Slowakei: Beschaffung von UH-60M "Black Hawk" und AH-1Z "Viper"

Wehrtechnik & Rüstung, Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Slowakei: Beschaffung von UH-60M "Black Hawk" und AH-1Z "Viper"

Beitrag von theoderich »

Another 2 UH-60M Black Hawks come into service with the SVK Armed Forces





A short while ago another two UH-60M Black Hawk military utility helicopters touched down at the Helicopter Wing Prešov. This brings to the total number of the helicopters in service with the Slovak Air Force to 4. The additional 5 UH-60M Black Hawks will be delivered in line with the terms and conditions of the contract next year.

SVK Minister of Defence Peter Gajdoš said: “These two helicopters are already equipped with a fast rope insertion extraction system, an internal auxiliary fuel tank, and a rescue hoist system.” He further added that the first two helicopters will be additionally fitted with the same equipment. As a result, the helicopter fleet will be capable of performing domestic crisis management tasks, in other words, SAR and disaster response operations.
The SVK Air Force intends to deploy new Slovak UH-60M Black Hawks on Exercise Atlas Common Challenger 2.0, which is due in October 2018. ... lack-hawk/ ... lack-hawk/

Minister Gajdoš odovzdal vzdušným silám prvé dva vrtuľníky Black Hawk (3. 8. 2017) ... lack-hawk/ ... lack-hawk/

Prvé dva vrtuľníky Black Hawk sú už na Slovensku (26. 6. 2017) ... slovensku/ ... slovensku/

Američania už začali s výrobou vrtuľníkov Black Hawk pre Ozbrojené sily SR (1. 5. 2016) ... e-sily-sr/
In the United States of America, the production of the first batch of the 9 Sikorsky UH-60M Black Hawk utility helicopters, which the SVK MOD purchased under the US Government’s Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programme for the SVK Armed Forces, has already been launched. ... e-sily-sr/

New strategic air capability (29. 4. 2015)
SVK Minister of Defense Glváč has been mandated by the Security Council of the Slovak Republic and the SVK Government to effect the purchase of Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters. This initiative is viewed as the most extensive modernization project in the history of the SVK Armed Forces. A total of 9 Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters will be procured by the SVK MOD under the U.S. Government's Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program, while achieving maximum transparency and lower prices.
The Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters meet all the requirements of the SVK Armed Forces. The necessity to replace the helicopter fleet was also confirmed by Brig Gen Miroslav Korba, SVK Air Force Commander, saying that “We are replacing the Mil Mi-17 Hip helicopters for the Black Hawk utility helicopters. These are precisely the helicopters that suit us.” According to him, they will also be used for crisis management operations at home, including firefighting, flood incident response, and search and rescue missions.

The finalization of the contract has been overseen by the Director of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), Vice Admiral Joseph W. Rixey, who participated in the negotiations on Monday in Bratislava.
The Vice Admiral noted that the negotiations between the SVK MOD and the DSCA had lasted over 3 months. ... lack-hawk/

Slovakia – UH-60M Black Hawk Helicopters
The Government of Slovakia has requested a possible sale of nine UH-60M Black Hawk Helicopters in standard U.S. Government configuration with designated unique equipment and Government Furnished Equipment (GFE); twenty T700-GE-701D Engines (18 installed and 2 spares); twenty Embedded Global Positioning Systems/Inertial Navigation Systems; two Aviation Mission Planning Systems; one Aviation Ground Power Unit; eleven AN/APX-123 Identification Friend or Foe Transponders; twenty Very High Frequency (VHF)/Digitally Selective Calling AN/ARC-231 radios; eleven ARN-147 VHF Omni Ranging/Instrument Landing System (VOR/ILS); eleven AN/ARN-153 Tactical Air Navigation Systems; and eleven AN/ARC-201D Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Systems radios. Also included are aircraft warranty, ammunition, air worthiness support, facility construction, spare and repair parts, support equipment, communication equipment, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, site surveys, tool and test equipment, U.S. Government and contractor technical and logistics support services, and other related element of program and logistics support. The estimated cost is $450 million. ... elicopters

UH-60 "Black Hawk" für die Slowakei? ... f=7&t=4218
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Mo 17. Apr 2023, 05:49, insgesamt 11-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 20798
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Slowakei: UH-60M "Black Hawk"

Beitrag von theoderich »

P. Gajdoš: Black Hawks will soon be equipped with armament
The SVK Air Force UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters will soon be equipped with armament in order to be capable of undertaking all types of missions. This announcement was made today (16 September) by Defence Minister Peter Gajdoš speaking In Politics, a political debate on the TA3 TV news channel. “An amendment to the Contract has been signed and the helicopters will soon be armed with machine guns and additional equipment,” he said. ... yzbrojene/

