Neue russische Rüstungsprojekte "Kinzhal", "Avangard", u.a.

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Sicherheit und Verteidigung außerhalb Europas
Beiträge: 20827
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Neue russische Rüstungsprojekte "Kinzhal", "Avangard", u.a.

Beitrag von theoderich »

Russian Aerospace Forces take delivery of 'new' Kinzhal air-launched ballistic missile
Also referred to by its air-to-ground missile code of Kh-47M2, the Kinzhal has been shown being carried by, and launched from, a modified MiG-31BM supersonic interceptor aircraft.

According to Russian industry sources, the Kinzhal is based on the 9M723-1F variant of the 9M723-1 missile – as used by the 9K720 Iskander-M short-range road-mobile ballistic missile system – and modified for air-launch without major changes in its architecture.

The Kinzhal, like its 9M723-1F parent, is a solid propellant motor propelled ballistic missile with a non-separating warhead. The most obvious physical change is the addition of a finned truncated tailcone to the missile’s rear. This has been added to decrease the aerodynamic effects of the missile when carried at high-speed on the aircraft and protects both its control components and motor nozzle from damage when in transit.

To minimise the missile’s radar cross-section (RCS), no extraneous external components are located on its surface other than its two cable ducts, which run from the control/motor nozzle section, over the motor and into to the guidance section. The ducts – seen in a video presentation – are quite prominent in comparison to some seen on the parent missile, the latter far flatter and wider, with smoother transition from the motor body to the maximum height of the duct. The missile’s aerodynamic control surfaces have been revised, their planform slightly different and their aerodynamic surfaces are cleaner. It is reported that the skin of the missile has been covered with a special heat-resistant and radar adsorbing coating to minimise heat effects on it and further lower its RCS, but this cannot be confirmed. ... ic-missile

Video - Kinzhal (10. März 2018): ... 324195413/

Послание Президента Федеральному Собранию (1. März 2018; VIDEO, ab )

Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly
For example, the Defence Ministry and enterprises of the missile and aerospace industry are in the active phase of testing a new missile system with a heavy intercontinental missile. We called it Sarmat.

Sarmat will replace the Voevoda system made in the USSR.
That said, the capabilities of the Sarmat missile are much higher. Weighing over 200 tonnes, it has a short boost phase, which makes it more difficult to intercept for missile defence systems. The range of the new heavy missile, the number and power of its combat blocs is bigger than Voevoda’s. Sarmat will be equipped with a broad range of powerful nuclear warheads, including hypersonic, and the most modern means of evading missile defence. The high degree of protection of missile launchers and significant energy capabilities the system offers will make it possible to use it in any conditions.
Voevoda’s range is 11,000 km while Sarmat has practically no range restrictions.

As the video clips show, it can attack targets both via the North and South poles.

Russia’s advanced arms are based on the cutting-edge, unique achievements of our scientists, designers and engineers. One of them is a small-scale heavy-duty nuclear energy unit that can be installed in a missile like our latest X-101 air-launched missile or the American Tomahawk missile – a similar type but with a range dozens of times longer, dozens, basically an unlimited range. It is a low-flying stealth missile carrying a nuclear warhead, with almost an unlimited range, unpredictable trajectory and ability to bypass interception boundaries. It is invincible against all existing and prospective missile defence and counter-air defence systems. I will repeat this several times today.

In late 2017, Russia successfully launched its latest nuclear-powered missile at the Central training ground. During its flight, the nuclear-powered engine reached its design capacity and provided the necessary propulsion.

Now that the missile launch and ground tests were successful, we can begin developing a completely new type of weapon, a strategic nuclear weapons system with a nuclear-powered missile.

Roll the video, please.

(Video plays.)

You can see how the missile bypasses interceptors. As the range is unlimited, the missile can manoeuvre for as long as necessary.
Now, we all know that the design and development of unmanned weapon systems is another common trend in the world. As concerns Russia, we have developed unmanned submersible vehicles that can move at great depths (I would say extreme depths) intercontinentally, at a speed multiple times higher than the speed of submarines, cutting-edge torpedoes and all kinds of surface vessels, including some of the fastest. It is really fantastic. They are quiet, highly manoeuvrable and have hardly any vulnerabilities for the enemy to exploit. There is simply nothing in the world capable of withstanding them.

