USA: "Low-yield nuclear weapon" & "INF Range Ground-launched Missile System"

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Sicherheit und Verteidigung außerhalb Europas
Beiträge: 20772
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: USA: "Low-yield nuclear weapon" & "INF Range Ground-launched Missile System"

Beitrag von theoderich »

Navy awards first ever multi-service contract for Tomahawk Weapons System (24. Mai 2022)
The Navy awarded a $217.1 million contract May 24 to Raytheon Missile Systems to deliver 154 Tomahawk missiles to the Navy, Marine Corps, and Army by 2025.

The Full Rate Production (FRP) contract, Lot 18, marks the first multi-service procurement for Tomahawk, which further expands integration into new firing platforms for the Marine Corps and Army.
The Tomahawk program office used Economy Act 31 USC 1535 and 1536 which allows one agency to obtain goods with another agency under certain circumstances. Congress passed this act in 1932 to obtain economies of scale and eliminate overlapping activities of the federal government, according to DoD financial management regulations.

The Marine Corps is developing and fielding a ground based Tomahawk launcher. This contract includes procurement of missiles to support stand up of the new Marine Corps units.

PMA-280 worked closely with the Army’s Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO) to execute the contract in an effort to deliver the missiles on an accelerated schedule. The Army is leveraging PMA-280’s ongoing modernization efforts, investment strategies, and joint test events for its Mid-Range Capability program, a system that is on track to be delivered to its first Army unit in FY23.

FRP Lot 18 will be in the Block V configuration which features a NAV/COMMS upgrade that maintains the capability for in-flight updates and improved navigation. Future Block V capabilities will include the Maritime Strike Tomahawk (MST) variant and the Joint Multiple Effects Warhead System (JMEWS). ... 42022-1347
Block IV

The current version, called the Block IV Tactical Tomahawk, or TACTOM, has a data link that allows it to switch targets while in flight. It can loiter for hours and change course instantly on command.

Block V

Beginning in 2020, the U.S. Navy will recertify and modernize the missile, extending its service life by 15 years, and resulting in the new Tomahawk Block V series:
  • Block V: A modernized TACTOM with upgraded navigation and communication
  • Block Va: Block V that can strike moving targets at sea
  • Block Vb: Block V, with a joint multi-effects warhead that can hit more diverse land targets
https://www.raytheonmissilesanddefense. ... se-missile

Bzgl. JMEWS:
  • New Energetic Solid Propellant Ingredients
    Agency: Department of Defense

    Branch: Navy
    Amount: $499,763.00
    Solicitation Year: 2005

    Award Year: 2011

    Award Start Date (Proposal Award Date): 2011-05-05
    Small Business Information

    MACH I Inc.
    340 East Church Road
    King of Prussia, PA -
    United States

    MACH I Inc. propose to extend the technology developed under a previous Phase II STTR. This new technology will transition the demonstrated performance advantages to a commercial system, the Joint Multiple Effects Warhead System (JMEWS) warhead for integration into a Block IV Tomahawk warhead system. Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) is prepared to develop and commercialize the proposed technology in a Tomahawk weapon system. MACH I will be the prime small business contractor under the proposed STTR. Sandia National Lab will be the STTR partner. NAMMO Talley will evaluate thermobaric formulations. Boron has great potential as an energetic component in munitions and propellants with the highest energy density (59 kilojoules/gram) of al practical metal fuels. It is difficult to realize this potential due to ignition and combustion issues. The ignition temperature is 2000 K and a molten oxide surface layer forms inhibiting combustion rate and combustion completion. In the prior work, ignition temperature was reduced to 1000 K, combustion rate increased by 46%, while maintaining 97% of boron"s delivered energy. Compared to aluminum in a standard thermobaric formulation, Mg.1 B.9 gave a 21% increase in thermal output and an 18% increase in pressure impulse, with no increase in munition sensitivity.

Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Di 16. Aug 2022, 20:11, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20772
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: USA: "Low-yield nuclear weapon" & "INF Range Ground-launched Missile System"

Beitrag von theoderich » ... -2022.aspx

Und das Justification Book der US Army für 2022 enthält im Kapitel RD&T erneut das Projekt einer "Mobile Medium Range Missile"/"Mobile Intermediate Range Missile", basierend auf SM-6 und "Tomahawk":
PE 0604644A / Mobile Medium Range Missile


A. Mission Description and Budget Item Justification

The Program Element (PE) 0604644A / Mobile Medium Range Missile funds the US Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO) Mid-Range Capability (MRC) effort and continues as the program transitions to the US Army Program Executive Office Missiles and Space (PEO MS). Four MRC batteries will be developed and deployed; the MRC prototype battery will be developed by RCCTO, and the three remaining MRC batteries by PEO MS. The mission of the MRC project is to provide Combatant Commanders with a strategic, ground-mobile, all-weather, offensive missile capability.

