Armée de Terre: Programm SCORPION

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
Beiträge: 20772
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Armée de Terre: Programm SCORPION

Beitrag von theoderich »

Général de Gramont : « Nos soldats, nos missions méritent d’être relayés et valorisés. » (4. Mai 2018)
2 – Quelles sont les incidences de la future loi de programmation militaire en Nouvelle-Aquitaine ?

L’armée de Terre participe au service militaire volontaire, avec le centre créé à La Rochelle, qui a récupéré les traditions et le drapeau du 57e RI (régiment de tradition de la Ville de Bordeaux). Il devrait voir largement augmenter sa capacité d’accueil de stagiaires sur la durée de la LPM.

Les trains roulants du VBMR léger seront construits à Limoges, pour près de 1000 exemplaires.

Le programme SCORPION impliquera d’importants travaux d’infrastructures techniques à Poitiers, Angoulême, Brive et à Vayres, spécifiquement pour la maintenance.
  • Auswirkungen des Loi de Programmation Militaire auf Nouvelle-Aquitaine
    • Bau der Fahrwerke für fast 1000 VBMR léger in Limoges
    • Ausbau der Infrastruktur für das Programm SCORPION (besonders Wartungseinrichtungen) in Poitiers, Angoulême, Brive und Vayres
3 – Et quid du programme SCORPION dans votre zone ?

Pour l’armée de Terre, la prochaine LPM se traduira principalement par l’accélération du programme SCORPION, programme majeur de modernisation de ses blindés, dont la moyenne d’âge est aujourd’hui d’environ 40 ans. Ce programme est vital pour permettre à l’armée de Terre de tenir son rang pour contribuer à la défense de l’Europe et pour maintenir ses engagements opérationnels sur des théâtres extérieurs exigeants, dans des conditions de sécurité optimales pour les troupes engagées.

Au-delà de l’aspect matériel, c’est bien l’ensemble des forces terrestres qui seront révolutionnées par ce « système de systèmes », à travers les systèmes d’information et de commandement, l’info-valorisation et la simulation. Avec cette accélération du programme SCORPION, la loi de programmation militaire 2019-2025 est bien une LPM de renouveau pour une armée de Terre de haute technologie.

En Nouvelle-Aquitaine, le 126e régiment d’infanterie (126e RI) de Brive devrait recevoir, à terme, 35 GRIFFON. Ce véhicule blindé multi-rôles doit remplacer le véhicule de l’avant blindé (VAB). Il a pour mission l’appui et le transport de l’infanterie au plus près des combats.

Le régiment d’infanterie chars de marine (RICM) de Poitiers et le 1er régiment d’infanterie de marine (1er RIMa) d’Angoulême recevront plus tard 18 exemplaires du JAGUAR, engin blindé de reconnaissance et de combat qui remplacera l’AMX 10 RC et qui, par sa polyvalence, peut s’intégrer dans un combat en zone urbaine. Ils recevront aussi chacun 9 GRIFFON.
  • Beschleunigung des Programms SCORPION mit dem Loi de Programmation Militaire 2019-2025
  • Auslieferung von Fahrzeugen aus dem Programm SCORPION an Einheiten in Nouvelle-Aquitaine:
    • 126e Régiment d'Infanterie (126e RI) in Brive
      • 35 GRIFFON
    • Régiment d'Infanterie de Chars de Marine (RICM) in Poitiers
      • 18 JAGUAR? / 9 JAGUAR?
      • 9 GRIFFON
    • 1er Régiment d'Infanterie de Marine (1er RIMA) in Angoulême
      • 18 JAGUAR? / 9 JAGUAR?
      • 9 GRIFFON ... -valorises

Essai vibratoire sur un canon 40 CTAS / vibratory test on a 40 CTAS machine gun ... atory-2018

