Australien kauft Panzerhaubitzen Hanwha Defence K9 Thunder und Raketenwerfer HIMARS

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Sicherheit und Verteidigung außerhalb Europas
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Australien kauft Panzerhaubitzen Hanwha Defence K9 Thunder

Beitrag von theoderich »

National Defence: Defence Strategic Review 2023
Land domain immediate investment priorities


8.37 Army must cancel LAND 8116 Phase 2 – Protected Mobile Fires (the second regiment of self-propelled howitzers). These systems do not provide the required range or lethality. The cancellation of this program, in addition to savings from the reduction of LAND 400 Phase 3, will help enable the acceleration and the acquisition of additional HIMARS and a land-based maritime strike capability. ... gic-review
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Australien kauft Panzerhaubitzen Hanwha Defence K9 Thunder

Beitrag von theoderich »


U.S. Army ’s 17th Field Artillery Brigade fired its first precision long-range rockets during US-Australian Exercise High Ball at Lancelin Defence Training Area in Western Australia. ... HUHRznteNl

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Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Mi 10. Apr 2024, 23:01, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Re: Australien kauft Panzerhaubitzen Hanwha Defence K9 Thunder und Raketenwerfer HIMARS

Beitrag von theoderich »

Australia – M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS)
The Government of Australia has requested to buy up to twenty-two (22) M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS); sixty (60) M30A1 Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) Alternative Warhead (AW) Pods with Insensitive Munitions Propulsion System (IMPS); forty (40) M31A1 GMLRS Unitary (GMLRS-U) High Explosive (HE) Pods with IMPS; sixty-six (66) M30A2 Extended Range (ER)-GMLRS AW Pods; and twenty-four (24) M31A2 ER GMLRS Unitary (HE) Pods. Also included are Reduced Range Practice Rocket (RRPR) Pods; intercom systems to support the HIMARS Launcher; M1084A2 HIMARS Re-Supply Vehicles (RSV); trailers; 9300-SL60TN Forklift, Side Loader; radio/communication mounts; machine gun mounts; wheel guards; ruggedized laptops; training; training equipment; publications for HIMARS and its munitions, and spares; services; other support equipment; and other related elements of program and logistic support. The estimated total program cost is $975 million. ... ems-himars
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Registriert: Di 24. Apr 2018, 12:51

Re: Australien kauft Panzerhaubitzen Hanwha Defence K9 Thunder und Raketenwerfer HIMARS

Beitrag von Doppeladler »

Bei den HIMARS Preisen wird einem ganz schwind­lig!
DOPPELADLER.COM - Plattform für Österreichs Militärgeschichte. Bundesheer | k.u.k. Monarchie | Weitere Themen
Beiträge: 20775
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Australien kauft Panzerhaubitzen Hanwha Defence K9 Thunder und Raketenwerfer HIMARS

Beitrag von theoderich »

New howitzer game-changer for artillery units
Army is scheduled to acquire 30 self-propelled howitzers and 15 AS10 armoured ammunition resupply vehicles (collectively termed the Huntsman family of vehicles), with delivery commencing from 2025.

Lieutenant Colonel Hugh Smith, project manager Protected Mobile Fires, said initial testing would conclude by year’s end, with range and accuracy trials scheduled for next year at the Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona.

“At this stage, 4 Regiment will be accepting the capability into service, replacing their M777s with the self-propelled howitzers,” he said. ... lery-units



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