The MRC Project will leverage existing SM-6 and Tomahawk missiles for ground launch, to provide a responsive, highly accurate, deep strike capability designed to destroy high value, high payoff targets. MRC is optimized for the penetration/dis-integration phase of Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) by defeating enemy Anti-Access / Area Denial (A2/AD) systems allowing the Joint Force Commander freedom to maneuver during the exploitation phase.

The MRC project leverages Joint Service technologies and integration of common hardware, software, and mutually supporting test events. MRC develops the Launchers and Battery Operations Center (BOC) which provide the capability to fire a mix of missiles capable of flying at various speeds and altitudes for mid-range distances to engage desired targets. The MRC project deliverable quantity is one residual combat MRC prototype battery consisting of four Launchers and one BOC, tobe deployed NLT 4Q FY 2023 as the First Unit of Issue (FUI).

FY 2022 Base funding in the amount of $286.457 million for Project MR1 funds the integration of design requirements to deploy the prototype battery. Base funding allows for integration and evaluation of required characteristics to ensure safe and effective operational deployment of the prototype battery. Base funding also allows for purchasing and receiving hardware and materials to implement prototype fabrication, and to support component-level and system-level qualification.


Change Summary Explanation

FY 2022 Base funding provides for the continuation of the design activities from FY 2021, completes the prototype fabrication of the Battery Operations Center and four Launchers and associated equipment. FY 2022 Base funding will support integration and test activities for system qualification. Additionally, FY 2022 Base funding includes the funding required for the Tomahawk missiles for the prototype battery. ... 022_PB.pdf

Department of Defense Press Briefing on the President's Fiscal Year 2022 Defense Budget
China and Russia are fielding conventional long-range and hypersonic weapons with the capability to threaten our allies, partners, and U.S. forces from extended standoff ranges. This budget enables $6.6 billion to develop multi-domain long-range fires that will allow U.S. forces to hold their adversaries at risk at operationally relevant ranges.
Finally, we continue to modernize and procure Tomahawk cruise missiles with increased survivability and expanded target sets. Our budget integrates this capable cost-effective weapon into Army and Marine Corps missile batteries beginning in 2023. ... 2-defense/
Beiträge: 20772
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: USA: "Low-yield nuclear weapon" & "INF Range Ground-launched Missile System"

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Pentagon Sees “Increased Potential” for Nuclear Conflict
The document replaces a 2019 edition titled Nuclear Operations that was briefly disclosed and then withdrawn from a DoD website. (See “DoD Doctrine on Nuclear Operations Published, Taken Offline,” Secrecy News, June 19, 2019.)

The current document no longer includes some of the more unfiltered and enthusiastic language about achieving “decisive results” through nuclear strikes and “prevail[ing] in conflict” that appeared in the 2019 version. The statement that “The President authorizes the use of nuclear weapons” was changed to a more restrained declaration that “Only the President can authorize the use of nuclear weapons.” ... potential/
  • Joint Publication 3-72

    Joint Nuclear Operations

    17 April 2020

    2. Strategic Triad

    a. The United States maintains a triad of strategic nuclear forces consisting of lCBMs, SLBMs, and long-range bombers. Each system provides strength to the US nuclear force posture through unique and complementary attributes. Further, the strategic triad reduces the possibility that a technical problem in an y one leg of the strategic triad or an adversary technical advancement will leave the United States at a strategic disadvantage.
Beiträge: 20772
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: USA: "Low-yield nuclear weapon" & "INF Range Ground-launched Missile System"

Beitrag von theoderich »

Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Fr 12. Nov 2021, 23:21, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20772
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: USA: "Low-yield nuclear weapon" & "INF Range Ground-launched Missile System"

Beitrag von theoderich »

Army Revives Cold War Nuclear Missile Unit To Deploy New Long-Range Weapons In Europe
Maranian's mention of "future long-range surface to surface fires" is clearly a reference, at least in part, to two new missile systems the Army hopes to begin fielding in the next few years — Dark Eagle and Typhon.

Dark Eagle is the still relatively new name for the Army's Long Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW), which it is developing as part of a joint program with the U.S. Navy. The service is already in the process of standing up the first battery that will be equipped with these missiles, each of which carries an unpowered hypersonic boost-glide vehicle, as part of the MDTF at Joint Base Lewis-McChord.

