Bulgarien: Neue Kampfflugzeuge

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
Beiträge: 20233
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Bulgarien: Neue Kampfflugzeuge

Beitrag von theoderich »

Bulgaria invests in aircraft and armoured vehicles
Bulgaria's Council of Ministers on 16 May approved the acquisition of new combat aircraft for the Bulgarian Air Force (BuAF) and 150 new combat vehicles for the Bulgarian Land Forces (BuLF).

The acquisition of a new combat aircraft is a two-phase project to equip the BuAF with 16 jet fighters to replace 15 Soviet-era MiG-29s. For the first phase of this procurement, Sofia approved BGN1.8 billion (USD1.08 billion) to be paid over 10 years for the acquisition of at least eight jet fighters, in addition to related weapons, ground training and support equipment, flying and technical personnel training, and integrated logistics for a period of three years.
http://www.janes.com/article/80289/bulg ... d-vehicles

Дневен ред на заседанието на Министерския съвет на 16.05.2018 г.


Внася: заместник министър-председателят по обществения ред и сигурността и министър на отбраната
35. Decision for proposal to the National Assembly for Adoption of the draft investment spending "Acquiring basic military technology for the construction of a battalion battle group from the composition of a mechanized brigade" and adoption of the updated draft for investment spending "Acquisition of a new fighter type"

Submitted by: Deputy Prime Minister for Public Order and Security and Minister of Defense

Правителството стартира проектите за придобиване на нова бойна техника за Сухопътните войски и на нов тип самолет за ВВС

http://www.gov.bg/bg/prestsentar/zaseda ... -05-2018-g

Bulgarien: Ausschreibung neuer Kampfflugzeuge erwartet

http://www.doppeladler.com/forum/viewto ... ?f=7&t=150
Beiträge: 20233
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Bulgarien: Neue Kampfflugzeuge

Beitrag von theoderich »

Bulgaria relaunches jet fighter tender
Bulgaria has issued a request for proposals (RfP) for a new jet fighter, the country’s deputy defence minister Anatoliy Metodiev Velichkov announced on 17 July.

“On 3 July we sent enquiries to potential bidders and on 1 October we expect their bids,” Velichkov told Bulgarian TV station ON AIR, confirming speculation that had appeared on Bulgarian aviation web portal aeropress-bg on 2 July.

The web portal quoted two independent sources familiar with the process as saying that the new jet fighter would initially complement, and later replace, all Bulgarian Air Force (BuAF) MiG-29 jets.
http://www.janes.com/article/81861/bulg ... ter-tender

МО призна, че е пуснало RFP за новия изтребител (18. Juli 2018)

MoD has admitted that it has released a RFP for the new fighter
Заместник-министър Величков обаче бърка датите, защото реално запитването е пуснато на 29 юни 2018 г. АЕРО съобщи за това още на 2 юли, но от военното ведомство категорично отказаха да потвърдят новината. В следващите повече от две седмици не последваха никакви коментари от страна на МО. Не е ясно защо от военното ведомство решиха да стартират процеса без да оповестят данъкоплатците за това.
Deputy Minister Velichkov, however, confused the dates because the inquiry was actually released on June 29, 2018. AERO reported it on July 2, but the military service firmly refused to confirm the news. Over the next two weeks, no comments from the MoD followed. It is unclear why the Military Department decided to start the process without disclosing that to taxpayers.
Запитванията са изпратени до правителствата на САЩ, Португалия, Германия, Франция, Италия, Швеция и Израел. От тях се търсят общо 13 различни варианти – новопроизведени F-16V, употребявани F-16 (в три подварианта – A/B модернизирани до стандарта MLU, C/D и израелските C/D Barak), нови и употребявани F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, употребявани F/A-18C/D Hornet, нови и употребявани Eurofighter, нови и употребявани Rafale и нови и употребявани Gripen C/D.

С бюджет от 1,5 млрд. лева без ДДС се цели покупката на минимум осем изтребителя, с наземно оборудване, въоръжение и обучение.
The requests were sent to the governments of the United States, Portugal, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden and Israel. Out of these, a total of 13 variants are being developed - F-16V, used F-16 (in three sub-variants - A/B upgraded to MLU, C/D and Israeli C/D Barak), F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, used F/A-18C/D Hornet, new and used Eurofighter, new and used Rafale and new and used Gripen C/D.