16. März 2018


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Signature d’un contrat pour les VBMR légers
A l’occasion de sa visite du site industriel de la société Nexter à Roanne (Loire) le lundi 12 février 2018, Florence Parly, ministre des Armées, a annoncé l’attribution du contrat du véhicule blindé multi-rôles léger (VBMR léger) à Nexter en co-traitance avec Texelis. Ce marché passé par la Direction générale de l’armement (DGA) comprend le développement, la réalisation et le soutien de ce nouveau véhicule destiné à l’armée de Terre. Le projet de Loi de programmation militaire 2019-2025 prévoit un parc de plus de 2000 VBMR légers à l’horizon 2030, dont 689 livrés d’ici 2025.
  • Montag, 12. Februar 2018
    • Besuch von Verteidigungsministerin Florence Parly in der Fabrik von Nexter in Roanne (Loire)
    • Ankündigung der Auftragsvergabe für das Véhicule Blindé Multi-Rôles Léger (VBMR léger) an NEXTER, in Zusammenarbeit mit Texelis
    • Entwicklung, Fertigung und Support des Fahrzeugs
    • Das Loi de Programmation Militaire 2019-2025 sieht bis 2030 mehr als 2000 VBMR légers vor, von denen 689 bis 2025 geliefert werden sollen
Véhicule blindé 4x4 de l’ordre de 15 tonnes, le VBMR léger embarquera jusqu’à 10 soldats équipés du système Félin. Il intégrera divers équipements communs aux véhicules Scorpion, en particulier le cœur électronique du véhicule, une mitrailleuse téléopérée depuis l’habitacle, des détecteurs de menaces ainsi que le système d’information du combat Scorpion (SICS). Ils lui permettront de s’intégrer dans le réseau des véhicules Scorpion. Le VBMR léger sera décliné en 4 versions principales : patrouille, renseignement et reconnaissance, relais de communications, guerre électronique. Les premières livraisons de la version de référence (patrouille) sont prévues d’ici 4 ans.
  • VBMR léger
    • Klasse: 15 Tonnen
    • Besatzung: bis zu 10 Soldaten, ausgestattet mit dem System Félin
    • Ausstattung:
      • Gemeinsame Ausstattung der Fahrzeuge aus dem Programm Scorpion (u.a. elektronisches Kernsystem des Fahrzeugs)
      • Ferngesteuerte Waffenstation
      • Sensoren zur Detektion von Bedrohungen
      • Système d'Information du Combat Scorpion (SICS)
    • 4 Varianten:
      • Patrouille
      • Beobachtung und Aufklärung
      • Kommunikationsrelais
      • Elektronische Kampfführung
    • Erste Lieferung von Fahrzeugen in der Patrouillenvariante in vier Jahren (2022) ... bmr-legers


Discours_Roanne_12/02/18 Allocution devant les employés de l’usine Nexter de Roanne ... -de-roanne

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Nexter et Texelis remportent le marché VBMR Léger ... vbmr-leger ... vbmr-leger

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La ministre des Armées chez Nexter à Roanne avec de très bonnes nouvelles

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Roanne : le carnet de commande de Nexter est blindé d’ici 2030



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Roanne (Loire) - Une importante commande de matériel militaire pour le site Nexter ... 22493.html

Armed Forces Minister Florence Parly visits the Nexter company in Roanne ... stpopular#

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French deal with Nexter, Texelis to provide ‘operational superiority’
That contract for Nexter and Texelis was estimated to be worth some €1.2-1.3 billion (U.S. $1.5-1.6 billion), according to a defense executive, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Nexter will supply the armored chassis, while Texelis will ship axles and drive trains for mobility packages.

There will be separate contracts for Thales and Renault Trucks Defense. Thales will supply the Antares opto-electronic system for situational awareness, while RTD will provide remote weapon systems with machine guns, the executive said. That will be government-furnished equipment shipped to Nexter for fitting into the vehicles.

The total value of the Light VBMR program could be some €2 billion, the executive said. ... periority/

Général Grintchenko : « l’ALAT sera au rendez-vous de l’engagement du premier GTIA SCORPION » (8. Februar 2018)
3 - En quoi la mise en place de SCORPION fera évoluer l’ALAT ?

Globalement, ma préoccupation est que cette métamorphose soit cohérente avec celle de nos hélicoptères, pour que la modernisation des forces terrestres ne sépare pas à nouveau, pour des questions essentiellement de compatibilité technique, ce que nous avons eu beaucoup de difficultés à réunir. C’est un vaste chantier qui demande une très grande attention.

L’ALAT s’inscrit dans le programme SCORPION tout particulièrement avec la montée en puissance de sa numérisation, pierre angulaire du combat SCORPION. Ainsi, si le renouvellement des parcs d’aéronefs a débuté avec la livraison du premier TIGRE en 2005 et se poursuit avec celle des CAÏMAN, le développement des équipements de numérisation, entamé depuis les années 2000, s’inscrit dorénavant en totale cohérence avec ceux de l’armée de Terre.

Le système d’information du combat de Scorpion (SICs) équipera prochainement l’ALAT ainsi que le poste « contact » et l’interopérabilité devra être maintenue sans rupture afin que l’aérocombat puisse continuer d’être au plus près de ses camarades de l’interarmes sur chaque théâtre d’opérations.

Par ailleurs, l’aéronef de l’armée de Terre s’inscrit également dans SCORPION dans l’amélioration de ses équipements d’autoprotection, indispensables à la protection des équipages qui vont au contact de l’ennemi.

Enfin, le combat SCORPION va développer tout particulièrement l’engagement collaboratif. L’ALAT s’inscrit parfaitement dans cette orientation nouvelle, à la fois en raison de sa capacité à réagir à une mission nouvelle en cours d’action mais aussi car elle dispose d’armements offrant d’excellentes capacités de tirs collaboratifs, comme cela a été déjà mis en œuvre en opérations. Concrètement, une munition tirée par un véhicule terrestre doit pouvoir être guidée par un aéronef, et vice-versa.
  • ALAT (französische Heeresflieger) wird mit dem Systeme d'Information du Combat de Scorpion (SICS) und dem Funkgerät "Contact" ausgestattet, um die Interoperabilität bei der Luftunterstützung mit den anderen Teilstreitkräften aufrechtzuerhalten.
  • Fluggeräte der Armée de Terre werden im Rahmen von SCORPION mit verbesserten Selbstschutzsystemen ausgestattet
  • SCORPION soll zum verbundenen Kampf befähigen. Eine von einem Bodenfahrzeug aus verschossene Lenkwaffe kann auch von einem Luftfahrzeug gelenkt werden und umgekehrt. ... a-scorpion

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Sacré bleu! Should we be more like the French?