Typhon, which the Army has also referred to as its future Mid-Range Capability (MRC), is a multi-purpose system that includes launchers and fire control systems that will be able to employ various types of missiles. At present, the service plans to use Typhon to fire land-based derivatives of the Navy's SM-6 missile, which has air- and missile-defense capabilities as well as the ability to strike surface targets, along with ground-launched versions of the Tomahawk land-attack cruise missile. The Army is expected to use its version of the SM-6 as a surface-to-surface ballistic missile. ... -in-europe
  • Media Advisory - U.S. Army Europe and Africa reactivates the 56th Artillery Command
    Nov. 3, 2021
    U.S. Army Europe and Africa will conduct a reactivation ceremony for the 56th Artillery Command, the European Theater’s Fires Command, Nov. 8 at 1 p.m. on Allen Field, Lucius D. Clay Kaserne, Wiesbaden, Germany.

    The 56th Artillery Command will plan and coordinate the employment of multi-domain fires and effects in support of U.S. Army Europe and Africa and/or a Combined Joint Force Land Component Command. The Theater Fires Command improves readiness and multinational interoperability by the integration of joint and multi-national fires in theater operations and exercises.

    "The reactivation of the 56th Artillery Command will provide U.S. Army Europe and Africa with significant capabilities in multi-domain operations" said Maj. Gen. Stephen J. Maranian, Commanding General, 56th Artillery Command.” It will further enable the synchronization of joint and multinational fires and effects, and employment of future long range surface to surface fires across the U.S. Army Europe and Africa area of responsibility." ... y-command/
Beiträge: 20772
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: USA: "Low-yield nuclear weapon" & "INF Range Ground-launched Missile System"

Beitrag von theoderich »

Russia says it may be forced to deploy mid-range nuclear missiles in Europe
MOSCOW, Dec 13 (Reuters) - Russia said on Monday it may be forced to deploy intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Europe in response to what it sees as NATO's plans to do the same.

The warning from Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov raised the risk of a new arms build-up on the continent, with East-West tensions at their worst since the Cold War ended three decades ago.

Ryabkov said Russia would be forced to act if the West declined to join it in a moratorium on intermediate-range nuclear forces (INF) in Europe - part of a package of security guarantees it is seeking as the price for defusing the crisis over Ukraine.

Lack of progress towards a political and diplomatic solution would lead Russia to respond in a military way, with military technology, Ryabkov told Russia's RIA news agency. ... 021-12-13/

Was Reuters nicht schreibt: Ryabkov hat auch gesagt, dass Russland ein Moratorium zur Aufstellung solcher Waffensysteme aufrecht erhalten wird, solange die USA keine Mittelstreckenraketen in Europa stationieren:

Россия сохранит мораторий на размещение ракет до появления их в Европе
Пока дело не дошло до появления ракет США в Европе, односторонний мораторий России на их размещение будет действовать, заявил РИА Новости замглавы МИД РФ Сергей Рябков.
"Мораторий объявлен президентом, мы ждем ответа натовских стран во главе с США", — сказал он.
По словам дипломата, он не видит оснований сомневаться в твердости позиции президента.

Ранее Рябков не исключил, что в Европе могут скоро появиться ракеты, ранее запрещенные ДРСМД. Союзники заверяют, что у них нет намерений размещать такие средства в ядерном оснащении, но к НАТО доверия больше нет, отметил он.
Beiträge: 20772
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: USA: "Low-yield nuclear weapon" & "INF Range Ground-launched Missile System"

Beitrag von theoderich »


Department of Defense Budget
Fiscal Year 2023
March 2022
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)

Appropriation: 2040A Research, Development, Test & Eval, Army

Line No


Program Element Number



Strategic Mid-Range Fires



FY 2021 (Base + OCO)


FY 2023 Request

Appropriation: 2040A Research, Development, Test & Eval, Army

Line No


Program Element Number



Mobile Medium Range Missile



FY 2021 (Base + OCO)


FY 2023 Request

- ... 023_r1.pdf
Beiträge: 20772
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: USA: "Low-yield nuclear weapon" & "INF Range Ground-launched Missile System"

Beitrag von theoderich »

US Army to receive four Mid-Range Capability battery prototypes, fielding set for 2023
Lockheed Martin is poised to deliver four initial Mid-Range Capability (MRC) weapon system batteries to the US Army by the end of 2022. If all goes as planned the service could field the new weapon prototype, paired with Standard Missile-6 (SM-6) and Tomahawk missiles, to soldiers by late September 2023, according to the company and service.