With a budget of BGN 1.5 billion excluding VAT, the aim is to purchase at least eight fighters, ground equipment, weapons and training.

http://www.aeropress-bg.com/news/bulgar ... изтребител

Средствата за отбрана щели да произведат сигурност за страната (17. Juli 2018)
"Предвидените средства за отбраната ще произведат сигурност за страната. За пръв път от 30 години със средствата за отбрана ще се произведе брутен продукт в България. В бъдеще тези машини ще бъдат поддържани от български предприятия", заяви той пред Bulgaria ON AIR.

Анатолий Величков отбеляза, че са отделени 371 млн. лева, за които той не се съмнява, че ще стигнат до Българската армия. Зам.-министърът на отбраната подчерта, че държавата ще използва новите машини 35 години.
"For the first time in 30 years, defense equipment will produce a gross product in Bulgaria, and in the future these machines will be maintained by Bulgarian enterprises," he told Bulgaria ON AIR.

Anatoly Velichkov noted that 371 million leva have been allocated, for which he has no doubt that they will reach the Bulgarian Army. The Deputy Minister of Defense stressed that the state would use the new machines for 35 years.

На 1 октомври държавата очаква да получи всички оферти за новите изтребители. Ще бъде съставена междуведомствена работна група от експерти, която да ги оцени преди да се стигне до подписване на договор. В предаването "Денят ON AIR" Величков подчерта, че няма оплаквания в сухопътните войски.

Той категорично отрече твърдението, че у нас кацат тайно самолети с мигранти на военни летища.

"Това не се е случило, няма как и да се случи. Всички положителни новини, които идват от министерството на отбраната, създават страхове у някои", настоя зам.-министърът.
On October 1, the state expects to receive all offers for new fighters. An inter-ministerial task force of experts will be set up to assess them before a contract is signed. In the "ON AIR Day" show, Velichkov stressed that there were no complaints in land troops.

He categorically denied that airplanes at military airports have secretly landed in Bulgaria.

"It has not happened, it can not happen." All the positive news coming from the Ministry of Defense creates fears in some, "the Deputy Minister insisted.

https://www.bgonair.bg/denqt-on-air/201 ... a-stranata

Актуализиран проект за инвестиционен разход „Придобиване на нов тип боен самолет“, приет с решение на Народното събрание от 8 юни 2018 г.

Updated project for investment expediture "Acquisition of a new type of combat aircraft" adopted by a decision of the National Assembly of 8 June 2018

https://www.md.government.bg/bg/doc/dru ... ct_VVS.doc

Spannend. Darin sind auch die geforderte Anzahl von Flugzeugen, die geforderten Leistungsparameter und Bewaffnung und Subsysteme gelistet.

