F/I: Fliegerabwehrsystem SAMP NG

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
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F/I: Fliegerabwehrsystem SAMP NG

Beitrag von theoderich »



Après une première phase lancée en 2015 concernant le développement d’un nouveau missile (B1NT), la deuxième phase de modernisation porte sur le renouvellement des parties modules d’engagement et sur le radar du SAMP MAMBA.
  • Phase 1 (gestartet 2015): Entwicklung einer neuen Lenkwaffe (B1NT)
  • Phase 2: Modernisierung durch Erneuerung der Einsatzzentrale und des Radars des SAMP MAMBA
À l’horizon 2027, en profitant des pleines capacités offertes par le couple SAMP NG - missile Aster 30 B1NT, l’Armée de l’air disposera d’un système moderne et performant apte à traiter un large spectre de menaces, du drone au missile balistique mais également les systèmes furtifs et supersoniques.

Par construction, ce système sera prédisposé à s’intégrer dans le système de combat aérien futur (SCAF). Les premières livraisons sont attendues pour 2027.
  • Erste Lieferungen des neuen Systems: 2027
https://www.defense.gouv.fr/content/dow ... 019_BD.pdf

Cour des comptes
Un renforcement nécessaire, soumis à des conditions exigeantes

Avril 2018
L’approche pragmatique recommandée par la Cour est déjà mise en oeuvre, en particulier :
  • avec l’Italie, avec des résultats plus positifs que ne le reflète le rapport,

    • enfin, dans le domaine des missiles, avec les programmes FSAF, PAAMS et BINT qui prévoit l’amélioration du missile ASTER 30 et la modernisation des systèmes SAMP/T ;
  • Kooperation mit Italien bei B1NT, das die Verbesserung der Lenkwaffe ASTER 30 und die Modernisierung der Systeme SAMP/T vorsieht
https://www.ccomptes.fr/sites/default/f ... mement.pdf

MBDA welcomes Italy’s participation in the Aster 30 BLOCK 1 NT programme (13. Januar 2017)
On December 20, OCCAR (Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation) notified to EUROSAM, a consortium formed by MBDA and Thales, the amendment 1 of the contract for the “B1NT” programme. This amendment embodies the participation of Italy in the programme. It follows the notification of the initial contract under French mandate on December 23, 2015, and the Arrangement of Cooperation, signed in June 2016 by the French and Italian Defence Ministers, laying down the framework of responsibilities and rights of the two countries vis-a-vis the missile to be developed in cooperation, and its multiple applications in land and naval defence systems against air attacks and ballistic missiles.

The “B1NT” programme includes the development by MBDA of the new version Block 1 NT (New Technology) of the Aster missile but also the modernisation of SAMP/T systems currently in service with the French Air Force and the Italian Army.
The Aster 30 Block 1 NT missile development takes into account the key dual requirement (same missile for ground and naval Aster systems), including thus the necessary adjustments to allow the missile to be fired from warships. Italy has in fact expressed its desire to use the Aster 30 Block 1 NT from its future class of PPA (Pattugliatori Polivalenti d’Altura) offshore patrol vessels.
https://www.mbda-systems.com/press-rele ... programme/
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: F/I: Fliegerabwehrsystem SAMP NG

Beitrag von theoderich »



Das 2019 von der DGA bestellte Radarsystem Ground Fire für SAMP/T NG geht nun in Produktion.
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: F/I: Fliegerabwehrsystem SAMP NG

Beitrag von theoderich »

Schema di decreto ministeriale di approvazione del programma pluriennale di A/R n. SMD 22/2020, relativo allo sviluppo e produzione di cinque sensori di sorveglianza e ingaggio (radar) Kronos Grand Mobile High Power (GM HP) (n. 235)
Presentato da: Ministro della difesa (Governo Conte-II) , l'11 dicembre 2020; annunciato nella seduta n. 284 del 17 dicembre 2020
http://www.senato.it/leg/18/BGT/Schede/ ... a44852.htm

Dem Dossier zufolge sollen diese fünf neuen AESA-Radars fünf SAMP/T-Batterien der Esercito Italiano zugewiesen werden. Die veranschlagten Kosten betragen 200 Mio. EUR.


https://www.leonardocompany.com/en/prod ... and-mobile
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Re: F/I: Fliegerabwehrsystem SAMP NG

Beitrag von theoderich »