The army's Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO) tasked Lockheed Martin with building this mid-range prototype in late 2020, at present called the ‘Typhon', which includes launchers, missiles, and a battery operations centre. ... t-for-2023

Bild ... launchers/

Bild ... ssel-ousv/

Zum Vergleich:



Bild ... ve/klab-k/

U.S. Army Links Ramjet PRSM To Future Mid-Range Capability (22. Juni 2022)
The U.S. Army has identified a future ramjet-rocket version of the Lockheed Martin Precision Strike Missile (PRSM) as the long-term solution for the Mid-Range Capability (MRC) system in the long-range precision fires arsenal. A recent successful test of the Extended Range Propulsion system for PRSM... ... capability

U.S. Army Confirms Ramjet For Extreme-Range PRSM Variant (11. Mai 2022)
A range-boosting combined cycle propulsion system and a seeker for moving targets have been tested for an anti-ship version of the Lockheed Martin Precision Strike Missile (PRSM), U.S. Army officials say. A rocket-ramjet combination is also now confirmed as the Extended Range Propulsion system for... ... sm-variant

theoderich hat geschrieben: Fr 1. Feb 2019, 23:51

  • US Air Force looks for new maker of Joint Air to Surface Standoff Missiles (14. September 2018)
    Lockheed Martin was awarded a $51 million contract from the USAF on 10 September to develop an even longer range version of the cruise missile, called Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile-Extreme Range, which is reportedly designed to have a range of more than 1,000nm (1852km). ... ur-451911/
  • Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on
    Time Critical Conventional Strike from Strategic Standoff

    March 2009

    Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
    Washington D.C.
    JASSM-XR - USAF. Extra Extended Range version being considered with range up to 1000 nm. Launch platform would include bombers and heavy strike aircraft.
Selected Acquisition Report

There are multiple variants that make up the JASSM family of missiles; AGM-158A baseline (BL),
AGM-158B Extended Range (ER), AGM-158B-2, and AGM-158D. It is precise, lethal, survivable, flexible, and adverse-weather capable.
A contract for AGM-158D datalink was awarded on 16 December 2021 to L3 Harris. This award covers initial radio hardware and software design, cyber security and crypto design, and initial integration work.
The JASSM PO plans to update the APB in CY 2022 to address quantity, AGM-158B-2 and AGM-158D requirements, and cost. ... R_2021.pdf

Department of Defense
Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Budget Estimates

April 2022

Air Force
Justification Book Volume 1 of 1
Missile Procurement, Air Force

The Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) is an ACAT 1C program. This program provides a long range, conventional air-to-surface, autonomous, precision guided, standoff cruise missile compatible with fighter and bomber aircraft able to attack a variety of fixed or relocatable targets. The JASSM family of missiles includes: JASSM Baseline (JASSM-BL/AGM-158A) and JASSM Extended Range (JASSM-ER/AGM-158B, JASSM-ER/AGM-158B-2, JASSM-ER/AGM-158B-3, and JASSM-ER/AGM-158D).

The AGM-158A and B are fielded and the AGM-158B-2, B-3, and D are in development. The variants in development will be gradually inserted into the production line as a new missile build once ready. DD-250'd missiles will not be returned for modification to the newest variant.

The AGM-158B-2 resulted after the wing restructure. AGM-158B-2 replaces obsolete components and provides a new electronic fuze, a new Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, an upgraded Missile Control Unit (MCU), and enhanced software. AGM-158B-2 will begin a gradual production cut-in starting in Lot 19/FY21 funding year. AGM-158B-3 provides M-code capability. AGM-158B-3 will begin a gradual production cut-in starting in Lot 21/FY23 funding year. AGM-158D provides Weapon Data Link (WDL) capability to re-target the missile, post-launch, against relocatable or higher priority targets during mission execution. AGM-158D will begin a gradual production cut-in starting in Lot 20/FY22 funding year. Efforts also include, but are not limited to, production cut-in of alternate communication methods, architectures and waveforms to advance missile capabilities against emerging targets.
AGM-158B-2 and AGM-15B-3 unit costs are the same because the only difference is the GPS receiver type and the current approved cost estimate assumes the different receivers are the same cost.

The unit cost increase of the AGM-158D is due to the addition of the Weapon Data Link (WDL) capability. ... C-Qw%3D%3D
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Sa 2. Dez 2023, 00:24, insgesamt 10-mal geändert.