Ich habe bisher nur einen Teil übersetzt:
  • Anforderungen
    • Mehrzweckkampfflugzeug
    • Radar mit Luft- und Bodenmodi
    • Modernes Computersystem
    • Selbstschutzsystem
    • Link-16
    • FLIR (?)
    • Aufklärungs- und Zielbehälter
    • Integration von modernen Präzisionswaffen (Kanone; VR- und BVR-Luft-Luft-Lenkwaffen; Munition für Luftangriffe gegen stationäre und bewegliche Ziele soll zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt beschafft werden; Bodenausrüstung; Ausbildung von Personal)
    • Einsatzplanungs- und Analysesystem
    • Simulatoren
    • Leistungsfähigkeit in den Bereichen Manövrierfähigkeit und Reichweite (Einsatzradius und Flugdauer)
    • Logistische Unterstützung für die ersten drei Jahre; nach diesem Zeitraum sollte ein langfristiger Vertrag zur Flugzeugwartung abgeschlossen werden, wie es in vielen NATO- und EU-Staaten üblich ist. Dadurch müssen nicht kontinuierlich Lieferungs- und Unterstützungsverträge abgeschlossen werden und das Risiko für den Flugbetrieb wird stark reduziert.
  • Operative Anforderungen
    • 730 h pro Jahr (für 24 h Einsatzbereitschaft) oder 1460 h pro Jahr (für 12 h Einsatzbereitschaft, sofern die Einsatzbereitschaft in Tag und Nacht geteilt wird)
    • Mindestens 30 Piloten (erforderlich für Air Policing)
    • Laut den Allied Command Operations Forces Standards, volume III – Standards for Air Forces muss ein Pilot mindestens 180 h pro Jahr fliegen, um ein garantiertes Niveau an Flugsicherheit erhalten zu können. Durch die Einführung leistungsfähiger Flugsimulatoren wurde in einigen Ländern ein Schema mit 140 h pro Jahr und 40 h am Flugsimulator eingeführt.
    • In einigen NATO-Mitgliedsstaaten (Polen, die Tschechische Republik und Ungarn), die sich dieses Schema nicht leisten können, erreichen die Besatzungen ca. 100 - 110 Flugstunden pro Jahr. Um dieses Trainingslevel für 30 Piloten erhalten zu können, ist Ausrüstung für 3000 Flugstunden pro Jahr erforderlich.
    • Weltweit wird ein Minimum von 80 Flugstunden pro Pilot und Jahr akzeptiert. Eine Reduzierung unter dieses Niveau ist mit erheblichen Risiken für die Flugsicherheit verbunden, weshalb die minimalen Flugstunden nicht unter 2400 h pro Jahr absinken sollten.
    • Statistiken zeigen, dass ein modernes Kampfflugzeug mit einem guten Logistiksystem 150-170 Flugstunden pro Jahr erreichen kann. D.h. für die erforderlichen 2400-3000 Flugstunden pro Jahr benötigt die bulgarische Luftwaffe zwischen 16 und 20 Flugzeuge.
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Mo 6. Aug 2018, 18:47, insgesamt 10-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20233
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Bulgarien: Neue Kampfflugzeuge

Beitrag von theoderich »

Bulgaria Looks for New Combat Aircraft Again
On 25 July, Bulgaria’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) made a draft Request for Proposals document public that envisages inviting seven countries to supply then Bulgarian Air Force with 16 new fighter jets.

This follows National Assembly approval in June 2018 of a BGN3.5 billion military modernisation project, including BGN1.8 billion for the fighter aircraft, to be acquired in two stages of eight each.
The document posted by the MoD lists the countries from which Bulgaria may call for bids as including Israel, the United States, Germany, Portugal, France, Italy and Sweden.

In the case of the US, the call would be for F-16s or F-18s. The document also envisages inviting bids from Israel and from Portugal, both involving F-16s.

France would be asked about RAFALE fighters – an aircraft that in 2017 President Roumen Radev, a skilled pilot and former Bulgarian Air Force commander, took up into the air, while Germany would be asked about new Eurofighter TYPHOONs and Sweden about new or used GRIPENs, and Italy would again be asked about TYPHOONs.
Beiträge: 20233
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Bulgarien: Neue Kampfflugzeuge

Beitrag von theoderich »

В Министерството на отбраната са получени предложения от три държави за четири типа боен самолет

https://www.md.government.bg/bg/news_ar ... _year=2018

Beim bulgarischen Verteidigungsministerium sind drei Angebote für vier unterschiedliche Typen von Kampfflugzeugen eingegangen.
  • USA
    • F-16 (fabriksneu)
    • F/A-18 (fabriksneu)
  • Schweden
    • Gripen (fabriksneu)
  • Italien
    • Eurofighter (gebraucht)
Weitere Länder, an die Aufforderungen für Angebote ergangen sind, die aber nicht reagiert haben, waren:
  • Frankreich
    • Rafael (fabriksneu oder gebraucht)
  • Deutschland
    • Eurofighter (fabriksneu oder gebraucht)
  • Portugal
    • F-16 (gebraucht)
  • Israel
    • F-16 (gebraucht)
Die Angebote werden geheim gehalten. Ab dem 2. Oktober soll die vom Premierminister ernannte Arbeitsgruppe die Angebote analysieren - ein Vorgang, der innerhalb von 14 Tagen, bis zum 19. Oktober, abgeschlossen sein soll. Sollten zusätzliche Informationen von den Bietern erforderlich sein, könnte dieser Zeitraum verlängert werden. Nach Abschluss der Analyse wird eine ebenfalls vom Premierminister eingesetzte politisch-militärische Steuerungsgruppe mit den anbietenden Staaten Gespräche zur Verbesserung ihrer Offerte führen. Am Ende soll ein akkordierter Vorschlag der Steuerungsgruppe an den Verteidigungsminister stehen, der diesen dann dem Ministerrat vorlegen wird, um das Projekt starten zu können.

