Tschechien: Beschaffung neuer Radarsysteme

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Tschechien: Beschaffung neuer Radarsysteme

Beitrag von theoderich »

Czech defense minister orders probe into Israeli radar deal
The Czech Republic’s defense minister has ordered the military police to launch an investigation into the pending purchase of eight ELM-2084 multimission radars from Elta Systems, a subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries.

Karla Slechtova said she decided to probe the planned contract due to “extremely serious findings,” local news agency CTK reported. The military police is also looking into the Defence Ministry’s ongoing procedure to acquire 12 multipurpose helicopters, according to the minister.

The acquisition is estimated to be worth about 3.6 billion koruna (U.S. $163.5 million).
https://www.defensenews.com/global/euro ... adar-deal/

Osm radarů MADR dodá české armádě izraelská společnost (14. Dezember 2016)

https://mocr.army.cz/informacni-servis/ ... st-129426/

Ministerstvo obdrželo tři nabídky na dodávku radarů MADR (18. August 2016)

https://mocr.army.cz/informacni-servis/ ... r--125664/

Nákup radarů MADR se posunul do další fáze (27. Mai 2016)

https://acr.army.cz/informacni-servis/z ... ze-123408/

Pořízení mobilních 3D radarů MADR (30. September 2014)

https://mocr.army.cz/informacni-servis/ ... dr-102784/

Tschechien und Slowakei starten gemeinsame LRÜ

http://www.doppeladler.com/forum/viewto ... f=7&t=4038
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Mo 15. Aug 2022, 15:01, insgesamt 5-mal geändert.
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Tschechien: Beschaffung neuer Radarsysteme

Beitrag von theoderich »

Elta 3D air-defence radar excluded from NATO air-defence architecture
The NATO Air and Missile Defence Command and Control Security Accreditation Board (ASAB) informed the Czech Ministry of Defence (MoD) on 7 June that the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Elta EL/M-2084 3D mobile air-defence radar (MADR) systems it plans to procure for the Army of the Czech Republic (ACR) could not be integrated into NATO’s air-defence architecture since the system is not manufactured by an alliance member country.

“It is an extraordinary decision”, Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš told the media on 7 June.

Babiš said that he had earlier consulted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the MADR procurement and was assured that the Israel Defense Forces use the system in combat and that it had also been procured by the armed forces of NATO member Canada.
http://www.janes.com/article/81170/elta ... chitecture
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Tschechien: Beschaffung neuer Radarsysteme

Beitrag von theoderich »

Exclusive - Fit for Purpose
What exactly is going on regarding the Czech EL/M-2084 acquisition?

Firstly, a statement provided to MONCh by a NATO official specified that the alliance has not refused outright to connect the EL/M-2084 radar to the alliance’s wider air C2 architecture, disputing earlier reports that it could not be connected as it was not designed and built by a NATO member stating that: “Several allies operate air defence equipment that has been manufactured outside the alliance.”

Nevertheless, they stressed the importance of ensuring that any radar which will connect with the ACCS must be capable of operating with the system safely. “What matters for NATO is that the equipment allies have is ‘interoperable’; safe to operate and secure to use within NATO.” This is unsurprising given the need to ensure that a highly networked system such as the ACCS, which will eventually include most of the alliance’s European membership as it rolls out over the next decade, can operate in a safe and secure fashion, particularly given increasing concerns regarding the cyber threat to air operations. However, the NATO statement disputes that the alliance has point blank refused to integrate the EL/M-2084 into the ACCS architecture: “NATO’s (AMDCCSAB) has discussed with the Czech authorities its planned purchase of a radar system made in Israel and identified in a first step the applicable NATO security policies, regulations and processes. NATO has strict security requirements which need to be met before any system, no matter where it has been manufactured, can be connected to NATO networks.” Finally, the alliance stressed that it will continue to work with the Czech authorities “about the potential integration of this system into NATO networks.”

For its part IAI’s position seems to chime with that of NATO’s in refuting reports that the alliance had refused to connect the EL/M-2084 radar to the ACCS architecture outright. “Due to reasons which are not technically or security related, various inaccuracies have surfaced recently relating to NATO directives,” an IAI written statement supplied to MONch articulated. “NATO did not issue a directive not to connect the EL/M-2084 radar to the NATO network, but merely stated that these matters which are common to several member states require adequate procedures.”

The firm stated that it is already highly familiar regarding NATO’s security regulations regarding system connectivity, citing the company’s supply of two EL/W-2085 L-band (1.215-1.4GHz) and S-band airborne early warning radars mounted on two Gulfstream G-550 business jet airframes to the Italian Air Force. By virtue of these aircraft equipping the force, their radars are networked into NATO’s air C2 architecture via their communications links such as the alliance’s LINK-16 (960 megahertz to 1.215GHz) tactical data link with which the aircraft is believed to be equipped. This permits the sharing of track and tactical data with other NATO allies. The written statement continued that, “to adapt our products to NATO customers and national requirements, (the company) works in close collaboration with local partners who hold appropriate NATO classification.”

Thus it is expected that IAI, the Czech government and NATO will continue to work together to ensure that the EL/M-2084 radars can operate safely and securely with NATO’s emerging ACCS architecture, with reports of the acquisition’s demise being somewhat exaggerated.
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Tschechien: Beschaffung neuer Radarsysteme

Beitrag von theoderich »

Czech army to procure additional Vera NG radars
The General Staff of the Army of the Czech Republic (ACR) has announced plans to procure two additional Vera-NG (Next Generation) mobile passive radar systems to support NATO overseas missions.

