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L-159 T2 für die tschechische Luftwaffe

Verfasst: Mo 17. Sep 2018, 08:07
von theoderich
9. August 2018

A successful 30-minute first flight of the first L-159 type T2 for the Czech Air Force took place on 2 AUG at Vodochody Airport. These new twin-seaters have new central and forward fuselage, several significant improvements (mostly in equipment of both cockpits and in the fuel system) and are fully NVG compatible. Each cockpit is further equipped with two multi function displays and upgraded version of an ejection seat VS-20. The aircraft is also adapted to offer a pressure refueling capability. The Grifo radar, commonly used in single seat version, is now integrated also in the L-159T2 as well as the self-protection systems (countermeasures and radar warning receiver). ... ?__tn__=-R

1. Juli 2017

Aero and Czech Army signed contract for upgrade of L-159 aircraft
Aero Vodochody will improve cockpits of L-159s of the Czech army, in terms of specific need of the Czech Air Force.

The Agreement signed representatives of Aero and Czech ministry of Defense at international security and defense fair IDET in Brno, the city of Czech Republic.
Aero also converts, for Czech Air Force, three aircraft to type L-159T2, which is modernized version of double-seated light combat. Also on this development, Aero slightly cooperates with the army. ... -aircraft/

23. September 2016

Podpis smluv na servis L-159 a L-39 a pořízení letounů dvojího řízení L-159

Signature of contracts for the service of L-159 and L-39 and acquisition of dual-purpose aircraft L-159
První smlouva zajišťuje komplexní pozáruční servis letounů typové řady L-39 a L-159 i jejich dalších modifikací s platností do 30. listopadu 2022 a s vymezeným maximálním finančním limitem do 1,680 miliardy Kč bez DPH (2,033 mld. s DPH). Ačkoli uzavření smlouvy předcházelo intenzívní několikaměsíční vyjednávání, smlouva respektuje ujednání, která byla dohodnuta při zavedení typu L-159 do výzbroje Armády ČR mezi společností a Ministerstvem v roce 2005 a garantují zajištění servisní podpory ze strany dodavatele do 31. ledna 2029.
The first contract provides comprehensive after-warranty service of the L-39 and L-159 series, as well as their further modifications until November 30, 2022 and with a defined maximum financial limit of CZK 1,680 billion excluding VAT (2,033 billion with VAT). Although the contract was preceded by several intense months of negotiations, the contract respects the arrangements agreed upon between the company and the Ministry in 2005 for the introduction of L-159 in the Army of the Czech Republic and guarantees the provision of service support by the supplier until 31 January 2029.
Druhou smlouvou je významný modernizační projekt přestavby 3 jednomístných letounů L-159 z počtů Armády ČR na 3 letouny dvojího řízení L-159 T2 zejména pro zajištění výcvikových potřeb Vzdušných sil AČR před přechodem na nadzvukový letoun. Součástí modifikace je modernizace navigačního, přístrojového a komunikačního vybavení, včetně záchranného systému pilotů, a nezbytné logistické zajištění. Přestavěné letouny Armáda ČR obdrží do konce listopadu 2018 za cenu 457 milionů Kč bez DPH.
The second contract is a major modernization project for the reconstruction of 3 single-seat L-159s from the Army of the Czech Republic to 3 twin-seat aircraft L-159 T2 in particular to provide the training needs of the Czech Armed Forces Air Force before crossing over to the supersonic airplane. The modification includes the upgrading of navigation, instrumentation and communication equipment, including the pilots' rescue system, and the necessary logistics. The rebuilt Czech Air Force aircraft will be delivered by the end of November 2018 at a cost of CZK 457 million without VAT. ... 9--126895/
  • „Letoun dvojího řízení L-159 T2“
    Předmětem veřejné zakázky je přestavba tří jednomístných letounů L-159 v majetku Ministerstva obrany na letouny dvojího řízení. Kontrakt obsahuje nutné logistického zabezpečení pro zajištění výcvikových potřeb Armády České republiky. Celkem tedy budou Vzdušné síly AČR disponovat 24 bitevníky L-159, z čehož osm letounů bude ve verzi dvojího řízení. Zčásti se jedná o náhradu letounů, které byly součástí odprodeje do Iráku.

    Požadovaný počet letounů zajistí komplexní výcvikové potřeby Armády České republiky při výcviku pilotů pro jednomístné cvičně bojové letouny L-159 s následným přechodem na nadzvukový letoun.