Bulgariens vice försvarsminister besöker provplatsen i Linköping

Bulgariens Vize-Verteidigungsminister besucht Testgelände in Linköping

http://www.fmv.se/sv/Nyheter-och-press/ ... Linkoping/
Beiträge: 20233
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Bulgarien: Neue Kampfflugzeuge

Beitrag von theoderich »

Проектите за летателната годност на самолетите МиГ-29 и Су-25 целят повишаване на бойните способности

https://www.md.government.bg/bg/news_ar ... _year=2018

Der bulgarische Ministerrat hat am 28. November zwei Projekte genehmigt, um die Flugtüchtigkeit von Flugzeugen des Typs MiG-29 sicherzustellen und jene von Flugzeugen des Typs Su-25 wiederherzustellen.

Es werden mindestens 8 Flugzeuge MiG-29 zu einem Preis von bis zu 81 294 416 BGN (ohne MWSt.) modernisiert. Die Umsetzung ist bis Ende 2020 vorgesehen. Für die Verträge sind 71 739 959 BGN geplant, davon 26 000 000 BGN aus dem Budget des Verteidigungsministeriums. Deshalb hat die Regierung am 28. November zusätzliche Mittel für das Verteidigungsbudget von 45 739 959 BGN genehmigt.

Für die Modernisierung der Su-25 sind bis zu 99 012 000 BGN (inkl. MWSt.; 82 510 000 BGN ohne MWSt.) veranschlagt. Durch die Modernisierung der MiG-29 und Su-25 soll die Zeitspanne zur Beschaffung und bis zur Einführung eines neuen Kampfflugzeugs überbrückt werden.
Letztes Update: 18.02.2018



Mittel / Luftstreitkräfte



12 MiG-29A (FULCRUM)

(davon vermutlich 6 A + 1 UB einsatzbereit)


https://www.truppendienst.com/themen/st ... bulgarien/


http://af.armf.bg/bg/?page_id=3029 Luftfahrzeuge der bulgarischen Luftstreitkräfte

http://airforce.mod.bg/bg/ ПРОЕКТИ ЗА МОДЕРНИЗАЦИЯ (Projekte und Modernisierung)

Beiträge: 20233
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Bulgarien: Neue Kampfflugzeuge

Beitrag von theoderich »

В доклада за избор на нов тип боен самолет е направено предложение за започване на преговори със САЩ за самолет F-16

https://www.mod.bg/bg/news_archive.php? ... _year=2018 Die Bewertungskommission hat in ihrem Bericht vorgeschlagen, mit der Regierung der USA Verhandlungen über die Beschaffung von F-16V Block 70 aufzunehmen.

US Coaxes Bulgaria to Buy F-16 Fighter Jets (20. Dezember 2018)
Washington is upping the pressure on Bulgaria to secure the sale of F-16 fighter jets to the Balkan country over rival bids from Sweden and Italy.

“The United States is committed to working with the Bulgarian government to tailor the final scope of a potential F-16 sale to fit its budgetary and operational requirements, while still offering superior capabilities,” US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, according to a press release from December 20.

“The United States looks forward to completing final negotiations with the Bulgarian government,” the press release concluded.

Pompeo's words follow a telephone conversation with Prime Minister Boyko Borissov on December 18, and a visit by his deputy, John Sullivan, to Bulgaria this week.

The vice-leader of the ruling GERB party and head of the party’s parliamentary group, Tsvetan Tsvetanov, visited the US earlier in December.

They collectively signal that Bulgaria's political establishment is leaning towards the US-made Lockheed Martin jets – an option clearly preferred by Prime Minister Borissov.

