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Türkei: Kampfhubschrauber ATAK 2

Verfasst: Mo 19. Nov 2018, 10:06
von theoderich ... 6944048128 ... =3&theater

Turkish aviation expertise, in: SOFEX Online Show Daily (Thursday, 10 May 2018)
Another TAI product that has seen action in Syria is the T129 Atak attack helicopter, itself an outgrowth of the Italian AW129 Mangusta. TAI is now working on an Atak 2, which will incorporate various systems – including transmission, rotors and undercarriage – that have been developed indigenously for the T625 multirole transport helicopter that is due to make its first flight later this year. ... 3_2018.pdf

Tunç BATUM, President of Meteksan Defence: “Having started to turn out our own products, our goal at Meteksan Defence is to increase exports to 30 percent of turnover”, in: MSI Magazine (February 2018)
MSI TDR: One important development last year was the successful conclusion of the acceptance procedures for the Helicopter MİLDAR (Millimetre Wave Radar Development Project for Air Platforms). So what’s next? How is Meteksan Defence preparing for the following stage, and what are your expectations in this regard?

Tunç BATUM: As the first phase of the MİLDAR project, we have successfully completed our work on Helicopter MİLDAR, which is a fire control and terrain profile radar. After starting work on this phase in 2007, the development of the radar has been a gruelling and technically challenging process that has required dozens of engineers to work around the clock. All processes have now been completed for the radar, including the flight tests on the T129 ATAK helicopter.

The Helicopter MİLDAR project has resulted in important technological gains for Turkey, and has paved the way for the Automatic Take-Off and Landing System (OKİS) as a second phase, and the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) MİLDAR as a third phase.

We have carried out trials for the Helicopter MİLDAR on the ATAK helicopter, although whether the MİLDAR will eventually be used on serving ATAK helicopters will depend on various factors.

That said, when it comes to the ATAK 2 helicopter, we’re in a totally different position, as MİLDAR has been integral into the configuration of ATAK 2 from the outset, although the decision is yet to be made on whether to mount the radar above the main rotor, under the fuselage or in the helicopter’s nose. We have been appointed by the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) to look at this issue, and have been working with Turkish Land Forces Command and TAI to come up with a solution. ... tunc-batum

Türkei kauft bis zu 91 AW-129 Kampfhubschrauber ... 99&p=57419

Re: Türkei: Kampfhubschrauber ATAK 2

Verfasst: Sa 23. Feb 2019, 21:38
von theoderich

Re: Türkei: Kampfhubschrauber ATAK 2

Verfasst: Mo 29. Apr 2019, 22:52
von theoderich

Re: Türkei: Kampfhubschrauber ATAK 2

Verfasst: So 5. Mai 2019, 17:16
von theoderich

Re: Türkei: Kampfhubschrauber ATAK 2

Verfasst: So 30. Apr 2023, 22:18
von theoderich

Re: Türkei: Kampfhubschrauber ATAK 2

Verfasst: Mi 26. Jul 2023, 21:21
von theoderich