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Enter the Scorpion: French Army vehicle fleet modernisation
Known as Scorpion (Synergie du contact renforcée par la polyvalence et l'infovalorisation), the plan calls for the complete replacement or renovation of all of the army's frontline combat vehicles at the same time and the linking of these with a new and unified communications and battlefield management system (BMS).

The project was begun by the French Army Staff and the Direction Générale de l'Armement (DGA) in 2000 with a lengthy trial period lasting almost 15 years. In total over EUR200 million (USD224 million) was spent conducting studies and analysing the operational experience of the precursor networked technologies found within the FELIN soldier system and the electronic architectures of the Véhicule Blindé de Combat d'Infanterie (VBCI) 8x8 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV).

By far the largest vehicle order being purchased under the Scorpion programme is for the Griffon 6x6 armoured personnel carrier (APC). Developed under the Véhicule Blindé MultiRole (VBMR) project, some 1,722 Griffon vehicles are planned. These will replace the Véhicule de l'Avant Blindé (VAB) 4x4, which in 2016 marked 40 years of service in the French Army and which army staff say is now "twice the age of its drivers".

With a maximum gross vehicle weight (GVW) of 24.5 tonnes and carrying up to 10 personnel, the Griffon will be the workhorse of the GTIAs. It is expected to have a range of 800 km, or an endurance for some three days of operations, and will be 7.2 m long, 2.62 m high, and 2.55 m wide.

The 'eyes and ears' of the GTIAs will be the new Jaguar 6x6 reconnaissance vehicle, developed under the Engin Blindé de Reconnaissance et de Combat (EBRC) project. In total France is planning to buy 248 Jaguars to replace the AMX-10RC and ERC 90 Sagaie 6x6 reconnaissance vehicles and the VAB 'Mephisto' variant armed with the HOT anti-tank guided missile, all of which will be over 40 years old when replaced.

The Jaguar is fitted with a two-man turret armed with the powerful and compact Anglo-French CTAI Case Telescoped Armament System 40 mm cannon and two ready-to-fire MBDA Missile Moyenne Portée anti-tank missiles (being developed to replace the MILAN and HOT anti-tank missiles in French service). Two missiles will be mounted in an elevating launcher within the turret, while two reload missiles will also be carried. ... sation.pdf

IHS Jane's International Defence Review (June 2016), p. 4 hat geschrieben:Thales develops Antares tactical warning system

Christopher F Foss
London 04/05/2016

Thales Optronique is developing a new generation local situational awareness (SA) and laser warning system called Antares.

Antares is designed to enhance the SA of armoured vehicle crews and is capable of detecting threats through a 360° azimuth with an effective vertical arc of -15 to 75°. The high elevation is considered essential for use in urban operations.

A 5.5 megapixel high-resolution sensor is paired with distortion controlled figh-eye-optics featuring a zoom capability. Operators can select from colour or monochrome video playback at 25 frames per second.

The passive sensor has day and night capabilities from daylight to night level 2 that can be xtended to full darkness with an optional infrared (IR) illuminator.

It is claimed that there is no blooming due to the sun, headlights or lamps.

Up to four screens can be fitted in a typical armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) one each for the commander, driver, gunner and dismounts, with each screen displaying sensor information in real time even on the move.

In addition to providing 360° SA it can also be used as a driving aid when reversing or deploying in a confined space.

According to Thales Optronique Antares can detect snipers at a distance of up to 150 m, an AFV at up to 500 m, and mines. It is also claimed to be capable of detecting improvised explosive devices (IEDs) at up to 20 m, depending on their size.

The laser warner is accurate to 1,5° and would typically be coupled to a soft-kill defensive aid system.

The company has been working on Antares since 2012, and has received funding from the Dircetion générale de l'armement (DGA) under the Scorpion Step 1 programme since 2014.

The first prototypes are due to be completed in 2016 and first deliveries are expected to be made in 2018 following qualification.

The initial application for Antares will be on the French Army's new Jaguar 6x6 reconnaissance vehicle and Griffon 6x6 armoured personnel carrier (APC), which will be at the heart of the service's ambitious SCORPION regeneration an network-enabled capability programme.
IHS Jane's International Defence Review (June 2016), p. 8 hat geschrieben:French Army to receive Metravib Pilar V gunshot detection system

Christopher F Foss
London 28/04/2016

The French Army will install its latest Metravib Pilar V integrated acoustic gunshot detection system on 500 of its new generation of wheeled armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs).

Production is to commence in 2017 and will see the Pilar V fitted to 248 Jaguar 6x6 reconnaissance vehicles and some of the Griffon 6x6 armoured personnel carriers (APCs) earmarked for the French Army SCORPION programme.

