Slowenien kauft GTK Boxer

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
Beiträge: 20532
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Slowenien kauft GTK Boxer

Beitrag von theoderich »

Vlada se je seznanila z informacijo o poteku postopka nakupa kolesnih vozil 8 x 8 za izgradnjo Srednje bataljonske bojne skupine Slovenske vojske
Vlada Republike Slovenije se je na današnji seji seznanila z Informacijo o poteku postopka nakupa bojnih kolesnih vozil 8 x 8 za izgradnjo Srednje bataljonske bojne skupine in nameravani priključitvi Republike Slovenije k večnacionalnemu programu BOXER v okviru mednarodne organizacije OCCAR. Ministrstvo za obrambo bo o poteku postopka nabave bojnih kolesnih vozil 8 x 8 za izgradnjo Srednje bataljonske bojne skupine in nameravani priključitvi Republike Slovenije k večnacionalnemu programu BOXER v okviru mednarodne organizacije OCCAR seznanilo tudi Odbor za obrambo.

Ministrstvo za obrambo ima v sprejetih dolgoročnih (Resolucija o splošnem dolgoročnem programu razvoja in opremljanja Slovenske vojske do leta 2025) in srednjeročnih (Srednjeročni obrambni program Republike Slovenije 2016–2020) razvojnousmerjevalnih planskih dokumentih med drugim opredeljeno tudi opremljanje Slovenske vojske z bojnimi kolesnimi vozili 8 x 8 (v nadaljevanju: BKV 8 x 8). Za realizacijo investicije v BKV 8 x 8 je Ministrstvo za obrambo skladno z Uredbo o enotni metodologiji za pripravo in obravnavo investicijske dokumentacije na obrambnem področju pripravilo in potrdilo zahtevano investicijsko dokumentacijo. Ministrstvo za obrambo ima v finančnem načrtu ministrstva za leti 2018 in 2019 zagotovljena finančna sredstva za realizacijo projekta BKV 8 x 8.

BKV 8 x 8 z ustrezno oborožitvijo je mogoče pridobiti na več različnih načinov oziroma z različnimi postopki. V raziskavi trga so bile proučene naslednje možnosti, ki imajo pravno podlago v Direktivi 2009/81/EU o naročanju na področju obrambe in varnosti oziroma Zakonu o javnem naročanju na področju obrambe in varnosti:
  • izvedba naročila po enem izmed postopkov, ki jih opredeljuje Zakon o javnem naročanju na področju obrambe in varnosti (v nadaljevanju ZJNPOV);
  • izvedba postopka vlada–vladi, ki ga odda vlada vladi države članice EU ali tretje države v zvezi z dobavo vojaške opreme. Tovrstna naročila so na podlagi ZJNPOV izločena iz področja uporabe določb ZJNPOV;
  • izvedba postopka naročila, ki se odda skladno z mednarodnimi pravili. V praksi se največ naročil na podlagi navedene izjeme izvede preko mednarodnih organizacij Natove agencije za podporo in nabavo (v nadaljevanju: NSPA) in Organizacije vzajemnega sodelovanja na področju oborožitve (v nadaljevanju: OCCAR);
  • izvedba postopka naročila na podlagi 346. člena Pogodbe o delovanju Evropske unije.
Na podlagi izvedene raziskave trga in potrjene investicijske dokumentacije ter upoštevajoč opredeljene prednosti, slabosti in tveganja pri posameznih načinih in postopkih izbire dobavitelja BKV 8 x 8 je Ministrstvo za obrambo sprejelo enotno in strokovno podprto odločitev, da je najustreznejši postopek nabave BKV 8 x 8 priključitev Republike Slovenije k obstoječemu večnacionalnemu programu BOXER v okviru mednarodne organizacije OCCAR.
At today's meeting, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia was acquainted with the information on the progress of the procedure for the purchase of 8x8 combat vehicles for the construction of the Central Battalion Battle Group and the intention of the Republic of Slovenia to join the multinational BOXER program within the framework of the international organization OCCAR. The Ministry of Defense will inform the Defense Committee about the progress of the procurement procedure for 8x8 combat vehicles for the construction of the Central Battalion Battle Group and the planned accession of the Republic of Slovenia to the multinational BOXER program within the international organization OCCAR.

The Ministry of Defense has adpoted the development of planning documents in the long-term (Resolution on the general long-term program for the development and equipping of the Slovenian Armed Forces until 2025) and in the medium-term (Medium-Term Defense Program of the Republic of Slovenia 2016-2020), which, among others, define the equipping of the Slovenian Armed Forces with 8x8 combat vehicles (hereinafter: BKV 8 x 8). In order to realize the investment in BKV 8 x 8, the Ministry of Defense has prepared and approved the required investment documentation in accordance with the regulation on a uniform methodology for the preparation and treatment of investment documentation in the defense field. In the financial plan of the Ministry for the years 2018 and 2019, the Ministry of Defense has provided funding for the realization of the BKV project 8 x 8.

