Hubschrauberprogramm NH90

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
Beiträge: 203
Registriert: So 13. Mai 2018, 17:37

Re: Hubschrauberprogramm NH90

Beitrag von hakö »

Das Problm des NH90ist die überaus komplizierte und in zu kurze Intervallen notwendige Wartung, dadurch ist der Klarstand und die Verfügbarkeit weit unter der vorgegebenen Planung.
Es wird unverhältnismäßig teuer die geplante Verfügbarkeit zu erreichen, daher wird er von einigen Betreibern außer Dienst gestellt und es zeigt sich auch in anderen Ländern, daß der NH90 eine schlechte Entwicklung darstellt.
Man wollte zuviel in den Hubschrauber reinentwickeln(Materialien) und macht jetzt schlechte Erfahrungen mit der Haltbarkeit
Wenn es stimmt, daß Lügen kurze Beine haben, dann haben Politiker Eier aus Bodenhaltung.
Beiträge: 20784
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Hubschrauberprogramm NH90

Beitrag von theoderich »

Norway threatens cancellation of NH90 helicopter contract over upgrade delays
Norway is again threatening to cancel its contract with NH Industries (NHI) after further delays to deliveries of NH90 maritime helicopters.

Addressing the country’s parliament on 9 February, Norwegian defence minister Odd Roger Enoksen expressed his dissatisfaction with the manufacturer.

“We do not yet have the maritime helicopter capacity we need, and I am not happy with this,” he says.

Deliveries of new-build helicopters to Norway have consistently run behind schedule since Oslo signed for 14 NFH-variant NH90s in 2001; the full complement of helicopters was due to have arrived by 2008, but shipments did not begin until 2011.

Back in 2012, then deputy defence minister Roger Ingebrigtsen said Norway was prepared to walk away from the contract if NHI’s performance did not improve, with the Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk reportedly under consideration as an alternative.

But the latest outbreak of hostilities is caused by the length of time taken to upgrade already delivered examples. Of the 13 NH90s received by Norway, six are in an initial operating configuration and were due to be raised to the full operating standard by the end of 2023.

However, Enoksen says the latest forecasts from NHI indicate that the upgrade has been postponed to 2024. “The supplier has not given us reason to have confidence in these plans,” he says.

As such, the defence ministry will now consider its options, which include the potential termination of the contract.

“I know that there is no quick and easy solution to this problem, but the goal is to get a justifiable solution for the future,” says Enoksen.

While commending the efforts of the armed forces and Norway’s defence materiel agency related to bringing the NH90s into service, he adds: “But they are working uphill with deliveries that are constantly delayed and a supplier that is unable to deliver in accordance with the agreements that have been entered into.” ... 36.article
Beiträge: 20784
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Hubschrauberprogramm NH90

Beitrag von theoderich »


Beiträge: 1279
Registriert: Do 9. Jul 2020, 05:10

Re: Hubschrauberprogramm NH90

Beitrag von muck »

Wenn das Ding die versprochene Gesamtflugstundenzahl erbringen soll, muss es wohl auch siebzig Jahre fliegen, nicht dreißig.
Beiträge: 20784
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Hubschrauberprogramm NH90

Beitrag von theoderich »

Rotary Wing: Faster, Further and More Assertive
Sweden is also considering replacing its NH90s with SEAHAWKs and expanding its BLACKHAWK fleet, according to Swedish media reports ... assertive/
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Mo 25. Dez 2023, 13:49, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 1279
Registriert: Do 9. Jul 2020, 05:10

Re: Hubschrauberprogramm NH90

Beitrag von muck »

Norwegen hat den Kontrakt mit NHI wegen Nichterfüllung gekündigt und verlangt sein Geld zurück. (Quelle)

Bemerkenswert ist vor allem, dass die Norweger erklären, genügend Ersatzteile beschafft und die Wartung in Eigenregie intensiviert zu haben, trotzdem habe sich abgezeichnet, dass die Maschine niemals den zugesicherten Klarstand erreichen werde.