Unmanned underwater vehicles can carry either conventional or nuclear warheads, which enables them to engage various targets, including aircraft groups, coastal fortifications and infrastructure.

In December 2017, an innovative nuclear power unit for this unmanned underwater vehicle completed a test cycle that lasted many years. The nuclear power unit is unique for its small size while offering an amazing power-weight ratio. It is a hundred times smaller than the units that power modern submarines, but is still more powerful and can switch into combat mode, that is to say, reach maximum capacity, 200 times faster.

The tests that were conducted enabled us to begin developing a new type of strategic weapon that would carry massive nuclear ordnance.

Please play the video.

(Video plays.)

By the way, we have yet to choose names for these two new strategic weapons, the global-range cruise missile and the unmanned underwater vehicle. We are waiting for suggestions from the Defence Ministry.
The most important stage in the development of modern weapons systems was the creation of a high-precision hypersonic aircraft missile system; as you already know for sure, it is the only one of its kind in the world. Its tests have been successfully completed, and, moreover, on December 1 of last year, these systems began their trial service at the airfields of the Southern Military District.

The unique flight characteristics of the high-speed carrier aircraft allow the missile to be delivered to the point of discharge within minutes. The missile flying at a hypersonic speed, 10 times faster than the speed of sound, can also manoeuvre at all phases of its flight trajectory, which also allows it to overcome all existing and, I think, prospective anti-aircraft and anti-missile defence systems, delivering nuclear and conventional warheads in a range of over 2,000 kilometres. We called this system Kinzhal (Dagger).

A real technological breakthrough is the development of a strategic missile system with fundamentally new combat equipment – a gliding wing unit, which has also been successfully tested.

I will say once again what we have repeatedly told our American and European partners who are NATO members: we will make the necessary efforts to neutralise the threats posed by the deployment of the US global missile defence system. We mentioned this during talks, and even said it publicly. Back in 2004, after the exercises of the strategic nuclear forces when the system was tested for the first time, I said the following at a meeting with the press (It is embarrassing to quote myself, but it is the right thing to say here):

So, I said: “As other countries increase the number and quality of their arms and military potential, Russia will also need to ensure it has new generation weapons and technology.

In this respect, I am pleased to inform you that successfully completed experiments during these exercises enable us to confirm that in the near future, the Russian Armed Forces, the Strategic Missile Forces, will receive new hypersonic-speed, high-precision new weapons systems that can hit targets at inter-continental distance and can adjust their altitude and course as they travel. This is a very significant statement because no country in the world as of now has such arms in their military arsenal.” End of quote.

Of course, every word has a meaning because we are talking about the possibility of bypassing interception boundaries. Why did we do all this? Why did we talk about it? As you can see, we made no secret of our plans and spoke openly about them, primarily to encourage our partners to hold talks. Let me repeat, this was in 2004. It is actually surprising that despite all the problems with the economy, finances and the defence industry, Russia has remained a major nuclear power. No, nobody really wanted to talk to us about the core of the problem, and nobody wanted to listen to us. So listen now.

Unlike existing types of combat equipment, this system is capable of intercontinental flight at supersonic speeds in excess of Mach 20.

As I said in 2004, in moving to its target, the missile’s gliding cruise bloc engages in intensive manoeuvring – both lateral (by several thousand km) and vertical. This is what makes it absolutely invulnerable to any air or missile defence system. The use of new composite materials has made it possible to enable the gliding cruise bloc to make a long-distance guided flight practically in conditions of plasma formation. It flies to its target like a meteorite, like a ball of fire. The temperature on its surface reaches 1,600–2,000 degrees Celsius but the cruise bloc is reliably guided.

Play the video, please.

(Video plays).