BKV 8 x 8 with appropriate armaments can be obtained in several different ways or by different procedures. The market survey examined the following options, which have a legal basis in Directive 2009/81 / EU on procurement in the field of defence and security or the Public Procurement Law in the field of defense and security:

  • the execution of a contract under one of the procedures defined by the Public Procurement Act in the field of defense and security (hereinafter: the LPP);

  • implementation of a government-government procedure, which is submitted by a government to a government of an EU Member State or a third country in relation to the supply of military equipment. Such contracts are excluded from the scope of the provisions of the ZJNP;

  • execution of a procurement procedure that is awarded in accordance with international rules. In practice, the majority of contracts based on this exception are made through the international organizations of the NATO Support and Purchasing Agency (hereinafter: NSPA) and the Organization for Mutual Cooperation in the Field of Arms (hereinafter: OCCAR);

  • the execution of a procurement procedure pursuant to Article 346 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

Based on the conducted market research and validated investment documentation, and taking into account the identified advantages, weaknesses and risks in the individual modes and procedures for selecting the supplier of BKV 8 x 8, the Ministry of Defense adopted a unified and expert decision that the most appropriate procurement procedure for BKV 8 x 8 Slovenia to the existing multinational BOXER program within the international organization OCCAR.

Za projekt izgradnje srednje bataljonske skupine Slovenske vojske je zanimiv večnacionalni program BOXER (BKV 8 x 8), v katerem trenutno sodelujejo Nemčija, Nizozemska in Litva, ki je k programu pristopila leta 2016 ter sklenila pogodbo za naročilo 91 vozil. V okviru programa BOXER je trenutno naročenih 696 vozil v 14 različnih konfiguracijah, dobavljenih pa je bilo že 421 vozil (Nemčiji in Nizozemski), ki so bila med drugim tudi uspešno preizkušena v Afganistanu (2011–2014). Trenutno izkazujejo interes k pridružitvi k programu BOXER še tri srednjeevropske države, Velika Britanija, dve južnoameriški državi in Japonska. Modularnost vozila omogoča nakup ločenih modulov (Drive Modules in Mission Modules) glede na dejanske potrebe in ne celotnega kompleta vozila. Na ta način je zagotovljena možnost oblikovanja strukture vozila (modulov) glede na dejanske potrebe, v katerih bo Republika Slovenija zagotavljala razpoložljivost navedenih vozil.

Ministrstvo za obrambo bo februarja 2018 podalo pisno pobudo na mednarodno organizacijo OCCAR za pristop Slovenije k večnacionalnemu programu BOXER. V nadaljevanju bo ministrstvo izvajalo vse aktivnosti, potrebne za pristop k večnacionalnemu programu BOXER. Dokončni predlog pristopa k večnacionalnemu programu BOXER v okviru mednarodne organizacije OCCAR in potrditev pravno zavezujočih dokumentov bo na predlog Ministrstva za obrambo obravnavala Vlada Republike Slovenije predvidoma septembra–oktobra 2018.
For the project of constructing a middle battalion group of the Slovenian Armed Forces, the multinational BOXER program (BKV 8 x 8), currently consisting of Germany, the Netherlands and Lithuania, which acceded to the program in 2016 and concluded a contract to order 91 vehicles, is interesting. Currently 696 vehicles in 14 different configurations have been ordered under the BOXER program and 421 vehicles (Germany and the Netherlands) have already been delivered, which have also been successfully tested in Afghanistan (2011-2014). Currently three Central European countries, the UK, two South American countries and Japan have an interest in joining the BOXER program. The modularity of the vehicle allows the purchase of separate modules (Drive Modules and Mission Modules) according to the actual needs and not the complete set of vehicles. In this way, it is possible to create the structure of the vehicle (modules) according to the actual needs in which the Republic of Slovenia will ensure the availability of these vehicles.

In February 2018, the Ministry of Defense submitted a written initiative to the international organization OCCAR for Slovenia's accession to the multinational BOXER program. Subsequently the Ministry will carry out all the activities necessary for the accession to the multinational BOXER program. The final proposal for accession to the multinational BOXER program within the framework of the international organization OCCAR and the confirmation of legally binding documents will be discussed by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia at the proposal of the Ministry of Defense in September-October 2018.

Pogovor z državnim sekretarjem na Ministrstvu za obrambo mag. Milošem Bizjakom
Discussion with the State Secretary at the Ministry of Defense mag. Miloš Bizjak
Slovenska vojska bo dobila več sredstev za posodobitev. Kateri bodo najpomembnejši projekti na področju posodobitve in opremljanja Slovenske vojske v tem letu in prihodnjih letih?

