Krieg in der Ukraine

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
Beiträge: 20787
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von theoderich »

theoderich hat geschrieben: Fr 22. Apr 2022, 17:02Artillerie : M. Macron annonce la livraison par la France de CAESAr à l’Ukraine
theoderich hat geschrieben: So 2. Okt 2022, 16:27France supplies Ukraine with more Caesar guns (1. Oktober 2022)

Nach den CAESAR sollen nun auch Aufklärungspanzer AMX-10RC aus Beständen des französischen Heeres an die Ukraine geliefert werden. Stückzahl oder geplanter Zeitpunkt der Übergabe an die ukrainischen Streitkräfte sind nicht bekannt:

La France va livrer des chars de combat légers à l'Ukraine
Cette annonce intervient une semaine après la visite du ministre des Armées, Sébastien Lecornu, en Ukraine.

L'annonce était attendue. La France va envoyer des chars à l'Ukraine, des AMX-10 RC, a annoncé Emmanuel Macron à son homologue ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky. Une première pour des chars de fabrication occidentale, a assuré la présidence française à l'AFP. «Les présidents (Volodymyr) Zelensky et (Emmanuel) Macron ont demandé (...) de leur faire des propositions pour le mois de janvier pour redéfinir un agenda» commun sur le soutien militaire français, avait expliqué le ministre des Armées, Sébastien Lecornu, en déplacement en Ukraine le 28 décembre. Le délai de livraison n'a pas été communiqué par l'Elysée. ... e-20230104

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Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Do 5. Jan 2023, 14:32, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20787
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von theoderich »

Macron promises to send first Western tanks to Ukraine
France will deliver “light” battle tanks to Ukraine, President Emmanuel Macron’s office announced Wednesday, adding that France would be the first country to send such Western-designed armored fighting vehicles to the war.

The Elysée said after a phone call between Macron and his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy that France will send AMX-10 RC armored fighting vehicles, which Paris has been gradually replacing with new Jaguar battle tanks.

Several countries have already sent Soviet-era tanks to Ukraine. Both France and Germany have been under pressure to supply tanks to Ukraine, but had refused Kyiv’s requests, until now.
However, Ukraine’s requests for more arms from allies have still not been fully satisfied: In December, Kyiv formally asked for another model of tank, the Leclerc — France’s main battle tank — rather than AMX-10 vehicles, which are being phased out. The AMX-10 is lighter, less protected and has a shorter range than the Leclerc.

However the delivery of French armoured vehicles, though not fully-fledged battle tanks, might encourage others to follow suit, argued retired French colonel and military consultant Michel Goya.

“We’ve made a gesture … we can now boast that we were the first to send tanks, even though they are not the same class as the battle tanks used in Ukraine. But the move can also have an incitement effect on others,” said Goya.

On Wednesday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz faced renewed calls to send Leopard-2 tanks to Ukraine.

“The argument constantly advanced by the chancellery that Germany must not go it alone is absolutely out of date,” said Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, who heads Germany’s parliamentary defence committee in an interview with AFP.

“France is once again taking on the role that was expected of Germany, and is going ahead alone,” she said. ... yy-europe/

Frankreich will Ukraine »leichte Kampfpanzer« liefern ... 0ba0db3e0e

Alte Überschrift:

Kampfpanzer für die Ukraine: Der französische Präsident prescht vor

Neue Überschrift:

Spähpanzer für die Ukraine:
Der französische Präsident prescht vor ... 80290.html

Außerdem wird seit Anfang Januar eine komplette Panzerbrigade der US Army über Vlissingen (Niederlande) nach Polen und Litauen verlegt:

Community Notification - Upcoming movements of U.S. Army equipment for Atlantic Resolve (4. Januar 2023)
More than 2,500 equipment items from the U.S. Army’s 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Calvary Division stationed at Fort Hood, Texas, will off-load at port facilities located in Vlissingen, The Netherlands; Aarhus, Denmark, and Riga, Latvia throughout the January 13-18, 2023 timeframe.

During this period, U.S. Army equipment will stage at the port facilities and subsequently conduct onward movement via rail and commercial trucking to follow-on locations in central and Eastern Europe. As a result, communities in the vicinity of these facilities are likely to see an increase in U.S. Army equipment as it transits to its final destinations.
The 2/1 CD is arriving in Europe for a regularly scheduled rotational deployment in support of Atlantic Resolve. Since April 2014, U.S. Army Europe and Africa has led the Department of Defense’s Atlantic Resolve land efforts by bringing units based in the U.S. to Europe. ... antic-res/

5. Januar 2023





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Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Di 10. Jan 2023, 00:45, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 837
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 20:29

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von Phoenix »

Da könnten die USA auch ihr Stryker MGS liefern da sie es ja 2022 stillgelegt haben.
Beiträge: 210
Registriert: Mi 23. Jun 2021, 19:38

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von Desantnik » ... russia-war
“The United States intends to supply Ukraine with Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, and Germany intends to provide Ukraine with Marder infantry fighting vehicles,” the White House said in a statement on Thursday. ... s-00076549
The White House announced that it plans to send Ukraine the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, a tracked armored combat vehicle that carries a turret-mounted machine gun. Germany, meanwhile, will provide its Marder Infantry Fighting Vehicle. The announcements come a day after France said it will send its AMX-10 RC armored fighting vehicles, a highly mobile, wheeled system built around a powerful turret-mounted GIAT 105mm gun.