    Zakázka bude zadána výrobci letounů, tedy společnosti AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE. Ta jako jediná vlastní technologie, technickou dokumentaci a majetková práva dle autorského zákona a je schopna dodržet technologické postupy pro výrobu, opravy, údržbu a dlouhodobé uložení letounu L-159 jako nedělitelný celek. Doba platnosti smlouvy bude do 31. 12. 2018 s předpokládanou hodnotou 437,00 mil. Kč bez DPH.
    The subject of the public contract is the conversion of three single-seat L-159s in the possession of the Ministry of Defense to dual-purpose aircraft. The contract contains the necessary logistic support to ensure the training needs of the Czech Army. In total, the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic will have 24 L-159s, of which eight will be in the twin-seat version. In part, they are replacing the airplanes that were part of the sale to Iraq.

    The required number of aircraft will provide the comprehensive training needs of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic for the training of pilots on single-seat training aircraft L-159, followed by a transition to supersonic aircraft.

    The contract will be awarded to the aircraft manufacturer, AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE. It is the only one owning the technology, technical documentation, and proprietary rights under the Copyright Act and which is capable of maintaining the technological procedures for the production, repair, maintenance and long-term storage of the L-159 as an indivisible whole. The contract will be valid until December 31, 2018, with the estimated value of CZK 437,00 million excluding VAT. ... _l-159.doc

Heute: die ersten 6 Gripen in Tschechei gelandet! (s.v. "Czech Republic-Prague: Special-purpose aircraft") ... 50&p=41151

Re: L-159 T2 für die tschechische Luftwaffe

Verfasst: Fr 19. Okt 2018, 13:11
von theoderich
Czech defense minister pledges purchase of new jet trainers from local company
Czech Defence Minister Lubomir Metnar has announced the country’s military could acquire up to six new L-39NG jet trainers from local manufacturer Aero Vodochody to replace its outdated L-39 Albatros aircraft.

"The Ministry of Defence and the military are interested in these aircraft, negotiations are, of course, already taking place and we will acquire these aircraft," Metnar said, as reported by local broadcaster Ceska Televize. ... l-company/

Armáda plánuje pořídit letouny L-39NG, první stroje nového modelu vzlétnou ještě letos ... este-letos

Re: L-159 T2 für die tschechische Luftwaffe

Verfasst: Fr 7. Jun 2019, 23:14
von theoderich
The Czech Army took over three two-seat L-159T2 aircraft (4. Juni 2019)

AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE a.s. delivered to the Czech Army three two-seat L-159T2 aircraft improved by a number of major upgrades to meet the new requirements of the Czech Air Force for advanced pilot training and military operations. These aircraft will replace the L-39ZA aircraft currently serving at 21st Tactical Air Force Base in Čáslav, which end their service in the army this year after decades of successful operation.
L-159T2 aircraft have several significant improvements, mostly in equipment of both cockpits and in the fuel system, and are fully NVG compatible. Each cockpit is further equipped with two Multi-Function Displays and upgraded version of an ejection seat VS-20. The aircraft is also adapted to offer a pressure refuelling capability. The Grifo radar, commonly used in single seat version, is now integrated also into the dual seat L-159T2 as well as the self-protection systems (countermeasures and radar warning receiver).

The T2 airframe has a newly built central and forward fuselage; rest of the airframe comes from older single-seat L-159 aircraft of the Czech Army. The Czech Air Force ordered three L-159T2 in 2016. The order also includes delivery of ground equipment, software, and spare parts, as well as training of ground and flight personnel. The first flight of the new two-seat aircraft took place on August 2, 2018 at Vodochody Airport. ... -aircraft/

Aero will overhaul 16 L-159 aircraft for the Czech army for CZK 1.6 billion (VIDEO) (30. Mai 2019)
AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE a.s. and Czech Ministry of Defence announced during the International Defence and Security Technologies Fair in Brno, Czech Republic contract for maintenance of 16 L-159 aircraft in four years. The total value of the so called PP16 contract - maintenance after 16 years of service – is CZK 1.6 billion.

The PP16 is a second regular maintenance check of single seat L-159s, the first check after eight years of service was performed by Aero in 2009–2013. The PP16 contract includes the renewal of the operating period for the next eight years. The maintenance work consist of inspection of all parts of the aircraft including all the equipment.