In both cases, Pilar V will be coupled to the remote weapon station (RWS) - being developed on the leadership of Renault Trucks Defense - and will typically be armed with a 7.62 mm or .50 calibre M2 HB machine gun (MG). For the Jaguar installation it will also be elevated with the CTAI 40 mm Cased Telescoped Armament System, as it does not have a co-axial MG.

When compared to earlier variants Pilar V is said to be more rugged and accurate. The system operates in single, multiple, burst and simulatneous shot modes and filters out any outgoing gun shots. It can detect small-arms fire as well as medium-calibre cannon.

For the new generation of French AFVs, information from the roof-mounted sensor will flow to the battle management system and if the gunfire is considered a threat the RWS will automatically slew to the target. The gunner then makes a decision as to whether to engage that target.

The acoustic sensor is typically mounted on the roof of the vehicle to provide coverage through 360° and, according to the company, provides incoming gunshot location to an accuracy of within +/-2° in azimuth and +/-3° in elevation. Range accuracy is stated as +/-10%.

Pilar V also has a built-in navigation module; the position of the shooter is displayed on the operator's screen, which is updated as the vehicle moves.
Press release

Argenteuil, 14 July 2015


The ELIPS, a next-generation intercom developed by ELNO, has been selected by Thales for its GRIFFON and JAGUAR vehicles under the multi-purpose armoured vehicle contract for the SCORPION programme, launched by the Direction Générale de l’Armement (French Defence Procurement Agency ).

The ELIPS will be integrated into the Thales vehicle electronics system for future French army vehicles.


ELIPS: The ELIPS system, the development of which was funded entirely by ELNO, is a full duplex communications intercom on an IP bus. It is the first Intercom over Internet Protocol to meet STANAG requirements. The system is decentralized and thus functions without a central processing unit. All the intelligence that the system contains is distributed to each unit.


ELIPS meets the present and future requirements of armies in terms of harmonising their operational and engagement capacities. It supports platform modularity through:
  • the variable number of operator units connected within the same vehicle;
  • the configuration of the services allocated to each operator on the basis of the current mission;
  • the use of a standard non-dedicated multimedia IP bus, with each operator unit interfacing in the same way as a network device.
ELIPS TM is equally suitable for use in the simplest and the most complex configurations. It can be used in any wheeled or tracked vehicles for command, reconnaissance, support or troop transportation missions and is particularly suitable for command shelter, radar gun or missile configurations.

About ELNO
ELNO, a 100% French-owned SMI founded in 1927, generates average annual sales of 20 million euros and has a total workforce of 120, based at its French site in Argenteuil (95). The company's German subsidiary ELNO GmbH, based near Munich, handles technical and marketing support for German-speaking customers.
ELNO controls the entire value chain, from Research & Development to Marketing. ELNO designs its products in its own laboratories, assembles them in-house and then sells them on a global market (exports represent 50% of its sales).
ELNO's core technology is electroacoustics, combining sensors with electronics and signal processing.
ELNO concentrates on three main business sectors: defence, transport and civil aeronautics.

Fr: Projekt Scorpion modernisiert das Heer ... f=7&t=2114 ... f=7&t=2114
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Sa 26. Mär 2022, 19:49, insgesamt 24-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20772
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Armée de Terre: Programm SCORPION

Beitrag von theoderich »

French defense industry unveils first prototype of Jaguar 6x6 armored
During the Press Trip for Eurosatory 2018, French Defense Industry has unveiled the prototype of the Jaguar EBRC 6x6 armored, a new development of a 6x6 Reconnaissance and Combat Armoured Vehicle for the French Army under the program EBMR Scorpion (Engin Blindé Multi-Rôles - Armoured Multi-roles Vehicles).
The Jaguar EBRC will be fitted with a two-man turret 40 CTAS armed with one 40mm CTC cannon with Ammunition Handling System (AHS). The 40mm cannon will have a maximum range of 1,500 m. Each side of the turret will be fitted with MMP (Missile Moyenne Portée - Medium Range Missile) missile designed by the French Company MBDA. The MMP missile is a fire-and-forget missile with lock-on before launch and automatic self-guidance which has a maximum range of 4,000m.

The Jaguar EBRC has a crew of three including driver, commander and gunner. It has an armour STANAG 4569 Level 4 that provides protection against fire of small arms 14.5mmx114 AP, 155mm artillery shell splinters at 30m and mine blast protection of 10 kg TNT under the wheels. ... mored.html


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#Scorpion sort son dard! 1er proto d’EBRC Jaguar dévoilé aujourd’hui à Satory #Nexter ... 7965729792

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L’infanterie sera formée sur le Griffon (remplaçant VAB) dès 2019 à Draguignan puis une première version cavalerie sera à l’entrainement à Canjuers. Le premier régiment recevra les Griffon à la fin 2019, les formations continueront dans les autres régiments, et ainsi de suite.
Die Infanterie wird ab 2019 in Draguignan auf dem Griffon (das das VAB ersetzt) ausgebildet, danach wird eine erste Kavallerievariante in Canjuers trainiert. Das erste Regiment wird die Griffon Ende 2019 erhalten, die Ausbildung wird in den anderen Regimenten weiterlaufen und so fortgesetzt. ... 9223228416

