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Re: Serbische Streitkräfte

Verfasst: Do 16. Jul 2020, 22:10
von theoderich
The Ministry of Defence Ordered New “NORAs”, “LAZARs” and “MILOŠs”
Today, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin visited the plants of the factory “Complex Combat Systems” in Velika Plana, and the occasion for the visit was recently signed framework agreement for equipping of the Serbian Armed Forces with the armoured 8x8 fighting vehicles “LAZAR-3” and self-propelled howitzer-guns 155mm NORA B-52 M15. ... lose-16227

Нова борбена возила јачају Војску Србије ... srbije.php








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Re: Serbische Streitkräfte

Verfasst: Fr 17. Jul 2020, 11:44
von cliffhanger
Befürchte das keinem einzigen unserer Politiker bewusst ist was da am Balkan derzeit für ein Aufrüsten stattfindet....wegen den wahrscheindlichen Bedrohungsszenarien wär´s ja nur gewesen.

Re: Serbische Streitkräfte

Verfasst: Fr 31. Jul 2020, 00:47
von theoderich
Serbia notes interest in Boeing-Saab T-7A Red Hawk jets
The Boeing-Saab T-7A Red Hawk is one of the options that Serbia is considering as a replacement for its existing jet trainer and light attack fleets.

Speaking on national TV on 25 July, a senior government official said that aircraft could replace both the SOKO G-4 Super Galeb (Super Seagull) advance trainer and light attack platform and the SOKO J-22 Orao (Eagle) ground attack jets that, despite ongoing modernisation efforts, are due for retirement.

Serbia has expressed interest for the acquisition of 20 T-7A jets, the acting assistant minister for material resources in the Serbian defence ministry, Nenad Miloradović, said. He added that the T-7A, which is being developed as a trainer for the US Air Force (USAF) and marketed as a potential light fighter/attack solution for the international market, possesses “excellent characteristics and capabilities”.

Miloradović explained that Serbia was attracted by the combination of the T-7A’s price and its performance, noting that the country is looking at options that are about half the price of current fourth-generation platforms (so approximately USD50 million) and whose capabilities are between the existing capabilities of [Serbia's] assault [G-4 and J-22] and fighter [MiG-29] aircraft. ... -hawk-jets

Einige Infanteriewaffen und Ausrüstungsgegenstände der 72. Brigade für Spezialeinsätze (72. бригаде за специјалне операције):



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Außerdem wurden kürzlich 56 Geländewagen UAZ Patriot angeschafft:

Fifty-six new SUVs for the Serbian Armed Forces
In addition to the 56 vehicles presented today, it is planned to purchase eight more vehicles by the end of October. The Serbian Armed Forces were last equipped with vehicles of this type in 2006.

As Minister Vulin pointed out after the visit, these are non-combat passenger SUVs, intended for the Military Police, Army units and everyday use of all our members. ... bije-16253



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Re: Serbische Streitkräfte

Verfasst: So 9. Aug 2020, 18:52
von theoderich
Министар Вулин: Развој система ПАСАРС и модернизација радара „Жирафа“ важни су за Војску Србије ... bije-16303



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Die serbische Armee erprobt derzeit das mobile Artillerie- und Raketensystem PASARS mit einer 40 mm-Bofors-Maschinenkanone und integrierten IGLA-Lenkwaffen, das mit einem modernisierten Radarsystem "Giraffe" verlinkt wird, in Batajnica. Das Radar "Giraffe" erhält u.a. einen neuen Empfänger ("software-defined radar receiver"). Durch verschiedene Modifikationen soll die Reichweite vergrößert, die Fähigkeit zur Detektion von Kleinzielen wie Drohnen verbessert und ein schneller Stellungswechsel ermöglicht werden. Außerdem können mehr Einheiten Ziele zugewiesen werden. Die letztes Jahr eingeführte Variante des PARSARS erhält ebenfalls IGLA-Lenkwaffen.