For obvious reasons we cannot show the outer appearance of this system here. This is still very important. I hope everyone understands this. But let me assure you that we have all this and it is working well. Moreover, Russian industrial enterprises have embarked on the development of another new type of strategic weapon. We called it the Avangard.
We have achieved significant progress in laser weapons. It is not just a concept or a plan any more. It is not even in the early production stages. Since last year, our troops have been armed with laser weapons.

I do not want to reveal more details. It is not the time yet. But experts will understand that with such weaponry, Russia’s defence capacity has multiplied.

Here is another short video.

(Video plays.)

Ракетный комплекс стратегического назначения с гиперзвуковым планирующим крылатым блоком

"Strategischer Raketenkomplex mit einer geplanten hypersonischen Flügeleinheit"

Ракетный комплекс стратегического назначения Сармат

"Strategischer Raketenkomplex Sarmat"

Лазерный комплекс


Крылатая ракета неограниченной дальности с ядерной энергетической установкой

"Marschflugkörper mit unbegrenzter Reichweite und Kernreaktor"

Океанская многоцелевая система с беспилотными подводными аппаратами, оснащенными ядерной энергетической установкой

"Ozeanisches Mehrzwecksystem mit unbemannten Unterwasserfahrzeugen, ausgerüstet mit einem Kernreaktor"

Авиационный ракетный комплекс Кинжал

"Flugzeuggestütztes Lenkwaffensystem Dolch"

Vor mehr als zwei Jahren wurde eine Grafik veröffentlicht, die nahelegt, dass das "Ozeanische Mehrzwecksystem" von CKB Rubin gefertigt wird:

Bild ... r-torpedo/
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Do 19. Jul 2018, 16:32, insgesamt 7-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20827
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Neue russische Rüstungsprojekte "Kinzhal", "Avangard", u.a.

Beitrag von theoderich »

Russian military to receive Sarmat ICBM in 2020
Delivery of the new Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) to Russia’s military is scheduled for 2020, President Vladimir Putin said. He told a meeting with top military and defence industry officials in Sochi on 18 May, “The systems, which will beef up our strategic forces in the foreseeable future, I mean, first of all, the Sarmat system, which is to be delivered to the troops in 2020, the Avangard system, the delivery of which is scheduled for 2019, and other systems are being tested according to the original schedule.” ... bm-in-2020
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Neue russische Rüstungsprojekte "Kinzhal", "Avangard", u.a.

Beitrag von theoderich »

Der Leiter von KTRV, Boris Viktorovich Obnosov, hat schon Anfang 2017 in der Firmenzeitung "Vestnik" Systeme wie "Avangard" und "Kinzhal" angekündigt:


"The first hypersonic missile will appear at the beginning of the next decade"
– Два года назад была разработана и утверждена Министерством обороны и Министерством промышленности и торговли целевая государственная программа по освоению гиперзвуковых ракетных технологий. Какие задачи она призвана решить? Об освоении каких скоростей идёт речь?

– Прежде всего, хотел бы напомнить, что под реализацию программы сформирована мощная научно-производственная кооперация, благодаря которой можно добиться действительно прорывных решений.

Основные проблемы, которые решают конструкторы, инженеры и технологи, лежат в области материаловедения, аэродинамики, двигателестроения, передачи и получения информации в условиях движения летательного аппарата со скоростями пять - шесть и более Махов. Необходимо разработать новые виды топлива, усовершенствовать бортовое радиоэлектронное оборудование.

И всё это нужно сделать приемлемо по стоимостным и габаритным параметрам. Тем не менее, наработки у нас уже есть.

– Когда первые гиперзвуковые летательные аппараты могут поступить на вооружение? Ведутся ли уже реальные летные испытания таких аппаратов?

– Если научно-технологические направления будут развиваться эффективно и комплексно, то в начале следующего
десятилетия мы сможем увидеть реальное изделие, которое будет летать с гиперзвуковой скоростью в атмосфере.
- Two years ago the target state program on the development of hypersonic missile technologies was elaborated and approved by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Industry and Trade. What tasks are they supposed to fulfill? On the development of what speeds are we talking about?