“From what I’ve discussed with pilots, they say F-16 Block 70 are significantly better aircrafts than the others they offer us – the old Eurofighters and the Gripens,” Borissov said on 14 December, adding that he was “not interfering in the [expert] commission’s work”.

In reality, observers say the government, not the expert commission reviewing all three offers, will likely make the final choice on what to replace the country's ageing Soviet-designed MiG-29s with.
Although the exact offers of the two companies are not yet public, experts believe the US offer is more expensive than the Swedish one, which may explain why Pompeo mentioned “tailoring… the scope of the sale”.

Defence Minister Krassimir Karakachanov said on 17 December on TV that he believed the US might be ready to negotiate on the price tag.

“It was made clear that if we choose the F-16s for final negotiations, they are ready to improve their offer. We haven’t discussed in detail by how much,” he said.
http://www.balkaninsight.com/en/article ... 12-20-2018
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Sa 15. Jun 2019, 12:40, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20233
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Bulgarien: Neue Kampfflugzeuge

Beitrag von theoderich »

Bulgaria reveals why it might stop talks to buy F-16 fighter jets
Bulgaria may walk away from negotiations with the U.S. for the purchase of Lockheed Martin’s F-16 Block 70 fighter jets, according to Bulgaria’s defense minister, instead turning to Sweden or Italy for new combat aircraft.

As part of Bulgaria’s tender to acquire eight new fighter jets for its military, Italy offered the Eurofighter Typhoon and Sweden offered the Saab JAS 39 Gripen.
Krasimir Karakachanov told local broadcaster Bulgarian National Radio that government authorities were not expecting to receive “anything for free [from the U.S.], but [to be offered aircraft] at normal prices, taking into account the prices offered to other countries, for example, Slovakia.”

Last year, the Slovak Cabinet signed a contract worth about €1.59 billion (U.S. $1.78 billion) to acquire 14 F-16 Block 70/72 fighters from the United States.

The minister did not disclose the value of the offer made by the American side. However, Bulgarian officials noted the acquisition is expected to be worth about 1.5 billion leva (U.S. $859 million).
https://www.defensenews.com/air/2019/05 ... hter-jets/
Beiträge: 20233
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Bulgarien: Neue Kampfflugzeuge

Beitrag von theoderich »

US State Department approves $1.7 billion sale of F-16s to Bulgaria
Officials sounded more optimistic about the proposed U.S. deal on Tuesday, with Reuters citing a defense ministry statement that characterizes the figure as falling within the upper range of the expected cost.

“There is a two-week timeline in which the U.S. government will present to Bulgaria a draft Letter of Offer and Acceptance in which the expected price for the eight jets with a package of necessary related equipment will be within $1.2 billion,” the ministry said in a statement, according to Reuters.
https://www.defensenews.com/global/euro ... -bulgaria/