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Ziemlich viel Optronik von SAFRAN, 2x ANTARES am Turm - und eine Wetterstation des Schweizer Herstellers IRDAM: ... /#products
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Do 17. Mai 2018, 01:11, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
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Registriert: Di 24. Apr 2018, 12:51

Re: Armée de Terre: Programm SCORPION

Beitrag von Doppeladler »

Am Papier und optisch macht der JAGUAR 6x6 einiges her. Nur jetzt, wo es sich nicht mehr um ein aufgebocktes Mock-Up handelt, finde ich die Bodenfreiheit etwas gering und bekomme auch einen kopflastigen Eindruck (das Gewicht des Triebwerks "sieht" man ja nicht). Die Bauhöhe ist auch recht beachtlich für ein Aufklärungsfahrzeug.
Wenn auch die Fahreigenschaften zufrieden stellen ist es ein beeindruckendes Fahrzeug.
DOPPELADLER.COM - Plattform für Österreichs Militärgeschichte. Bundesheer | k.u.k. Monarchie | Weitere Themen
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Armée de Terre: Programm SCORPION

Beitrag von theoderich »

Jaguar prototype unveiled
The 25-tonne Jaguar has a 500hp engine producing a top speed of 90 km/h, with a range of 800 km. It features rear-axle steering, variable ground clearance, and 14R20 tyres with a central inflation system and run-flat system.

The vehicle has a stabilised two-man turret with a CTA 40 mm main armament and 7.62 mm secondary armament in a remotely operated turret, as well as a missile pod with two ready-to-fire MMP anti-tank missiles, plus two reloads. It also has a small arms detection and locating system, laser warning receiver and Barage jamming system, and can be fitted with modular protection kits, Diamant active protection system, laser warning receiver, and missile approach warning system. ... e-unveiled

Von einem aktiven Schutzsystem namens "Diamant" habe ich noch nie gehört.

Doppeladler hat geschrieben: Do 17. Mai 2018, 11:53Die Bauhöhe ist auch recht beachtlich für ein Aufklärungsfahrzeug.
Ich glaube diesen Eindruck verursachen vor allem die Optik für den Kommandanten mit dem gekoppelten MG und die ausgefahrenen Raketenwerfer. Einen Anhaltspunkt zu den Dimensionen des "Jaguar" geben die Reifen. Es dürfte sich um Michelin Truck XZL (Durchmesser: 1189 mm ) oder XZL+ (Durchmesser: 1176 mm) handeln. Der "Jaguar" ist (inkl. Schützendetektionssystem Metravib Defence PILAR) ca. 2,5 mal so hoch - also zwischen 2,94 und 2,97 m.

Beim "Pandur II" 6x6 ist das Basisfahrzeug 2,08 m hoch. Setzt man noch einen SP30-Turm auf, kommt man auch auf ca. 3 m.

Der italienische "Centauro II" bringt es auf eine Gesamthöhe von 3,12 m:
La Centauro II ha una lunghezza (cannone avanti) di 8,26 m, una larghezza di 3,12 m, sviluppa una velocità di 105 km/h, ha un equipaggio di 4 unità (conduttore, capocarro, cannoniere e servente) ed ha un’autonomia su strada di circa 800 chilomtri. ... .10.16.pdf

Esercito Italiano testet Jagdpanzer "Centauro 2" ... 14&p=55360 ... 14&p=55360

Man darf den "Jaguar" natürlich nicht mit einem Spähwagen "Fennek" vergleichen, dessen Konstruktion auf eine niedrige Bauhöhe von nur 1,79 m getrimmt wurde. Die Bauhöhe der FLW 100 (ca. 650 mm) oder FLW 200 (ca. 690 mm) käme da noch dazu. Also eine Gesamthöhe von 2,44 oder 2,48 m.

Der "Jaguar" hat außerdem Schwingachsen (Einzelradaufhängung). Alleine dadurch reduziert sich die Bauhöhe, im Vergleich zu einer Starrachse, um einen halben Meter.





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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Armée de Terre: Programm SCORPION

Beitrag von theoderich »


Beiträge: 20772
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Armée de Terre: Programm SCORPION

Beitrag von theoderich »

Scorpion : nouvelle phase lancée (18. Mai 2018)

Scorpion: neue Phase gestartet ... ase-lancee

Konzeptgrafiken des EBRC von ... 2003: ... e_03-5.pdf
EBRC: In France, Giat is currently under contract with the DGA (defence procurement agency) to determine what could emerge in the next decades. The company, like, inter alia, United Defense and Hägglunds, is investigating the possibilities of using a (largely) common hull for both wheeled and tracked vehicles – although the tracked version appears to have taken a second priority lately, even if the only scaled down model produced to date represented a tracked vehicle.The company is to produce and deliver one vehicle – a 6 x 6 demonstrator – with electric drive and, of course, hydro-pneumatic suspension, which could eventually be of the active type. According to Giat, it should be rolled out during the first half of 2005. ... e_03-6.pdf

Und ein paar Infos zum Leclerc AZUR von ... 2006:

In March 2006 the French Army Technical Service (Service Technique de l’Armee de Terre) awarded contracts to the manufactures of the Nexter Leclerc tank, the Renault 6 x 6 VAB armoured personnel carrier and the Panhard 4 x 4 VBL scout vehicle to develop Action en Zone URbaine (Azur) modification kits for these vehicles. The prototypes were unveiled at Eurosatory in Paris, June 2006.

