian invasion, a senior administration official said on Monday, speaking on condition of anonymity. Biden is set to speak with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the coming days to give him a readout of the Putin call, the official said.
n recent weeks, a team of diplomats and sanctions experts, including the State Department’s Molly Montgomery and Erik Woodhouse, went to Europe to lay the groundwork for punishing new joint U.S. and European sanctions on Moscow if the Kremlin doesn’t back down, current and former officials told Foreign Policy. The most extreme contingency U.S. officials are discussing include cutting off Russia from SWIFT, the financial messaging system that is the backbone of global finance. Officials described this so-called economic nuclear option as a last resort.
Privately, the Biden administration is looking at a number of steps to beef up Ukraine’s military against a Russian assault, most of which would fall short of Reznikov’s wish list. The State and Defense departments are negotiating with Congress to provide Ukraine with more anti-tank weapons, such as Javelin missiles, under an emergency legal authority that’s capped at $100 million annually. The United States is also considering boosting its presence of 44 active-duty troops in the country, though additional forces would only serve in noncombat roles advising and assisting Ukrainian troops. Ukraine has also requested that the United States send National Guardsmen—who have restricted their training of Ukrainian troops to districts in the far west of Ukraine—to other parts of the country.

Yet the Biden administration is under pressure from Republicans on Capitol Hill to do more—and quickly—to make Ukraine a pricklier target by providing high-tech defensive weaponry that could make Russia think twice. A Senate Republican aide said that in addition to anti-tank systems, some in Congress are encouraging the administration to provide Ukraine with counterbattery, counterartillery, and countermortar radars, as well as ammunition for small arms, grenade launchers, Javelins, and mortars. ​​Officials have worried that the Ukrainians, who have kept most of their existing Javelin stockpiles in storage, would not be able to quickly train on new equipment that’s not already in their arsenal.

Eine weitere Tranche folgte am 10. Oktober: ... %2CO%2CP-R

In der Nacht vom 17. auf den 18. Oktober hat das US-Verteidigungsministerium eine zweite Tranche Militärhilfe an die Ukraine geliefert:





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Eine weitere US-Lieferung von Panzerabwehrlenkwaffen "Javelin", Munition in NATO-Kalibern und Sanitätsausrüstung ist am 22. Oktober am Boryspil International Airport eingetroffen:




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Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Sa 29. Jan 2022, 00:22, insgesamt 14-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20815
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von theoderich »

Pentagon Team Has Returned From Assessing Ukraine's Air Defense Needs ... ense-needs
Beiträge: 20815
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von theoderich »

UK supplying Ukraine with anti-tank weapons, MPs told
Britain has begun supplying Ukraine with new light anti-tank weapons in response to “the increasingly threatening behaviour from Russia”, the defence secretary, Ben Wallace, has announced.

The ratcheting up of military support comes as the Kremlin continues to increase its troop deployment by moving forces into Belarus, which borders Ukraine to the north, and is considered the most likely route for any invasion.

“We have taken the decision to supply Ukraine with light anti-armour defensive weapons systems,” Wallace told the Commons on Monday, adding that “a small number” of British troops would provide training to help Kyiv’s forces in using them.

The defence secretary insisted the arms sales were intended to be defensive, although the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has recently complained about other Nato members selling modern weapons to Ukraine.
“Let me be clear: this support is for short-range and clearly defensive weapon capabilities; they are not strategic weapons and pose no threat to Russia; they are to use in self-defence,” Wallace added.

UK defence sources would not immediately spell out what weapons had been supplied and how many.

However, experts said the arms supplied were likely to be handheld next-generation light anti-tank weapons, with a range of a few hundred metres, intended to help combat Russia’s tank-heavy army.
Labour said it supported the announcement, on which it had been briefed in advance. John Healey, the shadow defence secretary, described them as “anti-tank weapons” and said the UK must ensure they “won’t be used, unless Russia invades”.

Wallace also said he would invite his Russian counterpart, Sergei Shoigu, for bilateral talks in London, although it was far from clear whether the meeting would take place. “We are ready to discuss issues related to mutual security concerns and engage constructively, in good faith,” the British minister said.

The latest arms sale represents a step up from existing British military commitments. Until recently the UK has focused on selling ships and naval equipment to Ukraine, announcing a £1.7bn deal to supply two mine sweepers and jointly build eight ships for its small Black Sea fleet last year.
Tobias Ellwood, Conservative chairman of the defence committee, asked what further support Nato would provide if Putin gave the green light to an invasion. Wallace said he hoped the arms sales announced on Monday would send a message to the Kremlin.

“I hope – because I think President Putin has still not made a final decision – but I hope that that is enough to ward the Kremlin off, a united front on sanctions, which is what we are developing, prepared and ready if something were to happen, a strong resilience in Ukraine should at the very least give people a pause for thought. The first systems were delivered today in country,” he said. ... s-mps-told ... %2CO%2CP-R



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Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Fr 28. Jan 2022, 22:28, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20815
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von theoderich »

‘It is to increase defence capabilities, with defence purpose entirely,’ Anatolii Petrenko on international technical aid from Great Britain ... t-britain/ ... %2CO%2CP-R