Italien: Programma Navale

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
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Italien: Programma Navale

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The launching ceremony of the LSS logistic support unit “Vulcano”, took place yesterday at the Muggiano (La Spezia) facility of the Naval Integrated shipyard, in the presence of the Italian Minister of Defence, Elisabetta Trenta, who was welcomed by the CEO of Fincantieri Giuseppe Bono and its Chairman Giampiero Massolo.
The multi-year program for the renewal of the Italian Navy’s fleet foresees the construction, besides the LSS, of one transport and landing unit (LHD or Landing Helicopter Dock) - under construction in this same shipyard with delivery in 2022 - as well as seven Multipurpose Offshore Patrol Ships (PPA), with other three in option. The launch of the first is scheduled in 2019, with delivery in 2021. The following deliveries will take place in 2022, 2023, 2024 (two units), 2025 and 2026.
Vessel’s characteristics - LSS – Logistic Support Ship

The LSS is a vessel that provides logistics support to the fleet, endowed with hospital and healthcare capabilities thanks to the presence of a fully equipped hospital, complete with operating rooms, radiology and analysis rooms, a dentist’s office and hospital rooms that will be capable of hosting up to 17 seriously injured patients. The ship combines capacity to transport and transfer to other transport vessels used for liquids (diesel fuel, jet fuel, fresh water) and solids (emergency spare parts, food and ammunitions) and to perform at sea repairs and maintenance work for other vessels. The defense systems are limited to the capacity of command and control in tactical scenarios, communications and dissuasive, non-lethal defense systems. The vessel is also capable of embarking more complex defence systems and becoming an intelligence and electronic war platform.
  • 193 meters long
  • speed of about 20 knots
  • 200 persons including crew and specialists
  • 4 replenishment station abeam and 1 astern
  • Capacity to supply drinking water to land
  • Capacity to provide electricity to land with 2500 kw of power
  • Possibility of embarking up to 8 residential and healthcare modules
  • Capacity to perform rescues at sea, through recovery and seabed operations (the ship is equipped with an 30 tons offshore stabilized crane stabilized)
  • base for rescue operations through helicopters and special vessels ... -muggiano/

The number of Patrol Vessels for the Italian Navy rises to 7 (11. November 2015) ... ol-vessels

Fincantieri and Finmeccanica were awarded the contract for one multipurpose amphibious (LHD) for the Italian Navy (1. Juli 2015) ... alian-navy

Fincantieri and Finmeccanica will renew the Italian Navy's fleet (7. Mai 2015) ... itare-navy

Programma per la tutela delle capacità marittime della Difesa ... -2014.aspx

Programma pluriennale di A/R n. SMD 01/2014, relativo al programma navale per la tutela della capacità marittima della Difesa (116)

29 ottobre 2014 ... g=17&tab=1
  • ... DI0200.Pdf
    • Programmlaufzeit: 2014-2033
    • Komponenten:
      • 7 Pattugliatori Polivalenti d'Altura (+ 4 PPA optional)
      • 1 Unità d'altura di supporto logistico (Logistic Support Ship - LSS)
      • 1 Unità anfibia multiruolo (Landing Helicopter Dock - LHD)
      • 2 Unità navali polifunzionali ad altissima velocità
    • Geschätzte Kosten: 5,4 Mrd. EUR

Neue Kriegsschiffe für die italienische Marine ... f=7&t=3953
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am So 24. Okt 2021, 21:08, insgesamt 4-mal geändert.
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Italien: Programma Navale

Beitrag von theoderich »

Als nächstes sollen leichte Fregatten mit einer Verdrängung von 3500 BRT gekauft werden, das Pattugliatore di squadra/Fregate leggere (PPX). Diese Schiffe sollen die FREMM und PPA ergänzen:

Bild ... 2652780544

Das Programm könnte 2020 beginnen.
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Italien: Programma Navale

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Beiträge: 20774
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Italien: Programma Navale

Beitrag von theoderich »

With size and anti-sub capabilities in mind, Italy’s Navy rethinks ship designs
The Italian Navy is considering changing the design of some of its planned PPA multifunctional ships to make them smaller, and to possibly give them an anti-submarine capability, an Italian source has told Defense News.