- First of all, I would like to remind you that a powerful scientific and production cooperation has been formed for the implementation of the program, thanks to which it is possible to achieve really breakthrough solutions.

The main problems solved by designers, engineers and technologists lie in the field of materials science, aerodynamics, engine building, transmission and retrieval of information in conditions of the aircraft's movement at speeds of five to six or more Machs. It is necessary to develop new types of fuel, to improve on-board radioelectronic equipment.

And all this needs to be done appropriately for the cost and overall dimensions. Nevertheless, we already have work.

- When the first hypersonic aircraft can go into service? Are there any real flight tests of such vehicles?

- If the scientific and technological areas will develop efficiently and comprehensively, we will be able to see a real product that will fly with hypersonic speed in the atmosphere at the beginning of the next decade.

Russia's Invincible Weapons: Today, Tomorrow, Sometime, Never?

Julian Cooper

Changing Character of War Centre
Pembroke College, University of Oxford ... eapons.pdf
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Neue russische Rüstungsprojekte "Kinzhal", "Avangard", u.a.

Beitrag von theoderich »

Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Sa 7. Okt 2023, 18:49, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Neue russische Rüstungsprojekte "Kinzhal", "Avangard", u.a.

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Bild ... ear-moscow
Photo Date

Sep 14, 2018
Photo Location

Moscow Zhukovsky (Ramenskoye) - UUBW




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Re: Neue russische Rüstungsprojekte "Kinzhal", "Avangard", u.a.

Beitrag von theoderich »

New Russian missile likely to be part of anti-satellite system
The photographs, taken in September at Zhukovsky air base outside Moscow, led to speculation over this new missile’s role. On 25 October, CNBC news reported that the missile was a “mock-up of an anti-satellite weapon”, citing “three sources with direct knowledge of a U.S. intelligence report”.

CNBC’s identification of the missile is credible in the context of Russia’s current strategic situation, past statements of intent to develop such a system, and its historical development of similar anti-satellite (ASAT) systems. In the late 1980s, the Soviet Union was developing an air-launched ASAT system designated 30P6 Kontakt. This used a modified MiG-31, the original 79M6 missile, and later the developmental 95M6. Alternative but less likely possibilities are that the new missile is an improved version or replacement for Kh-47M2, or that it is a satellite launcher for quick-reaction deployment missions.
The missile photographed in September was larger than Kh-47M2 and did not appear to be based on an existing design, unlike Kh-47M2, which shared a visible resemblance with the 9M723 missile used in the 9K720 Iskander-M ground-based ballistic missile system.

The new missile differs in its appearance from Kh-47M2 by having a different profile nose section, a longer main body, and a short conical rear that terminates in a larger-diameter exposed short conical rocket motor nozzle. The nose section is not as tapered as that used on Kh-47M2, which could be due to the payload that the new missile carries. The main body that constitutes the propulsion section is estimated to be 1.05 m in diameter, based on measurements derived from the limited number of images of the missile available in open sources. The complete missile is estimated to be 8.98 m long.

The only visible aerodynamic surfaces are four side-folding fins that are present on the short conical rear section. These appear to be larger than those visible on Kh-47M2 and are likely folded due to carriage and ground clearance limits. Once deployed, the fins are likely to be of a clipped delta planform.

The body of the missile was marked up with a grid pattern including alphanumeric zone-marking designations in Cyrillic script. Two sets of zone markings were clearly visible, K (К) at the front and D (Д) at the rear, the former running to greater than K8 and the latter to D8. These zone markings are commonly seen on the solid propellant motor sections of Russian ballistic missiles. Their exact purpose is unclear, but it is likely that they are to aid in testing, especially if a failure of the motor occurs. The fact that there are two sets of visible markings suggests that the missile is at least a two-stage weapon.
In February 2017, the Russian Ministry of Defence’s Zvezda TV channel quoted a squadron commander from the Russian Aerospace Forces as stating that the force would deploy an anti-satellite weapon on a MiG-31BM. He stated that a “new missile is being developed for this aircraft capable of destroying targets in near-space”. ... system.pdf