Großbritannien: MROS zum Schutz von Unterwasserinfrastruktur

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
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Großbritannien: MROS zum Schutz von Unterwasserinfrastruktur

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DE&S purchase specialist ship to protect our underwater cables (19. Januar 2023)
A ‘mother ship’ has been purchased by DE&S to carry cutting-edge equipment that will protect Britain’s critical subsea cables and pipelines from hostile attack.

The adaptable 6,000-tonne, 98-metre long offshore patrol vessel will provide a range of capabilities, such as operating remote and autonomous offboard systems for underwater surveillance and seabed warfare.

It is the first of two Multi-Role Ocean Surveillance (MROS) ships which will be operated by the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) and are vital to our national security by protecting the UK’s critical national infrastructure.

This is because key energy and communication cables, on the seabed have become an increasingly attractive target for adversaries. As a result of this heightened threat, Defence Secretary Ben Wallace accelerated the procurement of the MROS vessels.

And the first ‘Topaz Tangaroa’, built in 2019 by Vard and purchased for £65 million, will arrive at Cammell Laird in Birkenhead soon where it will undergo a short period of modification before a planned entry into service with the RFA as a Seabed Warfare ship later this year. ... ter-cables

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