Artilleriesysteme PzH2000 und CAESAR für Litauen

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Artilleriesysteme PzH2000 und CAESAR für Litauen

Beitrag von theoderich »

First upgraded PzH2000 howitzers delivered to the Artillery Battalion


On December 14 first two upgraded heavy self-propelled artillery systems, PzH2000 (Panzerhaubitze 2000) howitzers bought from the German Armed Forces were delivered to the Lithuanian Armed Forces General Romualdas Giedraitis Artillery Battalion.
The howitzers delivered to the Artillery Battalion have been bought from the German Federal Armed Forces on the basis of the contract signed in September 2015. In total, 18 upgraded howitzers of combat setup will be delivered to Lithuania as agreed by the contract.
According to Lt Col M. Jonelis, the PzH2000 heavy self-propelled artillery systems have all howitzer control battlefield control, and fire control software upgraded.

Lithuanian soldiers will soon begin combat training suing the new howitzers, first shots are planned to be fired within several months, during Exercise Fire thunder in spring of 2019.

The new equipment will increase the effective fire range of the Gen R.Giedratis Battalion based in Rukla. Before the current procurement, the most powerful equipment the Battalion is armed with was the 105 mm howitzers with effective fire range of roughly 11 kilometres. The new equipment has increased the Battalion’s effective fire range to 40 kilometres. ... alion.html

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Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am So 17. Apr 2022, 22:02, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: PzH2000 für Litauen

Beitrag von theoderich »



FFG Flensburg hat modernisierte "Bergepanzer-2" (BPz-2 MOD) an das Artilleriebataillon des litauischen Heeres geliefert:





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Zwei modernisierte PzH2000, geliefert am 24. November 2021:

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Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am So 12. Mär 2023, 00:08, insgesamt 4-mal geändert.
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: PzH2000 für Litauen

Beitrag von theoderich »

Lithuania finalizes largest acquisition project to strengthen Lithuanian artillery capabilities
Back in March the 18th and the last of the Panzerhaubitze 2000 self-propelled howitzers was delivered to the Lithuanian military, the equipment was purchased on the basis of the contract signed by the Defence Materiel Agency under the Lithuanian MoD and the Federal Ministry of Defence of German aiming to supply one of the most advanced self-propelled 155 mm artillery systems in the world to the Lithuanian Armed Forces in 2015.

The systems were assigned to the Mechanized Infantry Brigade Iron Wolf subunit, General Romualdas Giedraitis Artillery Battalion based at Rukla. The 155 mm howitzers replaced its former 105 mm variants with an effective range of approx. 11 kilometers. The current upgrade to the Battalion’s capabilities increases its effective artillery fire range to 50 kilometers depending on the ammunition used.
As part of the PzH2000 acquisition project, the Artillery Battalion also received M577 armored vehicles earlier after they had been repaired and customized for the role of fire control post, also, upgraded BPz2 recovery tanks, forward observer and tactical air control equipment, low-floor trucks, ammunition lorries, ADLER III artillery command and control system, etc.

The Lithuanian Armed Forces indirect fire capability development project was carried out on EUR 58.3 million funds. It covered equipment acquisition, modernization, personnel training and development of military infrastructure for howitzer use and maintenance. ... ities.html

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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: PzH2000 für Litauen

Beitrag von theoderich »

Der litauische Generalstabschef Valdemaras Rupšys hat bestätigt, dass das Verteidigungsministerium derzeit die Beschaffung von Haubitzen Nexter CAESAR evaluiert. Dieses Projekt soll beginnen, sobald Litauen sämtliche PzH2000 abgenommen hat. Die PzH2000 werden der Brigade „Geležinis Vilkas“ zugewiesen, während Brigade „Žemaitija“ mit der CAESAR, die bis 2026 ausgeliefert werden sollen, ausgestattet wird:
  • Rupšys neslepia – laukia didžiulė konkurencija dėl ginkluočių tarp valstybių: kova bus nuo paprasčiausio ginklo iki šarvuočių (15. April 2022)
    Lietuva svarsto įsigyti prancūziškas savaeiges haubicas „Caesar“, patvirtino šalies kariuomenės vadas.