Besides the necessary maintenance, several upgrades are part of the contract. One of them is adjustment for use of NVG (night vision goggles): adaptation of the cockpit and installation of internal and external airplane lighting (positional, anti-collision and formation lights). Aero cooperates with the Czech army to make the whole L-159 fleet NVG compatible. All L-159T2 aircraft, which will come to the service of the Czech Air Force in following days, are prepared for training in night vision; adaptation for NVG is also part of upgrade of L-159T1 to T1+.

Another upgrade is installation of ESIS - Electronic Standby Instrument System, able to substitute several standby instruments and provide the pilot with attitude, airspeed, altitude, vertical speed and heading data in the event of a panel failure. Aero installed ESIS already to L-159T1 aircraft operated by the Czech Army.
Czech Air Force is currently operating 16 single seat L-159 aircraft and 5 two seat L-159T1 trainers. In following days, Aero will also deliver to the Czech Army three L-159T2. ... -16-billi/

Re: L-159 T2 für die tschechische Luftwaffe

Verfasst: Di 1. Nov 2022, 06:50
von theoderich
Die tschechische Regierung hat in ihrer Sitzung vom 20. Oktober einen Bericht zur Kenntnis genommen, wonach LOM Praha s. p. den Abschluss eines Kaufvertrags mit Aero Vodochody Aerospace a.s. über vier L-39NG plant. Der Vertragswert liegt bei 2,1 Mrd. CZK, davon sind 1,3 Mrd. CZK für die Flugzeuge und der Rest für dazugehörige Produkte (Pilotenausrüstung, Überlebensausrüstung, Bodenausrüstung, Ersatz- und Umlaufteile, Flugplanungssystem, Simulationssystem) und Dienstleistungen (Ausbildung von Piloten und Bodenpersonal) sowie Support vorgesehen.

Pořízení podzvukových letounů L-39NG a o další plánovaných nákupech
Jednání o pořízení čtyř podzvukových letounů L-39NG

Vláda na jednání vzala na vědomí informaci o tom, že státní podnik LOM PRAHA s. p., zřizovaný Ministerstvem obrany ČR, plánuje uzavřít smlouvu se společností Aero Vodochody Aerospace a. s. na pořízení čtyř kusů podzvukových letounů L-39NG určených pro výcvik vojenských pilotů. Spolu s letouny LOM PRAHA s. p. obdrží speciální a výškovou výstroj, prostředky pro přežití, úvodní výcvik pilotů a pozemního personálu, pozemní vybavení, počáteční sady náhradních dílů a spotřebního materiálu, systémy pro plánování a rozbor letů a pozemní výcvikový systém. Předpokládaná hodnota zakázky bude činit 2,1 mld. Kč, z čehož 1,3 mld. bude tvořit pořízení vlastních letounů, zbytek ceny se pak bude skládat ze souvisejících produktů a služeb a zejména z pozáruční podpory, jejíž cena je garantována až do roku 2028. Cena zakázky byla ověřena znaleckým posudkem. Státní podnik LOM PRAHA s. p. letouny nakupuje proto, že je subjektem, který pro AČR výcvik pilotů na podzvukových strojích zabezpečuje. ... -2022.docx

Re: L-159 T2 für die tschechische Luftwaffe

Verfasst: So 22. Jan 2023, 17:26
von theoderich
Aero delivered the last L-159 to the Czech Army after a planned overhaul
Aero Vodochody has completed the prescribed repairs (PP16) on all 16 single-seat L-159 ALCA aircraft and handed over the last one to the Czech Air Force. The L-159s have been extended for another eight years and other technical improvements have been made.

The L-159 ALCA light combat aircraft, registration number 6070, was the last of 16 single-seat aircraft that have been undergoing prescribed periodic overhauls at Aero Vodochody over the past two years. The last completed Alka was handed over to the 21st Tactical Air Force Base at Caslav of the Czech Air Force.
The second intermediate overhaul under the so-called PP16 (prescribed periodic work after 16 years of operation) includes inspection and testing of all parts of the aircraft, including instruments. The contract between the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic and Aero Vodochody, concluded in 2019, also included technical improvements to some parts and functions of the aircraft. The L-159s were modified to use night vision goggles (NVGs), including the adaptation of the cabin and the installation of the aircraft's interior and exterior lighting kits. A new electronic backup display (ESIS) can replace other backup instruments and provide pilots with critical position, speed, or descent data in the event of a failure of conventional devices.

Aero Vodochody completed the production of the last 16 L-159 aircraft in December last year and handed it over to the Czech Air Force in the form of a ground handover. The actual aerial handover of the last L-159 aircraft was conducted in January 2023.