Ich gehörte ja zu denen, die das Muster oft gegen Kritik verteidigt hatten; da die Franzosen höhere Klarstände melden als bspw. Deutsche und Australier, führte ich die Probleme in diesen Staaten auf organisatorische und finanzielle Defizite zurück.

Wer nicht genügend Ersatzteile beschafft oder nicht navalisierte Hubschrauber in Salzwasser badet, ist eben selber schuld – so dachte ich. Mittlerweile zeichnet sich leider ab, dass auch die Behebung dieser Defizite die Situation nicht verbessern würde. Das ist in der Tat ein Debakel, wie 'Flugrevue' schreibt, und wird dem Ruf der europäischen Luftfahrtindustrie schaden.
Beiträge: 20784
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Hubschrauberprogramm NH90

Beitrag von theoderich »

Hier die offiziellen Aussendungen dazu:
Norway terminates its contract for the NH90
“Regrettably we have reached the conclusion that no matter how many hours our technicians work, and how many parts we order, it will never make the NH90 capable of to meeting the requirements of the Norwegian Armed Forces. Based on a joint recommendation by the Armed Forces and associated departments and agencies, the Norwegian Government has therefore decided to end the introduction of the NH90 and has authorized the Norwegian Defence Material Agency to terminate the contract”, said Norwegian Minister of Defence, Mr. Bjørn Arild Gram.

The Norwegian Defence Material Agency has subsequently informed the manufacturer of the NH90, NATO Helicopter Industries (NHI), that it has terminated the contract in its entirety, and that it will be seeking full restitution of all funds and assets received by both parties. The Agency will now begin preparations to return the helicopters along with any spares and equipment received. It will also request a refund from NHI, which will include the approximately NOK five billion it has paid under the contract, in addition to interest and other expenses.

“We have made repeated attempts at resolving the problems related to the NH90 in cooperation with NHI, but more than 20 years after the contract was signed, we still don’t have helicopters capable of performing the missions for which they were bought, and without NHI being able to present us with any realistic solutions”, said Gro Jære, Director General of the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency.

Norway’s acquisition of the NH90 began in 2001, with 14 helicopters for Coast Guard and Anti-Submarine Warfare duties originally slated for delivery by the end of 2008. As of today, only eight have been delivered in a fully operational configuration. The fleet is currently required to provide 3.900 flight hours annually but in recent years it has averaged only about 700 hours.

The Norwegian Ministry of Defence in February 2022 requested that the Armed Forces, along with the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency and the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, conduct a comprehensive review of Norway’s maritime helicopter capabilities. The review concluded that even with significant additional financial investments, it would not be possible to bring the performance and availability of the NH90 to a level that would meet Norwegian requirements.
Due to the contract termination, Norwegian flight operations with the NH90 will be discontinued, and any planned future missions will be cancelled. Any Armed Forces personnel affected by the termination will receive immediate follow-up through their respective units. ... likopteret

Norge leverer tilbake NH90-helikoptrene ... 0-tilbake ... id2918079/

Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Mi 28. Dez 2022, 00:05, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20784
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Hubschrauberprogramm NH90

Beitrag von theoderich »

Beiträge: 900
Registriert: Do 7. Jun 2018, 12:20

Re: Hubschrauberprogramm NH90

Beitrag von cliffhanger »

Norwegen,Belgien, Australien.... ... ld-wieder/

Ich frage mich was die Probleme des NH90 sind , bzw. was jetzt mit den ganzen relativ jungen Helis passiert...

Wären diese, wenn man die Anforderungen auf "Österreichisches Niveau" reduziert, sprich ohne nenneswerte Systeme & ohne Waffensysteme herumzufliegen ... wären das dann brauchbare Helikopter die in man günstig als AB212 Ersatz haben könnte ?
Norwegen muß 14 , Australien 40 stk. loswerden...
Beiträge: 481
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 17:25

Re: Hubschrauberprogramm NH90

Beitrag von Milizler »

Einer der Hauptkritikpunkte ist ja der enorm teure Betrieb, also nein -> wäre Eurofighter Part 2 in der medialen Wahrnehmung.