Entwicklung PANDUR II 8x8 EVO

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
Beiträge: 261
Registriert: Di 14. Mär 2023, 19:50

Re: Entwicklung PANDUR II 8x8 EVO

Beitrag von Timor »

Falsch. Sowohl Stryker als auch Boxer sind in erster Linie Transportpanzer wie der Pandur. Nur 8x8. Und somit größer und schwerer. Haben im Prinzip auch die selbe Bewaffnung, Waffenstation mit 7,62, 12,7 oder 40mm. Im Stryker ist sie zum Teil nicht mal stabilisiert. Der Boxer "Schwerer Waffenträger Infanterie" ist natürlich etwas anderes, der ist tatsächlich im Prinzip ein Radschützenpanzer.
Und wie gesagt, gerade beim Stryker zeigte sich dass auch ein Transportpanzer gut was wegstecken muss, denn im Ausland hat man schnell mal mit Minen und Sprengsätzen( da ist der Evo eh gut aufgestellt) sowie mit (schwerem) Maschinengewehrfeuer zu tun (da siehts beim Pandur nicht so gut aus). Zudem das Konzept Transportpanzer natürlich auch Feindkontakt hat sowie in Frontnähe eingesetzt wird. Sonst bräuchte es auch keine Pal bzw. Waffenstation.
Beiträge: 261
Registriert: Di 14. Mär 2023, 19:50

Re: Entwicklung PANDUR II 8x8 EVO

Beitrag von Timor »

Im Prinzip ist der Stryker sogar sehr ähnlich zum Pandur. Viele verschiedene Varianten, in erster Linie zum Infanterie Transport, über Pal Stryker, Sanitäts Stryker, JFS... Fast alle haben lediglich eine Waffenstation. Sehr beweglich und rasch Luftverlastbar..
Beiträge: 20784
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Entwicklung PANDUR II 8x8 EVO

Beitrag von theoderich »

Timor hat geschrieben: Mi 8. Mai 2024, 18:58Sehr beweglich und rasch Luftverlastbar..
Das war einmal - das Fahrzeug war ursprünglich ca. 18,6 t schwer (Grundfahrzeug) und liegt, nach einer Reihe von Nachrüstungen, bei 23,35 t. Alleine die Minenschutzplatte wiegt 1,35 t:

https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comme ... ?rdt=45667
Military Review (May/June 2015) hat geschrieben:Weighing about 19 tons each, two combat-loaded Strykers can be transported by a single C-17 cargo aircraft. The Stryker’s relatively light weight also makes it C-130 transportable (excluding double V-hull versions) to a range of approximately 860 miles, which allows for swift intratheater transport to smaller airfields located in remote areas.
Military Review (May/June 2015) hat geschrieben:Not enough sets of add-on armor kits exist to outfit every Stryker brigade. Therefore, add-on armor kits are primarily housed in pre-positioned stocks such as the one located at Auburn, Washington. Due to their limited availability, and the cost associated with transporting sets to different destinations as GRF assignments change, the decision to outfit Stryker slices with add-on armor will be made upon notification to deploy. Given the accelerated deployment timeline, the most likely course of action is that the add-on armor kits would be installed at an initial staging base en route to the APOD. Then again, the extra weight and size associated with the inclusion of add-on armor significantly increases the amount of aircraft required to transport a Stryker company. Additionally, Strykers with attached add-on armor kits cannot fit in C-130 cargo planes. So, although add-on armor kits enhance Stryker protection and survivability, they also decrease deployability.
https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Portals ... art012.pdf
Beiträge: 20784
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Entwicklung PANDUR II 8x8 EVO

Beitrag von theoderich »


https://magnetpress.online/atm/samohybn ... met-am120/

The autonomous turret can be mounted on a wide range of chassis, with remote control from the cab of the vehicle. Single back-up operator station is in the turret itself. The elevation range is 40° to 80°, the traverse is 360°. The minimum range is 504 metres and the maximum 8600 metres. The number of rounds in the carousel is 60, the cadence is 18-20 rounds per minute.

The Slovak company Kerametal, which is supplying the fire control system, and the Czech company Czechoslovak Group (CSG), which is supplying the chassis and cab, are also involved in the development. CSG's original plans included integrating the mortar on the Pandur 8x8 it produces.
https://dennikn.sk/3973648/do-bratislav ... 12-krajin/

120 mm mínomet AM-120


At IDEB Bratislava, Defence Minister Robert Kaliňák and Chair of the Board of Directors of ZTS Špeciál Miroslav Sim unveiled Slovakia's new vehicle-mounted AM-120 Self-Propelled Mortar System. The 120mm automated mortar platform, designed and produced by ZTS Špeciál, a state-owned company based in Dubnica nad Váhom, is unique insofar as it has a sustained rate of fire of 20 rounds per minute.
https://www.mosr.sk/54022-en/podpredsed ... niky-ideb/

Slovakia debuts rapid-fire mortar at local defense show
A ZTS Special representative told Defense News at the show that the development of the mortar began two years ago and was most recently tested a month ago.

The weapon’s main selling point, according to the manufacturer, is that it can fire approximately 20 rounds per minute, reaching distances of over eight kilometers, or five miles.
The AM-120 can carry 60 rounds, meaning one full load could be blasted out within minutes before the vehicle moves on to avoid triangulation by enemy sensors.
An analysis published earlier this year by the European Council on Foreign Relations highlighted that the Russian counter-battery fire response time is around three minutes.

Slovakia’s AM-120 will rival the Finnish NEMO 120mm self-propelled mortar, produced by Patria Group. It is the only other European system in this category advertised as reaching a maximum rate of fire of 20 shots per minute, but has a longer range than the Slovak-made mortar, capable of hitting targets located more than 10 kilometers away.

Meanwhile, neighbor Poland also produces a mortar system that can be mounted on tracked and wheeled vehicles, the M120 RAK. Designed by Polish defense company Huta Stalowa Wola, it is in service with the Ukrainian Army.

The Ministry of Defense of Slovakia has not yet announced any order for the new mortar.
https://www.defensenews.com/global/euro ... ense-show/

Dieses Konzept klingt ziemlich praxisfern. Angefangen bei der angeblichen Kadenz von 18 - 20 Schuss pro Minute. Wie soll das logistisch bewerkstelligt werden? Und vor allem: Wie lange hält das Rohr so eine Belsstung aus?