Spanien: Kampfwertsteigerung für Leopard 2E und Leopard 2A4

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
Beiträge: 21863
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Spanien: Kampfwertsteigerung für Leopard 2E und Leopard 2A4

Beitrag von theoderich »

Das spanische Heer hat die Prototypenentwicklung für ein System ausgeschrieben, das der Minenräumung und der Markierung von geräumten Gassen dienen soll. Der geschätzte Wert des Auftrags liegt bei 1,875 Mio. EUR:

Spain-Madrid: Special-purpose motor vehicles

2019/S 057-132723

Contract notice


II.1.1) Denominación del contrato establecida por el poder adjudicador:

Adquisición prototipo sistema de apertura y señalización de apertura de brechas para CC Leopard 2A4
II.2.1) Cantidad o extensión global del contrato:

Valor estimado IVA excluido: 1 875 508,81 EUR ... =0&tabId=1

Für den Leopard 2E gibt es ein Modernisierungsvorhaben zum Leopard 2E PLUS:

Bild ... &__tn__=-R

General Dynamics Santa Bárbara Sistemas presents and delivers the first Leopardo 2E tanks to the Spanish Army

General Dynamics Santa Bárbara Sistemas (GD SBS) presented last June 17th 2004 in its Seville factory the first Leopardo 2E Main Battle Tank (MBT) for the Spanish Army in an official ceremony chaired by His Majesty Juan Carlos I, the King of Spain, with the presence of more than one hundred civil and military authorities as well as executives of the defense sector.

The unveiling of the first Leopardo 2E with the Spanish colors and banners took place at the semianecoic chamber, one of the biggest in Europe, manufactured on purpose at the factory of Las Canteras to undertake electromagnetic tests, in the presence of the President of General Dynamics Corporation, Nicholas D. Chabraja, the Spanish Ministry of Defense, José Bono, and the President of the Board of GD SBS, Antonio de Oyarzábal.
In 1998, the Spanish government agreed to contract 219 tanks of the Leopardo 2E line, 16 recovery tanks (CREC) and 4 training vehicles. They choose Santa Bárbara Sistemas as the main contractor. The program, with a budget of 1,939.4 million Euros, includes also the integrated logistical support, training courses for crew instructors and maintenance engineers and driving, tower, maintenance, aiming and shooting simulators.

To face this industrial challenge, Santa Bárbara Sistemas made total investments of 35.3 million Euros, mainly in its factories of Sevilla, Trubia (Asturias), La Coruña and Oviedo. The main items were allocated to the construction of new facilities and the acquisition of production and test equipment.

The Leopardo 2E Program represents a total of 2.6 million working hours (hours of manpower in direct labor ).

The Spanish government stipulated that the percentage of participation of the national industry had to be at least of a 60 per cent, this figure will probably be exceeded. The industrial structure included tens of Spanish and German companies. The most representative Spanish companies, besides from GD SBS, are INDRA (combat system), IZAR (engine), SAPA (transmission, chains and final steps), AMPER (communications) and ELECTROOP (stabilization). ... frames.asp
Beiträge: 21863
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Spanien: Kampfwertsteigerung für Leopard 2E und Leopard 2A4

Beitrag von theoderich »

Am 25. September hat in der Kaserne Capitán Arenas in Guadalajara eine Veranstaltung zur Modernisierung des Kampfpanzers "Leopard 2E" und dem Umbau der Kampfpanzer "Leopard" 2A4 zu Pionierpanzern stattgefunden. Dabei wurden von den Firmen GDELS, IVECO und KMW Lösungsvorschläge präsentiert:
p. 5 hat geschrieben:25 de septiembre de 2023

Taller Ejército-empresas

El día 25 de septiembre se visitaron las instalaciones del Acuartelamiento Capitán Arenas (Guadalajara) para asistir al taller Ejército-Empresas sobre modernización del Leopardo 2E y la transformación del Leopardo 2A4 a carro de zapadores, donde las empresas GDELS, IVECO y KMW expusieron potenciales soluciones para dar respuesta a las necesidades operativas de ET en torno a estos sistemas. ... s-pdf.html
Beiträge: 21863
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Spanien: Kampfwertsteigerung für Leopard 2E und Leopard 2A4

Beitrag von theoderich »

100240-2024 - Planning
Spain – Test and evaluation of military electronic systems – Modernización simuladores de Leopardo 2E
OJ S 34/2024 16/02/2024
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