    Naujas artilerijos pirkimo projektas pradedamas Lietuvai gavus visas įsigytas vokiškas haubicas „PzH2000“.

    Pastarosiomis haubicomis buvo sustiprinta „Geležinio Vilko“ brigados artilerijos vienetai, tuo metu „Caesar“ sistemos būtų skirtos „Žemaitijos“ brigadai.

    V. Rupšys nurodė besitikintis, kad visos naujai įsigytos haubicos bus pristatytos Lietuvai iki 2026 metų. ... -sarvuociu
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Artilleriesysteme PzH2000 und CAESAR für Litauen

Beitrag von theoderich »

Eurosatory 2022: Lithuania aims to order Caesar
Lithuania aims to order French 155mm Caesar wheeled self-propelled howitzers (SPHs) to supplement the 18 recently modernised 155mm PzH 2000s already in service with its armed forces.

Arvydas Anušauskas, the Lithuanian Minister of National Defence, announced on 12 June that he will be meeting his newly appointed French counterpart Sébastien Lecornu in Paris this week to ‘discuss the strengthening of Armed Forces capabilities’.

Anušauskas added in a statement on social media: ‘I will also sign the first letter of intent on purchasing French 155mm howitzers “Caesar”.’

At this stage, it remains unknown exactly how many Caesar SPHs Lithuania wishes to buy. ... er-caesar/

Krašto apsaugos ministerija Lietuvos kariuomenei pirks prancūziškų „Caesar MarktII“ savaeigių ratinių haubicų
Stiprindama Lietuvos kariuomenės gynybinius pajėgumus Krašto apsaugos ministerija planuoja prisijungti prie Prancūzijos gynybos ministerijos įsigijimų agentūros vykdomos naujosios kartos „Caesar MarkII“ vystymo programos ir Lietuvos kariuomenei nupirkti 18 vienetų šios kartos 155 mm savaeigių ratinių haubicų. Tokį ketinimų protokolą birželio 13 d. Paryžiuje pasirašė krašto apsaugos ministras Arvydas Anušauskas ir Prancūzijos gynybos ministras Sébastien Lecornu.

Techninį susitarimą dėl Krašto apsaugos ministerijos kontribucijos „Caesar MarktII“ vystymo programoje planuojama pasirašyti dar iki liepos 30 d., lygiagrečiai rengiama sutartis ir su sistemos gamintoju – Prancūzijos ginkluotės sistemų ir amunicijos kompanija NEXTER. ... u-haubicu/

Der Letter of Inent zur Beschaffung der 18 CAESAR Mk II wurde am 13. Juni unterschrieben. Die Technische Übereinkunft soll bis 30. Juni unterzeichnet werden. Parallel wird der Kaufvertrag mit NEXTER vorbereitet.



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Re: Artilleriesysteme PzH2000 und CAESAR für Litauen

Beitrag von muck »

CAESAR ist sehr leistungsfähig, aber wenn ich schon Boxer und PzH2000 betreibe, warum sollte ich dann nicht die Synergieeffekte nutzen wollen, die das RCH-Modul auf Boxer oder MAN HX3 böte? Unverständlich.
Beiträge: 20804
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Artilleriesysteme PzH2000 und CAESAR für Litauen

Beitrag von theoderich »

Opportunities for cooperation in the area of armament discussed in South Korea (22. September 2022)
On September 20-21 Vice Minister of National Defence Vilius Semeška attended DX Korea 2022 defence industry exposition and had a meeting with Vice Defense Minister Shin Beomchul of the Republic of Korea. The officials discussed opportunities for a government-level contract and acquisition of weaponry, as well as bilateral cooperation in the area of defence industry. Vice Minister V. Semeška encouraged South Korean defence industry companies to invest in Lithuania.
At a meeting with Eom Dong-Hwan, Minister of South Korea’s State Arms Procurement Agency, V. Semeška invited him to come to Lithuania on a study trip to see possibilities for producing certain types of weaponry and its components in Lithuania. He also took interest potential acquisition of artillery and multiple rocket launch systems and ammunition from the Republic of Korea in view of further strengthening Lithuanian military capabilities. ... uth-korea/

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