Occar contracts Eurosam for SAMP/T NG Systems

https://www.mbda-systems.com/press-rele ... g-systems/
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Re: F/I: Fliegerabwehrsystem SAMP NG

Beitrag von theoderich »

Le ministère des Armées lance en coopération avec l’Italie une nouvelle génération du système de défense antiaérienne moyenne portée des armées

https://www.defense.gouv.fr/dga/actuali ... des-armees

Das Ministère des Armées und das Ministero della Difesa haben das Programm SAMP/T NG (sol air moyenne portée terrestre nouvelle génération) offiziell gestartet. Die OCCAR (Organisation conjointe de coopération en matière d’armement) hat im Namen der DGA für Frankreich bzw. des SEGREDIFESA (Segretariato Generale della Difesa) für Italien am 19. März den Entwicklungsauftrag für SAMP/T NG vergeben. Das neue Fliegerabwehrsystem soll Lenkwaffen des Typs ASTER 30 B1 NT Extended Capability verwenden, bei denen vor allem die Reichweite gegenüber der derzeit verwendeten Aster 30 B1 vergrößert werden soll. Diese ASTER 30 B1 NT Extended Capability ist seit 2016 bei Eurosam in Entwicklung.
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Re: F/I: Fliegerabwehrsystem SAMP NG

Beitrag von theoderich »

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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: F/I: Fliegerabwehrsystem SAMP NG

Beitrag von theoderich »

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Re: F/I: Fliegerabwehrsystem SAMP NG

Beitrag von theoderich »

OCCAR hat am 30. Dezember 2022 einen gemeinsamen Auftrag von DGA und SEGREDIFESA über fast 700 Lenkwaffen "Aster" an MBDA vergeben:

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Re: F/I: Fliegerabwehrsystem SAMP NG

Beitrag von theoderich »

06. February 2023
OCCAR signs contract to launch a global production of SAMP/T NG systems

The Director of the OCCAR Executive Administration Matteo Bisceglia and the Managing Director of Eurosam Eva Bruxmeier signed the contract for the production of the new generation of medium range air defence systems (SAMP/T NG) for France and Italy. The contract was signed on behalf of the Direction générale de l’armement (DGA) for French Air Force and SEGREDIFESA for Italian Army.

The development of SAMP/T NG system was launched in cooperation between France and Italy in March 2021. This system implements 2 new generation radars able to track future threats at medium range (the Kronos Grand Mobile High Power of LEONARDO for Italy and the Ground Fire 300 of THALES for France) and a modern engagement module resulting from a fruitful cooperation between THALES and MBDA Italy.

Following the successful preliminary design reviews in 2022, OCCAR, on behalf of DGA and SGD prepared the global production contract to secure the delivery of SAMP/T NG systems for both Nations simultaneously with the global ASTER missiles production contract.
Following this new success, OCCAR is now preparing another SAMP/T NG production contract for the Italian Air Force.
https://www.occar.int/occar-signs-contr ... ng-systems
Beiträge: 20777
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: F/I: Fliegerabwehrsystem SAMP NG

Beitrag von theoderich »

18. July 2023
OCCAR signs S&E Contract amendment to launch additional SAMP/T NG Systems for the Italian Air Force
Paris, July 18 2023 - OCCAR-EA Director Mr Joachim Sucker and eurosam Managing Director Mrs Eva Bruxmeier signed Amendment 13 of the FSAF-PAAMS Sustainment & Enhancement (S&E) contract for approximately 700 million euro for the procurement of the new generation of ground medium-range air defence systems SAMP/T NG for the Italian Air Force. This procurement adds to the SAMP/T NG production ordered in January 2023 for the Italian Army and French Air & Space Force.
OCCAR-EA has awarded this amendment of the S&E contract, by delegation of Segretariato Generale della Difesa e Direzione Nazionale degli Armamenti (SEGREDIFESA) and Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA), to the eurosam consortium, consisting of Thales, MBDA-France and MBDA-Italy shareholders.

The contract was signed in the presence of SEGREDIFESA, DGA and Italian Air Force representatives as it sees the latter Armed Force joining the FSAF-PAAMS programme alongside the Italian Army and Navy, the French Navy and Air & Space Force, and the British Royal Navy.

With this contract, the Italian Air Force will be equipped with SAMP/T NG ground-to-air defence capabilities.
https://www.occar.int/occar-signs-se-co ... -air-force