Dänemark kauft Haubitzen und Mehrfachraketenwerfer

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
Beiträge: 20781
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Dänemark: Nexter CAESAR 8x8

Beitrag von theoderich »

France supplies Ukraine with more Caesar guns (1. Oktober 2022)
The shipment should consist of 6 to 12 howitzers taken from an order intended for Denmark. An unprecedented operation by Paris, which has been regularly accused of not doing enough.

The delivery has been the subject of long negotiations. According to our sources, France is preparing to supply Ukraine with additional Caesar guns, taken from an order originally intended for Denmark. This shipment should consist of 6 to 12 of the 15 howitzers requested by Kyiv. While technical discussions are being finalized, the maneuver is subject to a political agreement between the three governments. This was reached during talks in recent weeks between President Emmanuel Macron, his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, and the Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen.

The operation is both unprecedented and complex for the French authorities. The equipment that Paris is committed to delivering to Kyiv was initially intended for Denmark, as part of an order for 15 units placed in 2017, supplemented by four other guns in 2019, currently being delivered by their manufacturer Nexter. At this stage, Copenhagen would have been all the more willing to give up some of this equipment as it is still undergoing technical validation, and may not all comply with the specifications initially set by the Danes. After hesitating, Ukraine's leaders are pleased with the effectiveness of the Caesar guns and are ready to recover this equipment and use them as they are. Neither the Elysée Palace nor the Ministry of the Armed Forces would comment on the operation.
https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international ... 801_4.html