Iranische Luftwaffe

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Sicherheit und Verteidigung außerhalb Europas
Beiträge: 20801
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Iranische Luftwaffe

Beitrag von theoderich »

Beiträge: 20801
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Iranische Luftwaffe

Beitrag von theoderich »

New SHORAD systems seen in Iranian exercise
Brigadier General Amir Qader Rahimzadeh, commander of the regular military's (Artesh's) air-defence force, announced that both the Majid and Dezful systems had been successfully fired during the exercise against targets that simulated cruise missiles.

The Iranian media identified the Majid as a system mounted on the back of a light tactical vehicle with a rapidly rotating electro-optical (EO) sensor and a missile launch tube on either side, although it appeared more tubes could be carried. A video showed the system firing a missile fitted with an EO seeker at a relatively slow propellor-driven target.

The Dezful was identified as a system that appeared to be a Tor-M1 mounted on a commercial truck. ... n-exercise




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Katar hat mittlerweile eine neue Radarstation mit einem AN/FPS-132 errichtet (Reichweite: angeblich bis zu 5000 km): ... 51.2547778
Beiträge: 20801
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Iranische Luftwaffe

Beitrag von theoderich »

Bekommt der Iran Ägyptens Su-35S?
Mindestens 24 Suchoi Su-35S bestellte Ägyptens Regierung im Mai 2018 bei der staatlichen Flugzeugbau-Holding OAK in Russland. Gut 15 Stück davon hat OAK in Komsomolsk am Amur schon gebaut, bezahlt haben die Ägypter auch – aber dass jemals eine der bestellten "Super Flanker" in Ägypten offiziell ihren Dienst antritt, scheint trotzdem ausgeschlossen. Denn Ägyptens Luftwaffe hatte die Rechnung ohne die USA gemacht, als sie sich für den russischen Top-Kampfjet entschied. Die drohten der ägyptischen Regierung vehement und wiederholt mit Sanktionen und dem Ende militärischer Unterstützung – weshalb Kairo seine Suchoi-Order letztlich auf Eis legte. Schließlich stammt ein Großteil der Ausrüstung der ägyptischen Streitkräfte von US-Herstellern.

Super-Flanker für Teheran?

Nun stehen die fertigen Fighter aber schon beim KnAAPO-Flugzeugwerk auf dem Hof, und so sucht OAK – im Auftrag Ägyptens, wie es heißt – eifrig nach alternativen Abnehmern. Die Hoffnung, elf Su-35S an Indonesien zu verkaufen, zerschlug sich Ende 2021, die Indonesier strichen das Muster von ihrer Wunschliste. Schenkt man einem Artikel des iranischen Journalisten und Militärexperten Babak Taghvaee Glauben, könnten die ägyptischen Su-35S aber schon bald im Iran landen. Demnach sind die Jets Teil eines großen, auf 20 Jahre angelegten Rüstungspakets, das der Iran und Russland noch im Januar vertraglich festzurren wollen, und das einen Gesamtwert von zehn Milliarden US-Dollar besitzen soll. Darin enthalten sind laut Taghvaee neben den 24 Su-35S unter anderem zwei S400-Flugabwehrsysteme sowie ein Militärsatellit. Außerdem soll es Modernisierungsprogramme für die bereits vom Iran genutzen MiG-29 und Su-24 geben.
Allein die Kosten für die Su-35S, inklusive Equipment, werden mit drei Milliarden US-Dollar beziffert – eine Summe, die der Iran Babak Taghvaee zufolge nicht in Devisen, sondern in Barrel Rohöl bezahlen will. Das erscheint einerseits skurril, besitzt Russland doch selbst große Erdölreserven. Allerdings dürfte ein solch teures Geschäft – so es denn zustande kommt – für die Islamische Republik nur so überhaupt wirtschaftlich stemmbar sein.

Laut Taghvaee wurden bereits 30 Piloten aus den Reihen der iranischen Luftwaffe auserkoren, um sich bei Vertragsabschluss nahtlos in Russland auf der Su-35S ausbilden zu lassen. Alle 24 Flugzeuge könnten außerdem bis Mitte 2022 übergeben werden. ... s-su-35se/

Es fällt mir schwer, das zu glauben.

Sukhoi Su-35S: Capabilities Out of This World (30. Oktober 2014)
Then the upgraded Su-27 was given new capabilities to control guided precision weapons. To enable this capability, a new airborne radar was installed on the jet. The weapons control system and the airframe were also modified, adding a canard wing.

For a number of reasons, that jet did not go into production, and the manufacturer did not resurrect the Su-35 designation until 2005. The new Sukhoi Su-35 took off from the Ramensky Airfield of the Gromov Flight Research Institute in February 2008.