Minister Gajdoš hands over another two UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters to airmen, to be used on civil contingency and other operations (20. Juli 2018) ... ituaciach/
Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Mo 17. Apr 2023, 05:14, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Slowakei: UH-60M "Black Hawk"

Beitrag von theoderich »

With F-16 buy, Slovakia ‘cutting off’ Russian hardware
In an interview on the sidelines of the Halifax International Security Forum, MoD State Secretary Róbert Ondrejcsák said of the Russian defense industrial relationship: “We are cutting off as quickly as we can.
In the same vein, Slovakia also expects to receive five more Sikorsky UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters, which completes its planned purchase of nine. (Long-term plans call for at least 18 multi-role helicopters to replace Soviet-designed Mi-17 rotorcraft, though no platform has been selected as yet.)

“By replacing them, we are also cutting those ties with Russia,” Ondrejcsák said, adding that Slovakia will fly the UH-60 and Mi-17 for several years while the UH-60 is phased in. ... -hardware/
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Slowakei: UH-60M "Black Hawk"

Beitrag von theoderich »

Heute sind zwei weitere UH-60M und auch die ersten Piloten für die neuen "Black Hawk" in der Slowakei eingetroffen. Bis dato wurden sechs Hubschrauber geliefert, die restlichen drei folgen bis Ende 2019. Bisher wurden 17 Piloten in den USA ausgebildet und zusätzliche drei Piloten absolvieren momentan die Ausbildung für die UH-60M:

Na Sliači pristáli ďalšie dva nové vrtuľníky Black Hawk ... lack-hawk/






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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Slowakei: UH-60M "Black Hawk"

Beitrag von theoderich »

PREMIUM: Slovakia prefers revitalised Mi-17s to more Black Hawks
A decision to overhaul some Mi-17 helicopters suggests that Slovakia will not be doubling its UH-60M fleet.

The ageing Slovak Air Force Mi-17 fleet is undergoing a partial overhaul that would add seven years or 1,000 flight hours to its service life.

The programme began by cycling an initial batch of two helicopters with overhaul and life extension work by military MRO company LOTN in Trenčín ... ... 7s-more-b/

Z Vrtuľníkového krídla Prešov k nám dorazili 2 kusy Mi-17 na generálnu opravu (5. März 2021)


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Die zwei Mi-17 werden nach sieben Betriebsjahren bzw. 1000 Flugstunden generalüberholt. Die Überholung eines Hubschraubers, gefertigt 1987, ist mit bis zu 4.999.999 EUR veranschlagt und soll bis zum 15. März 2022 abgeschlossen sein. Die Überholung des anderen, 1989 gebauten, Hubschraubers, kostet bis zu 4.399.999 EUR - die Fertigstellung ist bis zum 30. Mai 2022 anvisiert. Dadurch soll deren Nutzungsdauer um 1000 Flugstunden bzw. sieben Jahre verlängert werden. Die slowakischen Streitkräfte verfügen noch über 12 Mil Mi-17, von denen nur noch vier Stück betrieben werden, die anderen acht sind am Ende ihrer technischen Lebensdauer.
Ende 2020 hat der slowakische Verteidigungsminister die Beschaffung von zwei weiteren UH-60M angekündigt. Die zwei bestehenden UH-60M sollen nachgerüstet werden. Die Kosten von insgesamt 50 Mio. USD sollen, gemäß einem Angebot der USA, aus Mitteln des European Recapitalization Incentive Program (ERIP) kommen:

21. August 2020

Minister Naď: Soldiers′ needs and best comprehensive offer to decide how $50 million from US FMF funding will be spent (10. August 2020)
The Slovak Armed Forces′ requirements and the best comprehensive offer will decide how US Foreign Military Financing (FMF) funding worth $50 million under the European Recapitalization Incentive Program (ERIP) will be spent. The Ministry of Defence can use the money to replace its Warsaw Pact-legacy equipment, with a 50-to-50 ratio of SVK and US funds as a condition.
Minister J. Naď, Defence State Secretary M. Majer, Director General of the MOD′s Modernisation Department J. Zekucia and representatives of the SVK Air Force attended an information briefing by representatives of Bell Textron Inc. “Today, Bell helicopters are in service with specialist elements of the SVK Ministry of Interior. This opens up opportunities for wider cooperation between both ministries, including saving costs for training, maintenance and logistics,” said the Minister, emphasising that of great importance will be the company’s comprehensive offer which the MOD will analyse thoroughly and compare with other alternatives. ... na-ponuka/

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Zuletzt geändert von theoderich am Di 31. Okt 2023, 22:29, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Slowakei: UH-60M "Black Hawk"