Res je, prihaja čas za posodobitev Slovenske vojske, saj smo dobili dodatna finančna sredstva. Glede na to, da imamo v ciljih sil opredeljen kot prvi in glavni cilj formiranje srednje bataljonske bojne skupine do leta 2022, smo se v tem mandatu trudili za to, da pripravimo investicijsko dokumentacijo za nakup srednjih kolesnih oklepnih vozil 8 x 8. Lani decembra smo pripravili investicijsko dokumentacijo in potrdili investicijski program za nakup vozil 8 x 8. Zdaj imamo vse za izvedbo investicije, pri čemer imamo več možnosti. Prva je, da to naredimo z obrambnim naročilom po Zakonu o javnem naročanju na področju obrambe in varnosti. Druga je, da izberemo možnost vlada vladi, lahko pa izvedemo nakup čez mednarodne organizacije, kot sta NSA v Natu ali OCCAR na ravni EU.

Kakšna bo torej dinamika dobave vozil 8 x 8 in kolikšni so ocenjeni stroški nakupa?

Na Ministrstvu za obrambo načrtujemo postopen nakup oklepnih kolesnih vozil 8 x 8 do leta 2022. Za oblikovanje prve srednje bataljonske bojne skupine moramo dokupiti 56 vozil v vrednosti približno 250 milijonov evrov. Cena enega vozila se giblje med 4 milijoni in 4,5 milijona evrov, kar je odvisno od konfiguracije vozila in njegove opremljenosti.

Kako bodo opremljena vozila, ki jih bo kupila Slovenska vojska?

V Slovenski vojski bi potrebovali 48 vozil 8 x 8 s topom 30 milimetrov in mitraljezom 7,62 milimetra ter osem vozil 8 x 8, ki
so opremljena z minometom in mitraljezom istega kalibra. Veseli me, da smo skupaj s Slovensko vojsko končno uspeli določiti investicijski program, saj je prišlo do manjšega časovnega zamika. Slovenska vojska je namreč zahtevala opremljenost nekaterih vozil tudi s protioklepnimi raketnimi sistemi (PORS). V dokumentaciji smo zato opredelili, da se za potrebo vzpostavitev prve srednje bataljonske bojne skupine kupijo vozila brez protioklepnih raketnih sistemov, za drugo srednjo bataljonsko bojno skupino pa bomo kupili vozila z že razvitim integriranim protioklepnim raketnim sistemom, ki bodo že preizkušena in v operativni uporabi v kateri izmed vojsk. Vozila z integriranim protioklepnim sistemom PORS se bodo po dobavi enakomerno razdelila med obe srednji bataljonski bojni skupini.

Kako pa bodo potekali nadaljnji postopki v zvezi z nabavo oklepnikov 8 x 8?

Želimo si, da bi se do konca meseca odločili, po kakšnem postopku bomo izvedli nakup vozil, nato pa začeli izvajati nujne postopke, saj je rok za dobavo vozil več kot 12 mesecev. Ne glede na dejstvo, da leta 2018 verjetno še ne bomo dobili nobenega vozila, kar smo si sicer želeli, bomo poskrbeli za posodabljanje Slovenske vojske z novo opremo.
The Slovenian Army will receive more funds for the modernization. What will be the most important projects in the field of modernization and equipping of the Slovenian Armed Forces this year and in the coming years?

It is true, the time comes for the modernization of the Slovenian Armed Forces, since we have received additional financial resources. Considering that in the goals of the forces defined as the first and main goal of forming the middle Battalion battalion group until 2022, we tried during this mandate to prepare investment documentation for the purchase of medium wheel armored vehicles 8 x 8. Last December prepared the investment documentation and confirmed the investment program for the purchase of vehicles 8 x 8. We now have everything to carry out the investment, and we have more options. The first is to do this with a defense order under the Public Procurement Law in the field of defense and security. The second is to choose the option of governing the government, but we can also make purchases through international organizations such as NATO NSA or OCCAR at EU level.

What will be the dynamics of the delivery of vehicles 8 x 8 and what are the estimated purchase costs?

At the Ministry of Defense, we plan to gradually purchase armored wheeled vehicles 8 x 8 by 2022. For the formation of the first medium battalion battle group, 56 vehicles worth about 250 million euros are to be purchased. The price of one vehicle ranges between 4 million and 4.5 million euros, which depends on the configuration of the vehicle and its equipment.

How will the equipped vehicles be purchased by the Slovenian Armed Forces?

The Slovenian Army would need 48 8 x8 vehicles with a 30 millimeter gun and a 7.62 millimeter machine gun and eight 8 x 8 vehicles are equipped with a mortar and a machine gun of the same caliber. I am delighted that together with the Slovenian Armed Forces we finally managed to determine an investment program, as there was a short time lag. The Slovenian Army has also demanded the equipment of some vehicles with anti-tank missile systems (PORS). Therefore, in the documentation, we determined that the vehicles without anti-tank missile systems are being purchased for the need to establish the first battalion battle group. For the second middle battalion battle group, we will buy vehicles with an already developed integrated anti-tank missile system that will already be tested and operationally used in an army. Vehicles with an integrated anti-tank missile system PORS will be distributed evenly between the two medium battalion battle groups after delivery.