Berlin will also join the U.S. in donating a U.S.-made Patriot air defense battery, bringing Kyiv’s number of Patriots to two after the White House announced the move last month, according to the Thursday statement.
The 50 Bradleys are part of an overall aid package to be announced Friday worth $3.8 billion, according to a person familiar with the matter, who requested anonymity to speak ahead of an announcement. The package sets aside $2.25 billion for Ukraine, which will also include 155mm artillery shells. Another $682 million in military financing will go to Eastern European countries to allow them to buy American weaponry and military equipment.
Es geht voran, hat wohl schon Wirkung gezeigt, dass Frankreich vorgeprescht ist mit der Ankündigung Spähpanzer zu liefern.
Beiträge: 1591
Registriert: Do 17. Mai 2018, 21:05

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von iceman »

Beiträge: 1279
Registriert: Do 9. Jul 2020, 05:10

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von muck »

Desantnik hat geschrieben: Do 5. Jan 2023, 22:19Es geht voran, hat wohl schon Wirkung gezeigt, dass Frankreich vorgeprescht ist mit der Ankündigung Spähpanzer zu liefern.
Laut deutschen Medien wurde dieser Schritt trilateral in Verhandlungen seit dem 10. Dezember vorbereitet. Scholz hat lediglich wieder einmal die PR-Seite verbockt.
Beiträge: 837
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 20:29

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von Phoenix »

Haben die Marder dann Milan mit an Bord? Die Bradley werden ja TOW haben da der Werfer da integriert ist. Weiss man ob es die Truppentransport Version sein wird oder die Version M3 als Kampffahrzeug?
Beiträge: 646
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 19:40

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von Berni88 »

Der M2 ist der „Schützenpanzer“, der M3 der „Aufklärer“!
Sind ja gleich bewaffnet, der M3 wird halt mehr Funk- bzw. Aufklärungsequipment mitführen, bzw. Keine Absitzkräfte.
Beiträge: 20787
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von theoderich »

Ukraine Troops to Get Bradley Fighting Vehicles
DOD will be delivering Bradley fighting vehicles to Ukraine in the near future, White House officials said today. 

Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said the Bradleys are part of a larger shipment of equipment to Ukraine that will be announced later.
Ukrainian soldiers must learn how to use the vehicles and maintain them, and Ryder said this will be part of the training that Ukrainian soldiers receive from U.S. and partner nations. ... -vehicles/

Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder Holds an On-Camera Press Briefing
Q: Thanks Pat. On the Bradleys, since the man has obviously said that some are coming for Ukraine. Can you talk a little bit about what are the benefits? What will this bring to the Ukrainian forces on the battlefield? How long will it take to get them to the Ukrainian troops? And can you just give us a broad idea of how long the training will take?

GEN. RYDER: Sure. Thanks, Lita. So, as you highlight, I can confirm that another round of security assistance for Ukraine is anticipated tomorrow and that, as the White House has indicated, that new assistance will include Bradley Fighting Vehicles. And so, I'm not going to have any specific additional information to provid this time regarding other aspects of what that pending security assistance package will look like. But, as always, we'll be sure to keep you updated.

In terms of what the Bradleys bring, it is obviously an armored capability that can transport mechanized infantry into battle in support of both offensive and defensive operations, providing a level of firepower and armor that will bring advantages on the battlefield as Ukraine continues to defend their homeland.

Q. Timelines?

GEN. RYDER: In terms of training timelines, again, we'll have additional updates to provide in the coming days. Not going to go into that now. To just again, once we once we have an official announcement, other than to say that training, both on the operation side and maintenance side, will be part of that effort. Thank you. Liz.
Q: So, two questions, if I may. On the Bradleys, I understand that most of the details are going to come out tomorrow. But is it possible to say at this point how they're going to be armed? Will they have the 25-millimeter cannon, the TOWs, all that, or…?