The fighter jet was originally designated Sukhoi Su-35BM (the Russian index for “big modernization,” or “a major upgrade”), and was subsequently renamed as Su-35 for the export markets. After the Russian Air Force became interested in the new model, a Sukhoi Su-35S variant emerged, with the index S traditionally signifying a version designated for the Russian Defense Ministry.
Avionics and Equipment

The avionics used in the new jet are a completely new system of onboard electronics. The entire complement of Sukhoi Su-35 electronics is integrated into a single system.

Avionics and other equipment are integrated into a single cohesive system by an information processing and control system, which comprises two digital CPUs, interface and data conversion systems, and a head-up display (HUD) implementing the glass cockpit concept.

The Su-35 has two MFI-35 large color multi-functional LCDs, a multi-functional panel with an integrated display processor, a wide-angle collimated head-up display superimposed over the windscreen and a control panel in the cockpit.

These indicators and a range of other avionics systems of the aircraft were developed by the Ramenskoye Instrument Design Bureau, also a Concern Radioelectronic Technologies (KRET) subsidiary.

KRET engineers also designed a new navigation system for the fighter jet – the BINS-SP-2 strap-down inertial navigation system.

The navigation system can identify the aircraft’s location independently from satellite positioning and without communicating with ground-based systems, at accuracy levels double those offered by earlier versions. BINS-SP-2 has an expected operating life of 10,000 hours, nearly double that of currently available comparable navigation systems.

Incidentally, this state-of-the-art navigation system, created from scratch by KRET subsidiaries, will be also used in the Fifth-Generation advanced front-line aircraft system.

Airborne IRBIS Radar

While lacking an APAR, the Su-35 radar system can detect targets at distances up to 400 kilometers, as well as tracking up to aerial targets and engage up to eight of these targets simultaneously.

Sukhkoi Su-35S has owes these capabilities to its new Irbis phased-array radar control system. The system was developed by Tikhomirov Instrument Engineering Research Institute, a KRET subsidiary, and is being manufactured by the Ryazan State Instrument Factory, another subsidiary of KRET.

The state-of-the-art system enables Sukhoi Su-35S to detect quickly and track simultaneously up to four ground targets or up to 30 airborne targets, as well as engaging up to eight airborne targets at the same time. Besides, the radar control system has the friend-or-foe identification capability for aerial and maritime objects, is capable of identifying the class and type of airborne targets and take aerial photos of the ground.

The system can be used in any weather at any time of the day, and remain effective in the face of interference, either natural or organized by the enemy electronic warfare systems.

An oscillator with peak power output of 20 kW used in the passive phased array radar makes Irbis the most powerful radar control system in the world.
Beiträge: 20801
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Iranische Luftwaffe

Beitrag von theoderich »

Iran parades new air-defence system, UAVs

The Iranian military displayed a previously unseen air-defence system and at least two new types of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) during its Army Day parade in Tehran on 19 April.

The towed air-defence system had a launcher for three surface-to-air missiles and a phased-array radar mounted on a rotating platform. The launcher tilts backwards so the radar can fold forward to search and track targets when deployed.

The missile canisters were the same as the ones used with the 15 Khordad air-defence system and the radar appeared to be similar, which would make it a standalone version of a system that has separate radar and command post vehicles, as well as multiple launchers.

Tasnim News Agency identified the system as the Tactical Hunter/Sayyad, an apparent reference to the Sayyad family of surface-to-air missiles that are used with several Iranian air-defence systems, including the 15 Khordad.

The previously unseen UAVs displayed in the parade included one labelled as the Ababil-5 and two other seemingly identical examples of the same type. ... ystem-uavs

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Beiträge: 20801
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Iranische Luftwaffe

Beitrag von theoderich »

Beiträge: 646
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 19:40

Re: Iranische Luftwaffe

Beitrag von Berni88 »

Ob das auch wirklich zustande kommt, wollen tun sie es ja schon lange - Iran will Su-35S kaufen: ... einkaufen/
Beiträge: 20801
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Iranische Luftwaffe

Beitrag von theoderich »

Iran Unveils New Air Defense Missile
A new solid-propellant missile paired with Iran’s homegrown air defense system ‘Bavar-373’ was unveiled on Sunday.

The new missile, dubbed ‘Sayyad 4B’, has a range of 300 kilometers.

In a recent test, the Bavar-373 air defense system successfully hit a target at a distance of over 300 km with the new missile.

The Iranian air defense system managed to detect the target at a range of more than 450 kilometers with its optimized radar and tracked the target at a distance of around 405 km before detonating it with Sayyad 4B.

Sayyad 4B missile’s engine runs on hybrid solid fuel and has undergone an operational test for the first time.

The new breakthrough has increased the range of the detection radar of Bavar 373 from 350 to 450 km, while its tracking radar’s range has risen from 260 to 400 kilometers.

The employment of Sayyad 4B also means that the range of the Iranian air defense system missiles has been extended to 300 km and the altitude of engagement has increased from 27 to 32 km. ... se-missile
Beiträge: 20801
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Iranische Luftwaffe

Beitrag von theoderich »

Die ersten Iraner lernen, wie man die Su-35 fliegt ... su-35-aus/