How will there be further procedures related to the purchase of 8 x 8 armored carriers?

We want to decide by the end of the month by which procedure we will carry out the purchase of vehicles, and then start implementing urgent procedures as the deadline for delivery of vehicles is more than 12 months. Regardless of the fact that in 2018 we probably will not get any vehicles that we wanted, we will provide for the modernization of the Slovenian Armed Forces with new equipment. ... v_18_1.pdf

Obrazložitve zaključnega računa proračuna za leto 2017

Explanations of the final account of the budget for 2017

V drugi polovici leta 2017 je bila, po sprejemu CZ Nata 2017 za RS, posodobljena taktična študija ter pripravljena investicijska dokumentacija, ki bo v letu 2018 podlaga za začetek procesa pridobivanja glavne opreme za SrBBSk, prednostno bojnih kolesnih vozil (BKV) 8x8.
In the second half of 2017, following the adoption of the NATO Treaty of 2017 for the Republic of Slovenia, the updated tactical study and the preparation of investment documentation were prepared, which in 2018 will be the basis for the start of the process of acquiring the main equipment for SrBBSk, preferably the wheeled combat vehicles (BKV) 8x8. ... cni_racun/

Predlog sprememb in dopolnitev Srednjeročnega obrambnega programa Republike Slovenije 2016–2020 ... 1b109879e2

Datum: 29.08.2017

Zadeva: Odgovor na pisno poslansko vprašanje Žana Mahniča v zvezi z nakupom bojnih vozil pehote

Subject: Response to Jean Mahnič's written question concerning the purchase of infantry fighting vehicles
Nakup BKV 8x8 je opredeljen v Resoluciji o splošnem dolgoročnem programu razvoja in opremljanja Slovenske vojske do leta 2025 (ReSDPRO SV 2025), kjer navedeno, da bo nabavljena sodobna oborožitev in oprema, ki je že bila uspešno preizkušena na bojišču oziroma v mednarodnih operacijah in misijah ter v zadovoljuve visoke kakovostne standarde. V ReSDPRO SV 2025 je navedeno tudi, da bodo nabavljena srednja kolesna oklepna vozila 8x8 v takem številu in konfiguraciji, ki bosta omologočala vzpostavitev srednje bataljonske bojne skupine (SrBBSk) z elementi bojne podpore in zagotovitve delovanja skladnos s kriterije Nata.

Natančne zahteve za BKV 8x8 so opredeljene v Ciljih zmogljivosti Nata 2017 za Republiko Slovenijo (v nadaljevanju: cilji zmogljivosti), in sicer pod oznako L 1501 - Sredna bataljonska bojna skupina SrBBSk in L 3108 - Manever, ogenj in mobilnost na bojišču. Cilji zmogljivosti so bili v celoti usklajeni med Ministrstvom za obrambo in Natom ter so bili potrjeni na junijskem obrambnem ministerialu Nata v Bruslju. Va navedenih ciljih zmogljivosti so zapisane tudi minimalne zahteve za SrBBSk.
The purchase of the BKV 8x8 is defined in the Resolution on the general long-term program for the development and equipping of the Slovenian Armed Forces by 2025 (ReSDPRO SV 2025), which states that the modern weaponry and equipment that has already been successfully tested on the battlefield or in international operations and missions and satisfy high quality standards. The ReSDPRO SV 2025 also states that the acquired 8x8 middle wheeled vehicles will be in such numbers and configuration that they will allow the establishment of a medium battalion battle group (SrBBSk) with combat support elements and ensure compliance with NATO criteria.

The precise requirements for BKV 8x8 are defined in the Goals of NATO 2017 for the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter: performance targets) under the code L 1501 - the Medium Battalion Battle Group SrBBSk and L 3108 - Maneuver, fire and mobility at the battlefield. Capacities were fully coordinated between the Ministry of Defense and NATO and were confirmed at the June NATO Defense Ministerial in Brussels. The stated performance targets also contain minimum requirements for SrBBSk.