On the Leclerc Azur the original side skirts have been replaced by new passive armour skirts and bar armour has been fitted around the rear of the hull. Additional armour has been fitted to the turret roof and protection against petrol bombs has been installed over the rear engine decks.To provide close protection a remote control weapon station fitted with a machine gun is mounted.The VBL Azur demonstrator incorporates a 360° surveillance device, a non-lethal grenade launcher, smoke dischargers on the front and back of the vehicle, wire cutters, a strengthened front bumper with extra
storage capacity, covered engine air intakes and a manually operated searchlight. The army conducted an initial evaluation of the Azur demonstrators in November and December 2006 at its new Centre d'entraînement en zone urbaine (urban training centre) at Sissonne in various operational scenarios and is now considering the results. ... e_07-4.pdf
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Di 22. Mai 2018, 15:48, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20772
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Armée de Terre: Programm SCORPION

Beitrag von theoderich »

Nexter orders first batch of 40 mm CTAS for Jaguar
Nexter has ordered the first batch of 40 mm Cased Telescoped Armament Systems (CTAS) from CTA International for France’s Jaguar 6x6 armoured fighting vehicle (AFV), Pierre Clouvel, president of the Nexter–BAE Systems joint venture, said on 18 May.

The order for 110 CTAS was placed during the second week of May, according to Clouvel, who added that a total of 240 CTA guns have so far been produced, mainly for the UK’s Ajax and Warrior AFVs, as well as about 10 for the Jaguar and two or three for marketing purposes. ... for-jaguar

France: Jaguar unveiled ahead of Eurosatory exhibition




The vehicle is 7.8 meters long, including the gun at 12 o’ clock, 3.0 meters wide and 3.5 meters high, and has a combat weight of 25 tonnes. The 6×6 chassis was developed by RTD and is fitted with a Volvo engine providing 500 hp, coupled to the same ZF automatic six-speed transmission used in the Griffon 6×6 APC. It is to note that the reverse movement is obtained through an inverter and not through the transmission, which provides a much higher reverse speed. To reduce the vehicle’s length the engine and transmission, located at the back, are not mounted in sequence but in a ”U” configuration, through a horizontal transfer box. On road the Jaguar uses the four rear wheels, the 6×6 traction being used only when going cross country, differentials being blocked progressively, depending on terrain conditions. The suspensions, provided by Quiri, allow to change the ground clearance depending on situations, lower on roads and higher in cross country, suspensions stiffness also changing depending on the height. An extra-low position allowing to better hide the vehicle when observing; it is also used for maintenance, to ease access to some elements, and when the vehicle is transported by rail. To reduce the turning radius both the first and third axle are steerable.

The Jaguar is fitted with the same pneumatics adopted on the Griffon, and is equipped with CTIS and run-flat systems. The front and rear axles are identical to those of the Griffon, which increases commonality, each axle being able to carry 9 tons. The Jaguar has a range of 800 km thanks to its 465 litres fuel tank; the one in the prototype is provisional, the final design foreseeing ne fuel tank heavily protected and one less protected but of the self-sealing type. The driver, located at the centre, has at his disposal three screens, two on the left and one on the right, the latter used to show all mobility parameters. His hatch is fitted with thee episcopes, the central one being bigger, as it provides a wider field of view, and it can fuse in the images provided by dedicated E/O sensors. No details were provided on electric output, the Jaguar being equipped with six batteries, currently of the standard lead type. Beside the two prototypes that have just been finished, two mobility test vehicles were produced, one of them having carried out durability tests for the last six months; in these vehicles the 6.5 tonnes turret is replaced with an equivalent weight. According to the Jaguar team design is frozen at 80-90%, some improvements being foreseen i.e. in the stealthness area.

Coming to observation, the commander, located on the right side of the turret, can use an all-optic panoramic sight located at the centre of the turret, as well as Safran’s dedicated Paseo electro-optic all-digital panoramic sight fitted on the remotely controlled weapon station. His hatch s fitted with episcopes allowing a 360° view. As for the gunner, seated on the left, he is also equipped with a direct optical channel, on the left, and with a Safran E/O viewer, on the right, aligned with the gun. Close situational awareness is provided by Thales’ Antares, which also doubles as a laser warning receiver, two being mounted, one front right and one rear left, to provide all-round coverage. A Metravib Pilar V acoustic sensor is also installed. Thales also provides the entire vetronic architecture of the Jaguar.

