Iranische Marine

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Sicherheit und Verteidigung außerhalb Europas
Beiträge: 20810
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Iranische Marine

Beitrag von theoderich »


Ein aktuelles Satellitenfoto der INS "Makran" in Bandar Abbas: ... 56.2018551
Beiträge: 20810
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Iranische Marine

Beitrag von theoderich »

Beiträge: 20810
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Iranische Marine

Beitrag von theoderich »

Neue Fotos aus Qeshm (Die Qeshm Madkandaloo Shipbuilding Cooperative Co. hat eine englische Website.):





theoderich hat geschrieben: Sa 11. Dez 2021, 16:49 Angeblich konnte das Schiff wieder aufgerichtet werden:

Mittlerweile ankert die "Talay'ieh" in Bandar Abbas neben einem neuen Patrouillenboot. Man erkennt auf den Satellitenfotos auch die erste Sektion des Zerstörers "Loghman". Und die INS "Makran" hat einen neuen Liegeplatz.

The Iranian Defence Industry unveils new air defence, anti-ship systems and naval platform

During DIMDEX 2022 the Iranian Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistics presented a range of products, from the new AD-200 long-range air defence surface-to-air missile system to the new multi-mission corvette, passing through medium and short range air defence systems alongside the family of anti-ship missiles and naval weapon guns.
A new corvette design

Together with export models of the current design of locally-built naval platforms, the Iranian Defence industry was also showing a model of the recently unveiled design for a new corvette of around 80 meters with stealth features, characterized by an important weapon package and more interestingly a sensors suite based on a new unidentified main naval phased array radar. The model features a single superstructures block with stern helicopter platform and two shaft lines of an unidentified propulsion system without funnels, indicating a potential combustion engines exhaust system horizontally on the waterline or below it. The new combatant platform features a single integrated mast accommodating a the main radar with fixed faces and flat superstructures accommodating a range of weapon systems and sensor. The corvette is armed with a bow-mounted locally-built 76/62 mm Fadjr 27 gun with a stealth shield together with an amidship vertical launching system with 8 cells for presumably surface-to-air missiles alongside two twin launchers for what are expected to be anti-ship missiles, and two locally built Kamand 30 mm close-in weapon systems. Between these two guns we find a fire control system; it is unclear to which weapon system it is related. Decoy launchers are installed in different ship locations, in addition to machine gun stations on both side of the superstructures. ... l-platform
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Iranische Marine

Beitrag von theoderich »

OSINT: Iran's IRGC Getting Massive New Ship

The I.R.I.S. Shahid Mahdavi (110-3) started life as a large container ship. It is now undergoing a refit to give it a logistic role.

The vessel is named in honor of Nader Mahdavi. He was one of 7 IRGC personnel killed in an engagement against the U.S. Navy in October 1987.

According to defense analyst Aurora Intel, the ship is Savin (IMO 9209348). This Iranian flagged container ship was previously Dandle. She was built in 2000 and is 240.2 meters overall, and 32.2 meters across. Based on imagery analysis it appears that she had been outside the naval base at Bandar Abbas, in the civilian anchorage, since mid-2019. It had been in its final spot since March 2021. Based on analysis of satellite imagery, the ship was brought to the shipyard in late January 2022. Work likely commenced soon after.

The refit is being done at the same yard where the regular Iranian Navy's own forward base ship, I.R.I.N.S. Makran (441), was converted. At 240 meters long the new IRGC ship appears to be similar lenght but slightly smaller overall than the Makran, which was a tanker. But it will be by far the largest ship in IRGC service.

theoderich hat geschrieben: Fr 1. Apr 2022, 20:17Bild
BINNIE Jeremy: Iranian shipyard building smaller version of IRGC catamaran (Jane's Defence Weekly, 18th May 2022)
A catamaran that looks like a smaller version of Iran's new class of fast attack ships is being built at the shipyard that completed one of the larger vessels, a Maxar satellite image taken on 14 May has confirmed.

A photograph emerged in April showing a catamaran being built in a shed at Qeshm Madkandaloo Shipbuilding on Qeshm Island, where one of the three larger naval catamarans that were revealed in 2021 was constructed. The smaller vessel has a lower profile than the larger one, which uses a high-aspect-ratio twin-hull (HARTH) design where the hull is mounted unusually high above long hulls to minimise water resistance.