Glede na minimalne zahteve navedene v ciljih zmogljivosti je Ministrstvo za obrambo sprejelo odločitev, da se nabavijo nova BKV 8x8 z oborožitvenim sistemom in vgrajenim topom 30 mm (minimalna zahteva K3) in protominsko zaščito 3a/3b (minimalna zahteva 2a/2b). Prav tako je ministrstvo sprejelo odločitev, na podlagi strokovnega predloga Generalštaba Slovenske vojske, po dodatnem nakupu izvidniških BOV 8x8 z oborožitvenimi sistemom 30 mm (prej zahtevano na vozilih 4x4 z oborožitvenimi sistemi 7,62 mm ali 12,7 mm in zaščito K3, 3a/2b) ter dodatnem nakupu BKV 8x8 za izvajanje procesa usposabljanja in BKV 8x8 z vgrajenim minometom 120 mm.
According to the minimum requirements stated in the performance targets, the Ministry of Defense decided to purchase a new BKV 8x8 with an armament system and a built-in 30 mm gun (minimum requirement K3) and mine protection 3a/3b (minimum requirement 2a/2b). The Ministry also made a decision on the basis of the expert proposal of the General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces, after the additional purchase of reconnaissance BOV 8x8 with an armament system of 30 mm (previously required on 4x4 vehicles with armament systems 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm and protection K3, 3a/2b) and the purchase of additional BKV 8x8 for the implementation of the training process and BKV 8x8 with a built-in 120 mm mortar.
Glede protioklepnih raketnih sistemov (PORS) lahko pojasnimo, da je Generalštab Slovenske vojske izdelal in s sklepom načelnika potrdil strokovni predlog za nakup lahkih kolesnih vozil 4x4 v katerem je zapisano, da bodo ta vozila z namestitvijo PORS namenjena za protioklepni boj. V potrjenem DIIP-u so navedene potrebe Slovenske vojske po nakupu lahkih kolesnih oklepnih vozil (LKOV) 4x4 za protoklepne oborožitvene sisteme v okviru posamezne SrBBSk. S tem je GŠSV ustrezno opredelil protioklepne zmogljivosti SrBBSK.
Concerning anti-tank missile systems (PORS), it can be explained that the General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces has drafted and by decision of the Chief of the General Staff confirmed the expert proposal for the purchase of 4x4 light wheeled vehicles, which states that these vehicles will be intended for anti-tank combat with the installation of the PORS. The certified DIIP specifies the needs of the Slovenian Armed Forces to purchase Lightweight Armored Vehicles (LKOV) 4x4 for anti-tank weapons systems within a single SrBBSk. With this, the GSSV appropriately defined the anti-tank capabilities of the SrBBSK. ... .%207..pdf

Vlada se je seznanila z informacijo o poteku postopka nakupa kolesnih vozil 8 x 8 za izgradnjo Srednje bataljonske bojne skupine Slovenske vojske ... evl166.pdf


Strategic Defence Review 2016
2. Material resources

Activities to commence a new cycle of modernization should be started immediately to enable the purchase of combat vehicles for the medium battalion battle group, which includes the modernization of other capabilities of the Slovenian Armed Forces that are part of this group (CBRN, engineer support, logistic support, fire support, air defence and reconnaissance capabilities).

In order to facilitate the establishment of essential combat capabilities and to boost the modernization of the Slovenian Armed Forces, as many purchases as possible should be made directly through intergovernmental agreements and joint purchases through the EU and NATO agencies. Possibilities need to be considered for renting key equipment.

It is important to continue the sale of permanently discarded weapon systems and equipment which would no longer be used to equip the military strategic reserve even in a changed security situation. The acquired funding should be directed to the modernization of the main equipment of the Slovenian Armed
Forces. ... 16_eng.pdf

Patria AMV für Slowenien ... 47a6d53ec1
  • RPG Shields, in: Armada International. Compendium Armoured Vehicle Protection 2013
    Ruag Defence of Switzerland proposes two different versions of its SidePro armour systems conceived for protecting vehicles from RPGs. The best known is SidePro-Lasso, a net system made of 4 mm diameter high tensile steel wire that adds a mere 6 kg/m2 to the vehicle weight and 250 mm per side. Steel was chosen versus fabric due to its resistance to environmental influences and its much longer operational life.


    In Fall 2012 Ruag scored another two orders, one from Slovenia, which installed it on its Skov 8x8 Svaruns (the local designation of the Patria AMV), and the other from Estonia which will equip its XA188. Both nations intend to field their vehicles downrange in early 2013. ... ection.pdf
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Di 7. Aug 2018, 00:35, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20532
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Slowenien kauft GTK Boxer

Beitrag von theoderich »

Eurosatory 2018: Lithuania receives first Boxer IFVs
Discussions are also underway with Slovenia for 48 vehicles, although Lischka was unable to comment in detail about any negotiations. Slovenia’s accession to OCCAR, the governmental organisation that runs the programme, will happen in parallel to the negotiations, with the country formally joining once a contract is signed.

‘We still assume that this will take place this year,’ said Lischka.

Although not confirmed, several sources have indicated to Shephard that Slovenia will closely follow the Lithuanian IFV configuration, owing to the maturity of that design.

Slovenia has also stated a requirement for an additional eight mortar carrier variants, although there is currently no such configuration for Boxer. ‘Currently we are focusing on the 48 and get that running, and then we will focus on the next stage, maybe there are other countries that are interested in [a mortar] variant and it makes sense for them to combine efforts and share costs.’

Lischka told Shephard that Slovenia is studying whether other Boxer user nations are interested in a mortar variant, principally to share development costs. ... boxer-ifv/
Beiträge: 20532
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Slowenien kauft GTK Boxer

Beitrag von theoderich »

Srednjeročni obrambni program Republike Slovenije

4. Zagotavljati posodobitev opreme, oborožitve in nepremičnin za razvoj ter delovanje obrambnih zmogljivosti (dolgoročna cilja 1 in 2 ReSDPRO SV 2025).