“Our goal is to replace obsolete Vera mobile passive radar systems with two new, highly modular and mobile systems in order to raise the [bar of the ACR’s] technological capabilities and abilities to wage electronic warfare,” ACR General Staff spokesperson Major Vlastimila Cyprisová informed media on 17 July.

The ACR has expressed interest in the indigenously produced Vera-NG, but no firm procurement date has been given.

ACR sources say the service is looking to procure the latest version of the Vera-NG made by Czech radar maker ERA, which offers an even higher degree of mobility and is more easily transportable by NATO aircraft, and capable of being discreetly deployed in a front-line scenario.
http://www.janes.com/article/82013/czec ... -ng-radars

Modernizační projekty AČR
14. Mobilní komplet pasivního systému „Deployable Passive ESM Tracker“

Armáda České republiky se v rámci dvou deklarovaných specializací ve struktuře NATO zaměřuje na oblast pasivních sledovacích systémů jako součásti Joint, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (JISR). Svými zavedenými prostředky elektronického boje zejména technologií pasivních sledovacích systémů a schopnostmi průzkumu se již plnohodnotně zapojila do systémů C4 - Command, Control, Communication, Computer JISR NATO.

Cílem pořízení dvou mobilních kompletů systémů Deployable Passive ESM Tracker (DPET) tzn. mobilních pasivních systémů na bázi již v AČR zavedeného systému VERA NG je udržení technologické úrovně a schopností vedení elektronického boje. Systém musí dosáhnout schopnosti zpracovávání všech moderních pulsních signálů (RADAR, SIF, IFF, AIS, ADS/B, atd.) pro operační nasazení v plném spektru operací NATO v systému JISR.
http://www.acr.army.cz/assets/technika- ... -01508.pdf
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Tschechien: Beschaffung neuer Radarsysteme

Beitrag von theoderich »

Czech MoD to procure 3D radar through Israeli government
The Czech Ministry of Defence (MoD) on 17 December officially cancelled a CZK2.9 billion (USD128.7 million) tender for 3D mobile air defence radars won by IAI Elta Systems in December 2017 because of irregularities in the tender documentation.

The MoD stated that it would sign a procurement contract directly with the Israeli government for eight Elta Systems ELM-2084 multi-mission radar systems in mid-2019.

The chief of the general staff of the Army of the Czech Republic (ACR), Lieutenant General Ales Opata, said that the ACR's existing Russian-designed 2D analogue radar systems would reach the end of their service life by 2020, after which the ACR would not have the ability to monitor its airspace unless a replacement system is procured.
https://www.janes.com/article/85333/cze ... government

Ministr Metnar: Mobilní radary potřebujeme, oslovíme napřímo izraelskou vládu

http://www.mocr.army.cz/informacni-serv ... du-206505/
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Tschechien: Beschaffung neuer Radarsysteme

Beitrag von theoderich »

SPYDER – nový PL komplet pro AČR

https://www.mocr.army.cz/assets/multime ... 6_2021.pdf
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Mo 15. Aug 2022, 13:46, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20804
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Tschechien: Beschaffung neuer Radarsysteme

Beitrag von theoderich »

Návštěva ministra Metnara potvrdila, že Izrael patří k našim nejbližším partnerům
“Projekt MADR běží dle uzavřené smlouvy. Letos dostaneme první radar a v příštím roce zbylých sedm. Podobně jsme na nejlepší cestě dotáhnout během nejbližších týdnů do úspěšného konce projekt SHORAD, tedy pořízení protiletadlových raketových kompletů Spyder,” řekl Lubomír Metnar.

“Navštívili jsme firmu Elta, výrobce radiolokátorů MADR. Na vlastní oči jsme se přesvědčili, že jeden radar je již kompletně hotový a prochází zkouškami, další tři výrobce dokončuje,” upřesnil podrobnosti náměstek Koudelka.
https://www.mocr.army.cz/informacni-ser ... um-229077/

Noch dieses Jahr wird das erste Radar MADR an die tschechische Luftwaffe geliefert. 2022 folgen die restlichen sieben Systeme. Das erste Radar wurde von IAI bereits fertiggestellt und wird derzeit erprobt, weitere drei Radarsysteme befinden sich in der Endmontage.

In den nächsten Wochen soll der Vertrag über den Kauf des SHORAD-Fliegerabwehrsystems SPYDER CZE abgeschlossen werden.
Beiträge: 20804
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Tschechien: Beschaffung neuer Radarsysteme

Beitrag von theoderich »

Czech Republic receives first Israeli mobile 3D air defence radar
The first of eight ELM-2084 MMR mobile 3D air defence radars, ordered in December 2019 by the Czech Republic under a government-to-government deal with Israel, arrived in the country on 25 February.

The radars, made by Elta Systems, will operate with the designation MADR.
Seven more ELM-2084s will be delivered in 2022, the Czech MoD noted in a 28 February statement.

The final radar will arrive in 2023.
https://www.shephardmedia.com/news/defe ... ile-3d-ai/

První souprava MADR dorazila do České republiky (28. Februar 2022)




https://mocr.army.cz/informacni-servis/ ... ky-233814/

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