Beitrag von theoderich »

Modernizácia Vzdušných síl OS SR. Čo je vo vzduchu?, in: Obrana, H 4 (2021), p. 22
„V súčasnosti riešime do-dávku leteckého simulátora a do konca marca bude hotový návrh dodatku č. 6 k zmluve, ktorý bude obsahovať dodávku dvoch desiatok guľometov M240H vrátane náhradných dielcov, dokumentácie, náradia a výcviku,“ avizuje J. Zekucia.
Dva vrtuľníky, ktoré už máme, by mali byť v budúcnosti doplnené výbavou pre potreby síl pre špeciálne operácie.“ Jozef Zekucia dodáva, že „jeho“ sekcia modernizácie po-žiadala americkú stranu o nacenenie ďalších dvoch kusov UH-60M s už komplet výbavou pre „špeciálov“. Odpoveď očakávajú túto jar, pričom by išlo o polovičné financovanie, pretože približne 50 miliónov dolárov by zaplatila americká strana. Budú vybavené aj systémom vlastnej ochrany, čo tiež súvisí s kooperáciou bojovej činnosti s budovanou ťažkou brigádou.

Derzeit beschäftigen sich die slowakischen Luftstreitkräfte mit der Lieferung eines Flugsimulators für den UH-60M. Weiters sollte Ende März ein Entwurf des Anhangs Nr. 6 zum Liefervertrag ausgearbeitet sein, der die Lieferung von 24 Maschinengewehren M240H, inklusive Ersatzteilen, Dokumentation, Werkzeug und Ausbildung vorsieht. Die Doorgunner der slowakischen Luftwaffe werden bei der Indiana National Guard in der Handhabung der Waffen geschult.


Die bereits gelieferten zwei Hubschrauber werden in Zukunft mit Ausrüstung für Spezialeinsätze versehen. Die Beschaffungssektion des Verteidigungsministeriums hat ein RfI an die USA gesandt, um Preise für zwei zusätzliche UH-60M mit SOF-Ausstattung und Selbstschutzausrüstung zu erfragen; hierbei würden die USA 50 Mio. $ querfinanzieren.
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Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Slowakei: Beschaffung von UH-60M "Black Hawk" und AH-1Z "Viper"

Beitrag von theoderich »

Slovakia to receive AH-1Z attack helos from US in exchange for MiG-29s to Ukraine ... to-ukraine

Slovensko dostalo od USA ponuku na 12 nových bojových vrtuľníkov AH-1Z Viper ... -1z-viper/

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Die USA liefern zwölf Kampfhubschrauber AH-1Z, Zubehör, Ausbildungsleistungen für Piloten und Techniker und Panzerabwehrlenkwaffen AGM-114 Hellfire II. Damit wird die Lieferung von 13 slowakischen Kampfflugzeugen MiG-29 und von Fliegerabwehrsystemen KUB an die Ukraine teilweise kompensiert.

Der Auftragswert beläuft sich auf knapp über 1 Mrd. $. Davon werden ca. 660 Mio. $ über Mittel des Foreign Military Financing (FMF, 22 U.S.C. 2751, et. seq.) der US-Regierung und 340 Mio. $ (zahlbar binnen 3-4 Jahren) von der slowakischen Regierung gedeckt.

Beiträge: 20798
Registriert: So 29. Apr 2018, 18:13

Re: Slowakei: Beschaffung von UH-60M "Black Hawk" und AH-1Z "Viper"

Beitrag von theoderich »

Slovak Defence Ministry submits a request for a price quotation for 12 AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters to U.S. Government
A request for a price quotation for the delivery of 12 AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters along with the precise specification of requirements for the AH-1Z Viper and associated accessories, AGM-114 Hellfire II air-to-ground missiles, initial logistical support, training for pilots and technicians has now been submitted to the U.S. Government by the Slovak Defence Ministry, which has moved another step closer to accepting the U.S. Government's advantageous offer to strengthen Slovakia's defence potential.
Before the final price quotation is handed over to Slovakia, a team of U.S. SMEs must consider individual areas of the package (logistics, ammunition, maintenance, training, etc.) and review the condition of the helicopters and spare parts. Only then can the price offer and the formal notification to the U.S. Congress be prepared. After Congressional approval and the signing of the contract, the U.S. side will start refurbishing the helicopters and installing the required systems in them.

Considering the length of the processes involved, the delivery of the AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters to Slovakia is expected to take three years. The value of the U.S. offer for the package is worth more than $1bn. However, based on its negotiations and agreement with the USA, the SVK MOD will pay about $340m over the course of 3-4 years from the planned Defence budget. ... onuky-usa/