Od leta 2018 do 2020:
  • leta 2018 zagotoviti aktivnosti za podpis pogodbe za nakup BKV 8 x 8 za vzpostavitev bojnega dela prve SrBBSk;
  • izvesti postopke za nabavo:
    • statičnih komunikacijskih in informacijskih sistemov;
    • opreme in oborožitve za specialne sile;
    • lahkih kolesnih vozil (LKOV) 4 x 4;
    • opreme za skupine protiminskih potapljačev za delovanje v zelo plitvih vodah;
    • opreme za center za nadzor zračnega prostora in poveljevanja v Natovem sistemu za poveljevanje in kontrolo v zračnem prostoru (ASBE);
    • taktičnih komunikacijskih in informacijskih sistemov za podporo premestljivim silam;
    • opreme za povečanje kibernetske varnosti;
    • kopenskih senzorjev za izvidovanje in zaščito sil;
    • različne inženirske opreme;
From 2018 to 2020:
  • In 2018, provide activities to sign a contract for the purchase of BKV 8x8 for the establishment of the combat part of the first SrBBSk;
  • Implement procurement procedures:
    • static communication and information systems;
    • equipment and armament for special forces;
    • light-weight wheeled vehicles (LKOV) 4 x 4;
    • equipment for groups of anti-mine divers for operation in very shallow waters;
    • equipment for the airspace control and command center in the NATO Airborne Command and Control System (ASBE);
    • tactical communication and information systems to support deployable forces;
    • equipment to increase cyber security;
    • ground sensors for reconnaissance and force protection;
    • various engineering equipment;
Od leta 2021 do 2023:
  • izvesti postopke za nabavo:
    • raketnih sistemov PORS-2;
    • medicinske opreme;
    • opreme za kolektivno JRKB-zaščito;
    • taktičnih tovornih vozil z balistično zaščito;
From 2021 to 2023:
  • Implement procurement procedures:
    • missile systems PORS-2;
    • medical equipment;
    • equipment for collective CBRN protection;
    • tactical vehicles with ballistic protection;
Bojna kolesna vozila (BKV) 8 x 8

Postopek pridobivanja novih BKV 8 x 8 za bojni del prve SrBBSK se je začel leta 2018. Na podlagi izvedene raziskave trga in potrjene investicijske dokumentacije ter ob upoštevanju opredeljenih prednosti, pomanjkljivosti in tveganj pri posameznih načinih ter postopkih izbire dobavitelja BKV 8 x 8 je najustreznejši postopek nabave BKV 8 x 8 priključitev RS k večnacionalnemu programu Boxer v okviru mednarodne organizacije OCCAR.²

Ob zamikih pri pridobivanju novih BKV 8 x 8 bodo prednostno izvedeni programi, ki podpirajo vzpostavitev prve SrBBSK in drugih ciljev zmogljivosti.

² Dokončni predlog pristopa k večnacionalnemu programu Boxer v okviru mednarodne organizacije OCCAR in potrditev pravno zavezujočih dokumentov bo na predlog MO Vlada RS obravnavala predvidoma septembra 2018. S sodelovanjem pri zagotavljanju zmogljivosti v okviru OCCAR bo RS izpolnila tudi več zavezujočih meril za sodelovanje v okviru Pesca, in sicer na področju skupnega pristopa za odpravo ugotovljenih primanjkljajev zmogljivosti, uporabo organizacije OCCAR kot prednostnega mehanizma za vodenje projektov v okviru Pesca, za povečanje interoperabilnosti med evropskimi državami ter spodbujanje krepitve evropske industrijske baze.
Wheeled Combat Vehicles BKV 8x8

The process of acquiring new BKV 8x8 for the battle part of the first SrBBSK started in 2018. Based on the market survey and the validated investment documentation, and taking into account the defined advantages, disadvantages and risks in individual modes and the procedures for selecting the supplier of BKV 8x8, the most appropriate procedure procurement procedure for BKV 8x8 is the connection of the Republic of Slovenia to the multinational Boxer program within the international organization OCCAR.²

With the delay in acquiring new BKV 8x8, programs that support the establishment of the first SrBBSK and other performance targets will be preferred.