Bulgaria – F-16C/D Block 70/72 Aircraft with Support
The Government of Bulgaria has requested to buy eight (8) F-16 C/D Block 70/72 aircraft; ten (10) F110 General Electric engines (includes 2 spares); ten (10) Link-16 Multi-Functional Information Distribution System (MIDS) - JTRS (MIDS-JTRS) (includes 2 spares); nine (9) Improved Program Display Generators (iPDG) (includes 1 spare); nine (9) AN/APG-83 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radars (includes 1 spare); four (4) AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER Targeting Pods; nine (9) Modular Mission Computers (MMC) 7000AH (includes 1 spare); nine (9) LN-260 Embedded GPS/INS (EGI); nine (9) M61 Vulcan 20mm Cannons; sixteen (16) AIM-120C7 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAMs); one AIM-120C7 Spare Guidance Section; twenty-four (24) AIM-9X Sidewinder Missiles; eight (8) AIM-9X Captive Air Training Missiles (CATM); four (4) AIM-9X Spare Tactical Guidance Sections; four (4) AIM-9X Spare CATM Guidance Sections; forty-eight (48) LAU-129 Multi-Purpose Launchers; fifteen (15) GBU-49 Enhanced Paveway II Kits; fifteen (15) GBU-54 Laser JDAM Kits; twenty-eight (28) GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs (SDB-1); twenty-four (24) FMU-152 Fuzes; twenty-four (24) MK-82 Bombs (Tritonal); six (6) MK82 Bombs (Inert); and thirteen (13) MAU-210 Enhanced Computer Control Group (ECCG). Also included are nine (9) AN/ALQ-211 Internal Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suites (including 1 spare); nine (9) AN/ALE-47 Countermeasure Dispensers (including 1 spare); 4,140 Infrared Flare countermeasures, with impulse cartridges; 8,250 each of PGU-27A/B 20mm training and combat munitions; thirty-six (36) MK-124 Signal/Smoke Illumination devices; nine (9) APX-126 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe (AIFF) units with Secure Communications and Cryptographic Appliques; eighteen (18) AN/ARC-238 UHF/VHF SATURN Radios; sixteen (16) AIM-120C AMRAAM training CATMs; Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS) with software, training and support; twenty (20) Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) II with Night Vision Goggle compatibility; ten (10) Night Vision Devices; two (2) Remote Operated Video Enhanced Receiver (ROVER) 6i units, plus 1 ground station; ground training device (flight and maintenance simulator); one (1) Avionics I-level Test Station; Electronic Combat International Security Assistance Program (ECISAP) support; Cartridge Actuated and Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD) support; Common Munitions Bit-test Reprogramming Equipment (CMBRE) support with Computer Test Set Adapter Group; communications equipment; software delivery and support; facilities and construction support; spares and repair/replace parts; personnel training and training equipment; publications and technical documentation; containers; munition support and test equipment; aircraft and munition integration and test support; studies and surveys; U.S. Government and contractor technical, engineering and logistical support services; and other related elements of logistics and program support. The estimated cost is $1.673 billion.
https://www.dsca.mil/major-arms-sales/b ... ft-support
Beiträge: 20233
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Bulgarien: Neue Kampfflugzeuge

Beitrag von theoderich »

Bulgaria to take over air policing of North Macedonian airspace
Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov has confirmed that the Bulgarian Air Force (BuAF) will take over the air policing of North Macedonian airspace, following a meeting with North Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev.

Borisov said this would happen after the BuAF receives F-16 fighters, set to be ordered this year.

“Last week I discussed with my colleague Zaev the possibility of using our newly procured F-16 fighters for air policing of North Macedonian airspace. This will be good for both of us,” Borisov said on 12 June while attending the distinguished visitors day of multinational exercise ‘Strike Back 2019’ being held at the Novo Selo military training range in Bulgaria between 6–20 June.
https://www.janes.com/article/89265/bul ... n-airspace

Bulgaria ready to protect North Macedonia's airspace with F-16 jets (12. Juni 2019)
NATO member Bulgaria could help protect its southwestern neighbor North Macedonia’s airspace if it completes a deal for the purchase of eight F-16 aircraft from the United States, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said on Wednesday.
A Pentagon agency said on Monday that the U.S. State Department had approved the possible sale of eight F-16 aircraft and related equipment to Bulgaria at an estimated cost of $1.67 billion.

However, Bulgaria expects the United States to offer to sell the jets for its air force at a discounted price of $1.2 billion.

“We spoke with (my) colleague (North Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran) Zaev last week... to guard North Macedonia’s airspace when we acquire the new jets,” Borissov told reporters.

“Тhis will be good for them and for us.”

The official U.S. proposal to sell F-16 fighter jets to the Balkan country is expected to arrive within a week, Bulgarian Defense Minister Krasimir Karakachanov said on Tuesday.
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-bulg ... SKCN1TD1OI

Mit nur acht F-16, die kaum ausreichen, um den bulgarischen Luftraum zu überwachen. Und selbst mit den mittelfristig geplanten 16 Flugzeugen wird das nicht funktionieren.
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Sa 15. Jun 2019, 12:31, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 559
Registriert: Di 29. Mai 2018, 22:53

Re: Bulgarien: Neue Kampfflugzeuge

Beitrag von Maschin »

Wahnsinn was will man mit 8! F-16? Mehr wie 14 Piloten bekommt man nicht ins System noch dazu benötigt man den gesamten Klarstand für die Alarmrotte. QRA + 2 Reserve.