The seven vessels were ordered as part of a €5.4 billion (U.S. $6.3 billion) package to replace a range of aging vessels in the Navy’s fleet. Three are already under construction by Italian shipyard Fincantieri, with preparations to build the fourth underway.

But planners may go back to the drawing board for the last three vessels, as mission priorities change, said the source, who has knowledge of the program’s developments.
Today, the vessels weigh in at about 6,000 tons. That is not as big as Italy’s 6,700-ton FREMM frigates, but far larger than the vessels they will replace, which displace about 2,000 tons and less.

PPA vessels are also the same length as the FREMMs, measuring about 146 meters long and 16.5 meters wide, just 3 meters narrower than the FREMMs.

That makes the PPAs too large to dock at certain ports in Sicily where they would be used in migrant-monitoring missions, the number of which have risen in recent years.

Now, with a new Navy chief, Valter Girardelli, at the helm, plans are under consideration to turn the last three PPAs into 3,000-ton patrol ships. Planners are also reevaluating the need for an anti-submarine capability, noting that eight ASW ships are now being retired, while there are only four FREMM frigates with an ASW configuration.

A second option is to turn the last three PPAs into 4,500-ton ASW ships. By making them smaller, four vessels would be purchased with the same funding as the three larger PPA vessels, the source said. ... p-designs/
Beiträge: 20774
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Italien: Programma Navale

Beitrag von theoderich »

Ein paar interessante Präsentationen zum "Programma Navale":
Und zu einem Demonstrationsprojekt der italienischen Marine für alternative Treibstoffe:
Beiträge: 20774
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Italien: Programma Navale

Beitrag von theoderich »

Frankreich hat heute auf der "Euronaval 2018" das Programm "FLOTLOG" angekündigt, in dessen Rahmen, in Zusammenarbeit mit Italien, vier Tanker gekauft werden sollen. Der Délégué général pour l’armement, Joël Barre, und sein italienisches Gegenüber, General Nicolò Falsaperna, haben am 23. Oktober eine entsprechende Vereinbarung unterzeichnet.

Frankreich beteiligt sich über OCCAR am italienischen Programm für ein "Logistic Support Ship". Das Design orientiert sich an der italienischen Konstruktion des Schiffs "Vulcano", wird aber modifiziert, um im Rahmen der Trägerkampfgruppe rund um den Flugzeugträger "Charles de Gaulle" eingesetzt werden zu können. Die Logistikschiffe werden bei Chantiers de l’Atlantique in Saint Nazaire, in Zusammenarbeit mit Naval Group, gebaut. Die Hüllensektionen, in die das Treibstoffsystem eingebaut ist, werden bei Fincantieri in Italien gefertigt.
Beiträge: 20774
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Italien: Programma Navale

Beitrag von theoderich »

Beiträge: 20774
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Italien: Programma Navale

Beitrag von theoderich »

Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Do 14. Nov 2019, 23:30, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20774
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Italien: Programma Navale

Beitrag von theoderich »

First Italian PPA starts sea trials

The first of the Italian Navy's new multirole offshore patrol ships (Pattugliatore Polivalente d'Altura: PPA), Paolo Thaon di Revel (P 430), started initial sea trials on 12 November.

The trials are being carried out from Fincantieri's Muggiano shipyard, near La Spezia, where the ship was built and launched in June. ... sea-trials

Bild ... e_daltura/

Multipurpose Offshore Patrol Vessel (PPA) ... essel/ppa/

15. Juni 2019

Varata nave Paolo Thaon di Revel ... Revel.aspx ... 7963252941 ... 3994533990

Beiträge: 20774
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Italien: Programma Navale

Beitrag von theoderich »

Fincantieri suspends operations amid coronavirus crisis
As Italy’s coronavirus crisis worsens, state shipbuilder Fincantieri has suspended operations for two weeks at its Italian facilities.

The announcement on Friday came as Italian authorities reported Italy’s death toll from the virus had reached 1,266, while the total number of cases reached 17,660.
Fincantieri said that following a request from unions, it would suspend production in Italy from March 16 to March 29.

Fincantieri tried to reduce its exposure to the virus through teleworking and halting of business travel by staff.

Italy’s other major defense company, Leonardo, said this week it could not rule out the “temporary, partial and targeted suspension of operations of certain departments within production sites.”

The firm also said marketing campaigns, supply chains, production and delivery times would likely be affected by the crisis ... us-crisis/