² The final draft proposal for the accession to the multinational Boxer program within the framework of the international organization OCCAR and the confirmation of legally binding documents will be discussed by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in anticipation of September 2018. By participating in capacity building within OCCAR, the Republic of Slovenia will also fulfill several binding criteria for cooperation within PESCO, in the area of a common approach to tackling identified capacity deficiencies, the use of OCCAR as a priority project management mechanism under PESCO, to increase interoperability between European countries and to promote the strengthening of the European industrial base. ... 54259227cd
Beiträge: 20532
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Slowenien kauft GTK Boxer

Beitrag von theoderich »

Potočnik, Viktor: Armoured Personnel Carrier or Infantry Fighting Vehicle in a Medium Infantry Bataillon Group, in: Sodobni vojaški izzivi (Oktober 2018)
In 2017 the SAF were given a new set of capability goals with two INF-M-BNGs at their centre.
The capstone capability for the INF-M-BNG is: “Capable of conducting land tactical activities alone and manoeuvre under fire to engage or defeat the opposing force by being organised as a combined-arms and battalion-sized force and by exploiting Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC) or medium/heavy Protected Patrol Vehicles (H/M-PPV) that will provide protected mobility and some fire support to ensure tactical and operational mobility” (CC&CS, 2016, p.67). Connecting this to the Medium INF BN requirements and STANAG 4569, this means that at a minimum the vehicles need to provide a K3/Mb25 level of protection. At the same time the CC&CS also demands that the Medium INF BN employs vehicle-mounted direct fire weapons to destroy enemy lightly armoured vehicles protected up to K3 level (STANAG 4569), and neutralise/suppress dismounted infantry at ranges beyond 200m. This of course means that the capabilities required of INF-M-BNG demand an APC and not an IFV. This is, at the same time, in line with ATP 3.2.1., which dictates medium infantry doctrine for NATO and requires medium infantry to fight predominately dismounted with the manoeuvre based on dismounted infantry and not the vehicle. This however is an important difference with regard to the previous Slovenian Capability Goals, which required the SAF to set up a mechanised infantry battalion group, based on IFVs; therefore SVN has actually been given “lighter” goals than previously.

However, based on available information, the SVN Capability Goals must have an additional requirement regarding the vehicle’s armaments. The SAF apparently plans to equip its INF-M-BNG vehicles with 30mm cannons (Kralj, 2017, p.34). Since the Capability Goals are unlikely to require all the vehicles to be equipped with cannon, we believe this was an internal SAF decision.
The SAF has vehicles in its inventory that provide the crew with 360˚ protection against 14.5mm machine guns and can supposedly even protect frontally against 30mm APFSDS. They also protect against 10kg anti-tank mines (Balažic, 2010, p.9 & Gregorčič, 2012). This corresponds to STANAG 4569 level K4/Mb3 at a minimum. This is due to the fact that the vehicles were intended to equip a mechanised battalion for the purposes of creating a framework for a mechanised battalion battle group in line with the Capability Goals valid at that time (SOPR 2007-20012 & SOPR 2013-2018). A mechanised battalion battle group at that time required IFVs capable of fighting with tanks. However these vehicles were later only equipped with 0.50 calibre machine guns and 40mm automatic grenade launchers, due to procurement issues; they therefore cannot be treated as IFVs.

Apparently SAF plans to have two battalions equipped with IFVs (30mm cannon, ATGW and K4/Mb3 level of protection). Such vehicles are however still not capable of fighting with tanks and are still vulnerable to IFV escorting tanks. For the purpose of fighting with tanks and against enemy IFVs, NATO has heavy infantry units with K5/Mb3 level of protection.

It may look like a good solution to have better protection than required in combination with cannon. It would of course be pointless to argue against less protection for the troops. However we believe these vehicles to be a good solution only as long as the SAF medium infantry will be doctrinally used as dismounted infantry with vehicles in support. Any other use has a large potential for unwanted catastrophic results. We believe this that the temptation to use the vehicles in an IFV role, with the infantry mounted until the last possible moment, will be too much for the commanders to resist. ... 18-html-3/
55-VIII Besedilo Pobude za sklenitev Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Organizacijo za sodelovanje pri skupnem oboroževanju (OCCAR) o upravljanju programa Boxer 26.07.2018 [Vlada Republike Slovenije] ... II&tip=doc
Beiträge: 20532
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Slowenien kauft GTK Boxer

Beitrag von theoderich »

Laut diesem Artikel ist der "Boxer" für das slowenische Verteidigungsministerium mit über 6 Mio. EUR pro Stück viel zu teuer. Bis Ende des Monats wird ein Angebot erwartet, das aber einen besseren Preis beinhalten muss.
Beiträge: 20532
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Slowenien kauft GTK Boxer

Beitrag von theoderich »


Pogovor z ministrom za obrambo RS Karlom Erjavcem ... _18_12.pdf

Laut diesem Interview mit den slowenischen Verteidigungsminister soll in einem Weißbuch festgelegt werden, wie der Aufbau der geplanten Bataillonskampfgruppe vonstatten gehen soll und wie sie ausgestattet wird. Das Projekt zur Beschaffung von 8x8-Radpanzern ist gestoppt, bis der Generalstab präzisiert hat, welche Radpanzer gebraucht werden, wie man die Besatzungen für diese Fahrzeuge bereitstellen kann, welche Infrastruktur sie benötigen und wie sie instandgehalten und gewartet werden können.
Beiträge: 20532
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Slowenien kauft GTK Boxer

Beitrag von theoderich »