Die Werfer und andere Elemente zur Integration der IGLA werden auch für die 2019 beschafften MISTRAL-Lenkwaffen verwendet.

Re: Serbische Streitkräfte

Verfasst: So 16. Aug 2020, 22:50
von theoderich
Нове могућности ракетне артиљерије уз модуларни „Огањ“ ... ganj-16333 ... ?__tn__=-R

Die Artillerie des serbischen Heeres erhält neue Raketenwerfer LRSVM M18 (ЛРСВМ М18 „Огањ“). Der Prototyp ist eine Weiterentwicklung des Raketenwerfers SVLR M77 (СВЛР „Огањ“ 128 мм М77). Die Entwicklung übernahm das Militärisch-Technische Institut, die Systemintegration „Прва петолетка – Наменска“ Трстеник und größere Sublieferanten waren Zastava TERVO (Застава ТЕРВО) und ZAB Priboj (ФАП Прибој). Das neue Feuerleitsystem ermöglicht eine Feuerbereitschaft innerhalb von nur drei Minuten. Die Munition besteht aus ungelenkten Raketen mit Reichweiten von 40 bzw. 50 km und gelenkten Raketen (z.B. АЛАС). Derzeit werden die Raketen "кошава 1" und "кошава 2" entwickelt, deren Reichweite mehr als 50 km beträgt.

“Miloš” combat vehicle will significantly enhance the operational capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces
The “Miloš” vehicle, whose development and production is the responsibility of Public Company Jugoimport – SDPR, can be used for patrols and reconnaissance, as a commando vehicle or an ambulance, for anti-guerrilla, anti-terrorist and anti-armour action, for the control of borders and territory and for transportation and giving support to special operations units.

The standard version is intended for an eight-member crew, four of whom are housed in the rear of the vehicle with the ability to quickly exit or enter through the rear door or hydraulic rear ramp, while four crew members in the front can enter and exit the vehicle through side doors.

The main concept of the vehicle is based on a self-supporting hull, modern drive and transmission assemblies and an independent suspension system which ensures high mobility in any terrain and weather conditions with the maximum combat weight exceeding 14 tons. 300 HP CUMMINS ISB 300 diesel engine, automatic transmission Allison 3500SP and other power transmission components ensure the maximum speed of the vehicle which exceeds 110 km/h. The wheels with "Run Flat" inserts ensure the mobility of the vehicle up to 50 km in case the tires are seriously damaged, and they also feature the central tire inflation system.

The vehicle has 5 loopholes for firing with personal armament during anti-ambush operations, observation holes with ballistic protection, air-conditioning and NBC protection systems, modern communication equipment, Command Information System, and night vision and driving cameras.

“Miloš” can be equipped with day and night remote-controlled weapon station equipped with 12.7mm machine gun, AD rocket systems, long-range anti-tank guided missile systems (5 to 8.5 km), different types of manually controlled armoured turrets equipped with machine guns and grenade launchers, as well as optoelectronic thermal imaging and TV and radar systems for the border control and surveillance which are mounted on telescopic masts of different heights. ... bije-16327 ... ?__tn__=-R ... ?__tn__=-R

Re: Serbische Streitkräfte

Verfasst: Do 3. Sep 2020, 21:21
von theoderich

Re: Serbische Streitkräfte

Verfasst: So 6. Sep 2020, 13:54
von theoderich

Re: Serbische Streitkräfte

Verfasst: Fr 9. Okt 2020, 16:15
von theoderich

Re: Serbische Streitkräfte

Verfasst: Do 22. Okt 2020, 22:46
von theoderich

Re: Serbische Streitkräfte

Verfasst: Di 17. Nov 2020, 13:19
von theoderich
PREMIUM: Serbia receives upgraded T-72s from Russia ... 2s-russia/

D.h. künftig hat das serbische Militär 30 in Russland modernisierte T-72MS und 21 M-84 mit serbischen Upgrades ...