The Maxar satellite image shows the smaller vessel has now been moved out of the shed, revealing its length as approximately 47 m.
The size of the new vessel matches one that Rear Admiral Alireza Tangsiri, the commander of the Revolutionary Guards Corps Navy (IRGCN), has mentioned earlier. In a 10 October 2021 report, Tasnim News Agency cited Rear Adm Tangsiri admiral as saying that a 47 m-long ship named after Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis was being built in addition to the three catamarans and that it will have a 'W-shaped' hull, as well as offensive and defensive capabilities.


Rear Adm Tangsiri added that the three ships would enter service with the IRGCN later that year (the Persian year 1400 ended on 20 March 2022). If that was the plan, the programme has now fallen far behind schedule.

The one at Qeshm Madkandaloo Shipbuilding was launched sometime between 16 June and 24 July 2021 and was not visible in October, suggesting it was carrying out sea trials. However, it was out of the water again by 12 December, where it remains. The one at Bushehr was still partially under a shed on 2 May and the third being built at a small shipyard between Bandar Abbas and Bandar Shahid Rajaee had yet to receive the markings for its helicopter deck as of 30 April.

Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Di 12. Jul 2022, 01:18, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20810
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Iranische Marine

Beitrag von theoderich »



Und ein paar Fotos eines ähnlichen Katamarans aus einer iranischen Werft. Angeblich handelt es sich um die kleinere Variante der "Shahid Soleimani"-Klasse (Siehe oben: Iranian shipyard building smaller version of IRGC catamaran):

Bild ... 55.9151417

Angeblich befindet sich, neben der "Sarvin" (früherer Name: IR. ISFAHAN), auch ein zweites Logistikschiff namens "Pararin" (früherer Name: IR. KERMAN) im Bau - beide für die Marine des IRGC (NEDSA) bestimmt:

Beiträge: 20810
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Iranische Marine

Beitrag von theoderich »

سپاه شناور گشتی ـ رزمی شهید سلیمانی را رونمایی کرد ... 8%B1%D8%AF









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IRGC Navy Gets New Warships
Three new military vessels joined the fleet of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy on Monday, including a patrol combat warship equipped with air defense missiles with a vertical launching system.

The IRGC Navy took delivery of the new warships in a ceremony in the southern port city of Bandar Abbas on Monday.

The homegrown vessels include an advanced patrol combat warship named after Lt. General Qassem Soleimani, and two missile-launching speedboats named after IRGC Navy martyrs Rouhi and Dara.

Martyr Soleimani warship is a multi-hulled watercraft that can carry helicopters. It can also unload various strike speedboats and VTOL drones in the sea.

In comments at the event, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri said the patrol combat warship is the first Iranian military vessel equipped with air defense missiles with a vertical launching system that can fire mid- and short-range missiles.

The warship’s hull material employs stealth technology construction techniques with a low radar cross section, the commander noted, noting that it can navigate in the oceans and rough seas for various operations.

Furnished with four powerful homegrown engines, martyr Soleimani warship can carry out long-range naval missions without coastal logistics, he added. ... w-warships




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Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Mi 7. Sep 2022, 23:49, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20810
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Iranische Marine

Beitrag von theoderich »

Beiträge: 20810
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Iranische Marine

Beitrag von theoderich »

Mittlerweile ist die "Shahid Soleimani" in Bandar Abbas vertäut: ... 56.1984374
Beiträge: 20810
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Iranische Marine

Beitrag von theoderich »

Dieses Schiff kommt mir sehr bekannt vor:
theoderich hat geschrieben: Mo 11. Jul 2022, 18:53Angeblich befindet sich, neben der "Sarvin" (früherer Name: IR. ISFAHAN), auch ein zweites Logistikschiff namens "Pararin" (früherer Name: IR. KERMAN) im Bau - beide für die Marine des IRGC (NEDSA) bestimmt:

Dabei dürfte es sich um diese Konstruktion handeln. Ziemlich grotesk ...

theoderich hat geschrieben: Do 14. Jul 2022, 22:13
