Norwegen: Beschaffung eines neuen Richtfunksystems

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
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Norwegen: Beschaffung eines neuen Richtfunksystems

Beitrag von theoderich »

Norway selects KONGSBERG’s NATO Band IV Tactical Radio Link
Deliveries will start in May 2021.

The contract is valued at 128 MNOK and requires the delivery of a complete communications solution with KONGSBERG’s RL542A as the core component.

The radio platform itself was developed by KONGSBERG and will be the centerpiece of the system that also includes antennas, cables, portable equipment and other accessories adapted to the Norwegian Armed Forces' need for use under demanding conditions.

The radio is a NATO Band IV radio link with supreme ECCM capabilities and high data rates providing multiple waveforms for both point-to-point as well as point-to-multi-point operations. ... adio-link/

Nytt radiosystem til Forsvaret
Forsvarsmateriell signerte onsdag 1. juli kontrakt med Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (KONGSBERG) for nytt radiosystem til Forsvaret. Kontrakten har en verdi på 130 millioner kroner.

​Det nye radiosystemet Flexible High Capacity Link (FHCL) skal leveres av KONGSBERG og vil øke kapasiteten i Forsvarets taktiske kommunikasjonsinfrastruktur (TKI). Hovedbruker er Sambandsbataljonen i Brigade Nord som vil bruke FHCL til å etablere den taktiske kommunikasjonsinfrastrukturen de trenger for å løse sine operasjoner i felt. ... -forsvaret
  • Unterzeichnung eines Vertrags zur Lieferung des Flexible High Capacity Link (FHCL) zwischen Forsvarsmateriell und Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace am 1. Juli 2020
  • Auftragswert: 130 Mio. NOK (12,19 Mio. EUR)
  • Nutzer:
    • Zeitplan:
      • User Acceptance Test: 2021
      • Einführung ab Ende 2021