GEN. RYDER: Yeah, so at the at the risk of getting ahead of the announcement, we’ll provide more details later on that. Again, I can say broadly speaking, this will be an armed capability that will be able to carry mechanized infantry into battle, and again, afford protection on the battlefield under combat conditions.
Q: One more question on the Bradleys. U.S. officials in the past have cited potential logistical challenges that might come with providing advanced armored capabilities. Is there something that has changed? Or does this announcement indicate that the U.S. is at least quite confident that the Ukrainians will be able to make use of these, and sustain them in the field and be able to project the fuel and other things necessary to keep them in the fight at this point?

GEN. RYDER: Sure. Well, you know, we've said all along that we're going to continue to work closely with Ukraine and our international allies and partners to discuss Ukraine's needs as the situation on the battlefield evolves. And we've also been clear that we're going to continue to adapt to the challenge and keep all options on the table, both in the near, medium, and long term when it comes to Ukraine's defense. And so, as I mentioned to Lita, operations and maintenance are aspects that will be incorporated into providing the Ukrainians with this capability. They are significant aspects of considering any type of weapon system or equipment that we give to Ukraine. And so, in the case of the Bradleys, as I mentioned, that will be something that we that we do and support. And again, we'll have more details in the coming days on that.

Q: Is the timing significant? Is this being decided on now is because it's deemed that it'll be particularly helpful in the winter or anything like that?

GEN. RYDER: Well, again, as I -- as you look at the battlefield and you look at how this fight has evolved from the early days, you know, of the artillery barrages to air defense, to largely being static along that front line, providing this capability provides both an offensive and a defensive capability to the Ukrainians to be able to change the equation on the battlefield. And so, we are going to continue to talk closely with them about what they need, we're going to continue to look at the situation on the ground and do what we can do that's going to help them the most to defend their nation. Thanks. Sir.

Q: A White House statement this afternoon said that Germany was going to donate an additional Patriot system to Ukraine. Should we be looking for, or is there an anticipation that there'll be additional Patriot systems from either the U.S. or other allies going to Ukraine in the near future?

GEN. RYDER: Yeah, we certainly welcome that news. Again, the United States and, as evidenced by Germany's announcement, are all committed to providing Ukraine with air defense capabilities that are going to help them protect their population, protect their forces as they defend against Russia. In terms of any additional Patriots, I don't have anything to announce right now. Again, we'll continue to have those discussions. As you know, we've already provided and will continue to provide a significant amount of air defense capability to Ukraine. But as far as other countries go, we'll -- we'll let them make those announcements on their own. Thank you. Sir.

Q: Can you give us an overview of U.S. training, maintenance, sustainment, help to the Ukrainians for their weapons system? How many U.S. troops are involved? How many facilities in Europe? Is it just a Grafenwöhr? And are the other places? How many Ukrainians are we training? And do you expect an increase in U.S. presence to help train Ukrainians on the Bradleys?

GEN. RYDER: Yeah, so there's a lot there, so let me try to break it down as best I can for you. So, on the U.S. side, as you know, prior to our announcement last month, our training focus since the invasion has been on providing training for equipment and the specific equipment and the systems that we provided to the Ukrainians. And so, on that front, we've trained approximately 3,100 Ukrainians so far since April. Writ large, when you look at the international effort to train Ukrainian forces, I would estimate about 12,000, across internationally when it comes to training Ukraine on a variety of things to include collective training in other countries. So, break-break, now with the U.S. stepping up its combined arms and Joint Maneuver Training, which will begin this month, likely in a couple of weeks in Germany, we will train approximately 500 Ukrainian forces at the battalion level each month. So, again, we'll continue to keep you updated as that program develops. But that is going to provide them with advanced training, again, training that we had been providing before the invasion that we had to stop doing because of the invasion. But this will give them enhanced capability to operate at the battalion level and combined arms, which again, will give them an advantage on the battlefield. ... era-press/

Bradley Fighting Vehicle ... ng-vehicle
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Sa 7. Jan 2023, 00:12, insgesamt 6-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 210
Registriert: Mi 23. Jun 2021, 19:38

Re: Krieg in der Ukraine

Beitrag von Desantnik »

Berni88 hat geschrieben: Fr 6. Jan 2023, 17:25 Der M2 ist der „Schützenpanzer“, der M3 der „Aufklärer“!
Sind ja gleich bewaffnet, der M3 wird halt mehr Funk- bzw. Aufklärungsequipment mitführen, bzw. Keine Absitzkräfte.
Der M3 hat nur Platz für zwei Fernaufklärer samt Ausrüstung, führt aber wesentlich mehr Munition mit.

M242 Maschinenkanone: 1500 Patronen (M2: 900)
TOW LFK: 12 (M2: 7)

Ich schätze aber, dass es sich um M2A2 ODS handeln wird, Kroatien soll auch diesen Typ erhalten und die sind in größerer Stückzahl eingelagert.