Coming to firepower, the Jaguar main weapon is the CTAI 40 mm telescoped cased gun; HE, APDS and ABM munitions are available, the gun effective range being between 2,000 and 2,500 meters. A total of 180 ready rounds are available. For longer range engagements against heavy armour two MBDA’s MMP missiles are available in a twin launcher fitted on the right side of Nexter’s two-man turret and controlled via the gunners sight. Two reload missiles are available in the hull. The RCWS fitted on top of the turret is produced by RTD and is dubbed T3, being a dedicated model specifically designed for the Jaguar although it uses some components of the other RCWS developed for the Scorpion programme, such as the electric motors; it is usually armed with a 7.62 mm machine gun, and hosts 550 rounds. The Jaguar is fitted with Galix grenade launchers providing 360° coverage, four launchers being fitted on each side of the turret, while two per side are embedded in the rear armour.

As for protection, levels remain classified. The survival cell hosting the crew is made of aluminium and then fitted with add-on armour, various ballistic, mine, IED and RPG kits being available. Thales provides the jammer which is part of the DGA Barage programme, while in the long term the vehicle might be fitted with an active protection system against missiles and RPGs, a system being under development at TDA as part of the Diamant programme, the Jaguar being fitted for receiving such system. As for communications, the vehicle will be equipped with one Thales Contact radio, allowing simultaneous data and voice communications in VHF and UHF bands, and with two PR4G radios. ... exhibition

The Jaguar is fitted with Galix grenade launchers providing 360° coverage, four launchers being fitted on each side of the turret, while two per side are embedded in the rear armour.
Das stimmt nicht. An der hinteren Seite des Fahrzeugs sind rechts bzw. links mindestens drei Werfer montiert (zwei versenkt in der Panzerung, ein dritter an der Oberseite der Fahrzeughülle).

Scorpion: the last born, the VBMR (L)



Nexter Systems is responsible for the development, the production and the logistic support, while Texelis is in charge of the design of the chassis and the automotive components. The latter company is a specialist in the design and manufacturing of axles and transmissions for trucks and wheeled armoured vehicles, and has developed a chassis based on its T900 Modular Driveline System fitted with independent suspensions; the vehicle is powered by a Cummins 6 cylinders diesel engine providing 375 hp, coupled to an Allison automatic gearbox. Pneumatics are the standard 14R20 used in the French Army.

The VMBR (L) combat weight ranges from 15 to 17 tonnes, depending on configuration and protection level, maximum weight being 18 tonnes, each axle being able to carry 9 tonnes. According to the design team on-board power is sufficient for all needs, but no more details were provided. The same for the protection level, the VBMR (L) having intrinsic ballistic and mine protection, the former being upgradable with add-on kits, while those are not planned for the IED/mine protection.
In its basic sub-version, the Infantry one, the VPB will be able to carry 10 soldiers, driver, gunner, commander and seven infantrymen. It will be fitted with an RCWS, either the T1 or T2 developed by Renault Trucks Defense within the Scorpion programme; they may be armed with 7.62 and 12.7 mm machine guns and 40 mm AGLs. One pintle-mounted Minimi machine gun is fitted at the rear, the machine gunner being protected by side armour plates. Beside the Infantry one, nine other sub-versions are planned, Command Post, Medevac, Engineer, MMP missile carrier, 81 mm mortar carrier, Artillery Observer, 120 mm mortar towing vehicle, SATCP GBAD carrier, and Resupply. The Nexter-Texelis team will deliver one version, the DGA then acquiring the specialised kits according to the Army needs. The VPB will the first version to be developed, the prototype being expected in 2020 while qualification is planned for late 2021. The SA2R will follow one year later and will be available in ot sub-versions, fitted with a surveillance radar or an optronic package, these vehicles providing surveillance and reconnaissance for the regimental Task Force; to ensure long time of operation when static, it will be fitted with an APU (Auxiliary Power Unit). The NCT qualification is scheduled for 2023, this having four sub-versions, dedicated to widen the radio coverage of the Task Force providing radio relay among units. ... the-vbmr-l
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am So 3. Jun 2018, 15:32, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20772
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Armée de Terre: Programm SCORPION

Beitrag von theoderich »

