UAVs für die nordmazedonische Armee

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
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UAVs für die nordmazedonische Armee

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Petrovska for Click Plus on TV21: We continue to invest in the security, the following year we are entering the process of purchasing drones for the Macedonian Army (26. Oktober 2023)
The Minister of Defence Slavjanka Petrovska tonight spoke on the Click Plus program on TV21 on several topics related to defence, including defence budgeting and investments in new and modern equipment for the Army, where she announced that the following year, the defence will formally enter the procurement process of drones for the needs of the Army of the Republic of North Macedonia.

“The process has already started and in the course of the following year we will formally start the procurement of drones, because the analysis that I announced a few months ago has been completed.

The General Staff of the Army with the appropriate units finalized this analysis which showed the segments in which the defence and the country in general, can the drones be used. In the coming period, we have to prepare the operational requirements, that is, to specify what exactly we are looking for, i.e. what kind of drones and with what performance are needed, and we should carry out that purchase in the course of the following year”, announced the Minister. ... nian-army/