Vlada se je seznanila z informacijo o začasni odložitvi nakupa bojnih kolesnih vozil 8 x 8 za potrebe Slovenske vojske (21. Februar 2019)
  • Die Beschaffung von 8x8-Radpanzern für die slowenischen Streitkräfte wurde ausgesetzt.
  • Durch die Übernahme der NATO-Ziele für die Repblik Slowenien im Jahr 2017 sollten zwei mittlere Bataillonskampfgruppen (SrBBSk ... srednje bataljonske bojne skupine) aufgebaut werden. Diese sollten der Landes- und Bündnisverteidigung sowie gemeinsamen Einsätzen im Rahmen der NATO dienen. Der Aufbau der ersten Bataillonskampfgruppe war für 2022, der Aufbau der zweiten für 2025 geplant.
  • Es sollten 48 Radpanzern mit 30 mm-Kanone beschafft werden.
  • Das Verteidigungsministerium vertritt die Ansicht, dass der Kauf der Radpanzer auf Eis gelegt und Aktivitäten unternommen werden sollen, um einen gesamtheitlichen Ansatz zum Aufbau der Bataillonskampfgruppe zu verfolgen. Der Hauptgrund für den Stopp des Projekts sind seine Grundlagen: Es basiert auf einer taktischen Studie aus dem Jahr 2005, die im Jahr 2017 aktualisiert wurde und sich nur mit der Bataillonsebene, aber nicht mit der kompletten mittleren Bataillonskampfgruppe auseinandersetzt.

    Anfang Oktober 2018 begann der Generalstab zur Vorbereitung der neuen taktischen Studie eine umfassende Behandlung der SrBBSk als einheitliche Fähigkeit. Dadurch wird es möglich sein Konfigurationen, Stückzahlen und taktisch-technischen Charakteristika der Ausrüstung und Fähigkeiten der SrBBSk abzuleiten. Diese Studie wird zusätzliche Zeit in Anspruch nehmen und vor ihrer Fertigstellung kann der Generalstab keine Auskunft über die materiellen Erfordernisse geben. Ein Aufbau von Teilfähigkeiten könnte negative Folgen haben.

    Der Kauf der 8x8-Radpanzer war lediglich als Beschaffung eines Waffensystems ausgerichtet, ohne andere Elemente, wie die Ausbildung von Personal und den Aufbau von Infrastruktur, inkl. Ausbildungsinfrastruktur, in Betracht zu ziehen.
  • Die derzeitigen budgetären Bedingungen erlauben es nicht, mehrjährige finanzielle Verpflichtungen (in diesem Fall bis 2024) einzugehen. Außerdem bieten die im Mittelfristigen Verteidigungsprogramm der Republik Slowenien 2018-2023 definierten finanziellen Ressourcen aufgrund der Verzögerung des Projekts zur Beschaffung von 8x8-Radpanzern keine Basis für seine Realisierung und die Lieferfristen hätten selbst bei sofortiger Unterzeichnung des Kaufvertrags für den "Boxer" den Aufbau der ersten SrBBSk nicht vor 2022 erlaubt. Das neue Mittelfristige Verteidigungsprogramm soll die Fähigkeitsentwicklung der slowenischen Streitkräfte neu definieren und die Zeitpläne, personellen und finanziellen Ressourcen präzise festlegen.
  • Der Außenpolitische Ausschuss des slowenischen Parlaments wird das Verfahren zur Genehmigung des Antrags zur Unterzeichnung eines Vertrags zwischen der Regierung der Republik Slowenien und der OCCAR über das Management des Boxer-Programms, Resolution Nr. 51002-43/2018/3, vom 26. Juli 2018, nicht fortführen.
  • Das Verteidigungsministerium wird den Kauf von 8x8-Radpanzern und alle weiteren Verfahren einstellen.
  • Das im Ministerium angesiedelte Projektteam wird mit der Entscheidung des Ministers seine Tätigkeit beenden.
Beiträge: 20532
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Slowenien kauft GTK Boxer

Beitrag von theoderich »

Beiträge: 1579
Registriert: Do 17. Mai 2018, 21:05

Re: Slowenien kauft GTK Boxer

Beitrag von iceman »

Die Slowenen könnten sich ja den Pandur Evo ansehen.
Beiträge: 151
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 11:33

Re: Slowenien kauft GTK Boxer

Beitrag von m.ileduets »

Wären Pandur oder Piranha denn bedeutend billiger als der Boxer? Westeuropäische Rüstungsgüter sind generell sehr teuer für jene Länder, welche sich früher mit relativ billiger und robuster Sovjetware eindecken konnten. Nationale Eigenproduktionen scheitern an den zu geringen Stückzahlen und fehlendem Know-how, Kooperationen mit Nachbarn an nationalistischem Konkurrenzdenken.
Der Markt für preisgünstige NATO-taugliche Ware wäre so vorhanden. Wer könnte einspringen? Die Türkei vielleicht? - die produzieren mittlerweile MBTs und Kampfubschrauber.