LE CYCLE D’UN MATÉRIEL : LE GRIFFON (TIM, H 294, Mai 2018, p. 6) ... disponible

Mit zwei Konzeptgrafiken des Demonstrators Renault Trucks Défense BMX 01, die ich so noch nie gesehen habe. Und einem Zeitplan für die Einführung des "Griffon" (Der im Vergleich zu den Plänen von 2010 massive Verzögerungen offenbart. Ursprünglich war die Einführung des VBMR ab 2016 geplant, das EBRC sollte ab Anfang 2019 zulaufen.):
  • 2018:
    • Phase der industriellen Erprobung ab 2017
    • Getrennte Erprobung bei GME (Groupe momentanement d'entreprises; Nexter Systems/Renault Trucks Defense/Thales) und DGA
    • Ende 2018: Erste Qualifikation des VBMR durch die DGA
    • Dezember 2018: Lieferung von 3 Vorserienfahrzeugen Griffon VTT an die DGA
  • 2020: Indienststellung des VBMR [Mise en service opérationnel (MSO)]
    • Einführung des VBMR bei
      • 13e BCA (13e bataillon de chasseurs alpins; 13. Gebirgsjägerbataillon)
      • 1er RI (1er régiment d'infanterie; 1. Infanterieregiment)
      • 21e RIMa (21e régiment d'infanterie de marine; 21. Marineinfanterieregiment)
      • 3e RIPMA (3e régiment de parachutistes d'infanterie de marine; 3. Marineinfanterie-Fallschirmjägerregiment)
      • 4e RE (4e Régiment étranger; 4. Regiment der Fremdenlegion)
      • PE - C (Parc d'entraînement de Champagne ... Fahrzeugpool für Ausbildung in Champagne; es existieren zwei Fahrzeugpools, der PE - C und der Parc d'entraînement de Provence/PE - P)
  • 2021:
    • Erster Einsatz einer GTIA (Groupement tactique interarmes ... Bataillonskampfgruppe)
    • Einführung des im Fahrzeug integrierten Simulationssystems am Griffon [Simulation embarquée (SEMBA)]
    • Einführung des VBMR bei
      • 13e DBLE (13e demi brigade de Légion étrangère; 13. Halbbrigade der Fremdenlegion)
      • 7e BCA (7e Bataillon de chasseurs alpins; 7. Gebirgsjägerbataillon)
      • 126e RI (126e Régiment d'infanterie; 126. Infanterieregiment)
      • 6e RG (6e Régiment du genie; 6. Pionierregiment)
      • EG (École du genie; Pionierschule)
      • Parc OPEX (Parc Opérations extérieures; Fahrzeugpool für Auslandseinsätze; Einführung der Fahrzeuge für den ersten Auslandseinsatz mit dem VBMR)
Zeitplan für die Einführung der Varianten des VBMR "Griffon"
  • 2020: Kommandofahrzeug (EPC ... Engin poste de commandement)
  • 2021: Pioniertransportfahrzeug (VTT Génie ... Véhicule transport de troupe Genie)
  • 2022: Artilleriebeobachtungsfahrzeug (VOA ... Véhicule d'observation de l'avant)
  • 2023: Sanitätsfahrzeug (SAN ... Sanitaire)

In einer Ausgabe der Zeitschrift "Fantassins" vom Juni 2010 war sogar von einer Einführung des VBMR im Jahr 2015 und des EBRC schon 2018 die Rede:

SCORPION: gagner la bataille au contact, in: Fantassins, H 25 (Juin 2010), p. 36-37
Segment VBMR lourd (cible 1968)

Le VBMR lourd permettra de transporter un groupe FELIN (2+9) ou un génie combat et/ou du matériel. Il sera developpé en 6 variantes (VTT, engin poste de commandement, véhicule observateurs d'artillerie, mortier embarqué de 120 mn, sanitaire, NRBC) et sera livré en version de base au niveau de protection N2 [Protection contre les tirs de 7,62 mn.]. Modulaire et évolutif, il pourra, suivant l'emploi et le niveau de menace être optimisé par des kits additionels de blindage (balistique N4 [Protection contre des tirs de 14,5 mn.], et anti mines N3a/roues [Protection contre 8 kg TNT.] et N2b/ventre [Protection contre 6 kg TNT.]) ou d'armement de bord (TOP 12.7, LGA 40 mn). Acquis selon le principe de juste sufficance, le nombre des kits répondra au strict bésoin opérationnel (dispositif PEGP). Une réserve de masse (0.5T) permettra de faire évoluer le VBMR et de l'adapter aux besoins futurs.

Segment "porteur léger" (cible 358)

Réalisé par extension d'un parc existant, le porteur léger comportera 4 variantes répondant à des besoins spécifiques ne justifiant par le VBMR lourd:
  • Le VBP [Véhicule de Patrouille Blindé] (cible 122): transportant un groupe FELIN, aérotransportable et destiné à remotoriser un GTIA mis en place par la 3D;
  • 3 autres variantes: surveillance, acquisition d'objectif, renseignement et reconnaissance SA2R (66), NCT [Noeud de Communication Tactique] (98), GE [Guerre électronique] (72). ... assins.pdf

Man plante den Kauf von 72 EBRC und 977 VBMR (Ziel: 1968 schwere VBMR und 358 "porteur légers"). Derzeit sind es 20 EBRC und 319 VBMR.

Bild ... ts_ei.html
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Mo 17. Sep 2018, 21:15, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20772
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Armée de Terre: Programm SCORPION

Beitrag von theoderich »

French VBMR-L set for 2019 rollout
The first 4x4 Vehicule Blinde Multi-Role-Light (VBMR-L) vehicles developed by Nexter Systems for the French Army will be completed in 2019, with an initial operating capability (IOC) expected in 2021.

The company is currently developing three variants of the VBMR-L: 10 vehicles configured for armoured patrol missions – operated by a two-person crew and carrying eight dismounts – expected to be qualified in 2021, as well four communications and three reconnaissance vehicles scheduled to be qualified in 2022 and 2023 respectively. ... 19-rollout